C. 96tpf9strit. City .Clrrk Ind notice is m. may; by a I. all bids am] I said bids to id ferttd; aye at. in ' the Council. fly, the Naval- Ind directed to rchuer a quit- 1, Lake County. ptbmber. A. D. o'clock P.. M. Daylight “Slvimz am: noon and ntionp. to-witr " the corpora- um Twetttrflve to Fifty Thou- ided into two p vatite of One h pm! transact in eontreetion tnnnfcr of the number 19th, hoetrtnelwsive. 1stu...A.c M929. AUER, -. J. KNAAK, CMBACH. BNDBR, DER. -' tNNOR. STON,‘ - eld State Bank st the White barber," says The Ameri- always pre- ith 61d fash- ICE . IUC LAND “BY GiV 1929. In 0 has. Cow mrpéntion or- d brains}? uf Id at the Town l Monday. Au- " omen of the Highland Park amt, will .be Council of said scalar meetmtt in the City or r, 1tlutoin. Ion miner, 1929, at ,'Y GIVEN that olden of Deer- Ali tiga, aha" no he dam-med no price. and Med check Cor If Dre-shun". r the City of 1?th here. .-l of had in; BANK. A , _OF' THE uh "can; ir, horter ser- much abom Park 2727 rthnttove id r a. COIN mi] lthorhing me FM. to- muted on 39.4.)“ in pera 'w how to m Otters 19.29 for u. .' In’the cover‘ picture of the High- la ml" Park Press, and of the 'let) full Press; of the issue of August Ur, Showing some of those present at the laying of the corner stone of thn new City Hall of Highland Park, - .the little liirhrhhired girl; held above the" heads of the workmen" at the leftI . of thr,photogrttph, is' Dorothy Jean' Anderson, daughter of Carl T: and KI izabéfh Reichelt Anderson, 'who. was in the arms of her maternal grand- mother who" is obscured br those“ in front. _ _ _ "V ' Tort+pPrupltt IIS; Meir. _ Mrs. R. D. Reeds of Orchard street was hostess to a bridge luncheon at her home oh Orchard street, Friday. Twelve . guests attended a’nd.rprizes were won, by Mrs. E. Clavey, Mrs. Alex _Willman' and Mrs. E. W. Russo. -,jiirii'or Corsoit ld Biowstown, Illi- nois is visiting. his sister, Mrs. D. W. Meyer. __" I. . .. . _. . 1 " Mr. End. Mrs. Gartley, Mrs.- Hoff-. man and son, Andrew of Lake Bluff, Mrs. E, H. 'Willman,-nnd Kress Will-. man, were guests of Mr/ and Mrs. M. Ostermari of Northbrook.] _ Mr." and Mrs. Fred Horenbdiger 'and s'ort Ralph, "Mr. and Mrts.lA. tT. Klemp and son-Robert, of Highland Park, spent lastrrweek at Eagle River, Wisconsin. ' .'. l - . Ar. W. A. Whiting Md daughter, Mrs. Mildred' Powers" of Irving. Park, were guests of Mrs. E. L. Clavey, Monday. Mr. and Mrs.. Paul Schenk of Rushville, Illinois, were guests of Mr, tnd.Wrti, Hairy Muhlke last week. "O "C, _ . ..- _ _ v Misses Mary, Amiga, and Ruth Eng- lish of EVanston, were guests of Mrs. I. Brarid on Monday. Mrs.' Jack Myers ‘and son Jack spifrhe.' last week .irr Qshkosh, 'Wis; Mrs. J: Murray,pwho spent‘ ..the) past two months in New York City with her daughter hat returned, to her home. on Central avenue. 1:Mrs. .Hprfy Glendon-f has been quite" ill " her home on Hazel avenue." Mrs. J. W. Strong and son left Saturday evening for New Rochell, N. Y., where they will spend three weeks with relatives. . gm road, Tuesday afternoon. T ' The Deer-mu Gnmmr school and "the Wiimqt school will open Monday, September, 9. A list tir"thokg to be used- in the Deerfield school will be published next week. _ .MfE. Baht. Aiken Patricia. of Austin, guests of Mrs. R. E. day. ', - _----- . Mrs. G. Engstrom and'family and Misty _Evelyn Kent returned Friday evening from Marian, Iowa. where they spent the past week.. l irG" iiienkor "heever, arid Mini D. W. Meyer were hostesses at"; bridge party at the Meyer heme on Wanke- Lincoln Ave., Deerfield, Ill. Send contributions to label correspondent before Tues- day noon.- Help her to make this section interesting. plutRnELlo NEWS-FLASHES Deerfield News and Personal Items MRS. LORETTA WILLMAN, Local Editor and . daughter, were luncheon Pettisr on Thurs- "‘ Mr? and Mrs. B. Brynalson of Chi- cago were guests of Mr. and Mrs.- H. Muhike. on Friday. l _ _ -Mrs. mr.. J... Bestppnd of. -Deerfield road, will be hp"stfesisltieard party tor the benefit of the Holy Crossf church,. at her, tome on Thursday afternoon. . . Rev. and Mrs. F. G. Pieperibgok and family who have been vacationing for "several weeks. 'at Lake Tomas hawk, Wisconsin, are expected lipme this we'ek. 7 'r Visitors at Louis -L. Anderson residence Sunday, August 11; were Mr. and 'Mié. Chas. ngnett of Oak Park, Mr. and Mrs Otto' Jeske. of Maywood, Mr. and .Mrs. H. King,and Mi. and Mrszfsmith -of Misrgiiette' Park, Illinois; . _ _ Mr..and Mfg. Louis L. Anderson and son r,eturited last week from visiting Nrss,, Anderson’s sister‘at her Slimmer home, Burlington‘beach, Val- p'araiso, Indiana. _ . _ . Mr. and Mrst. ir. Labahn are on a motor trip -through Wisconsin." . Rev. and'Mrs. A. P. Johnson and family, who, recently returned from Winona Lalre_dian.a,' are Attending the J3arrintpton edmp meetings. Mrs. M. Wesslimr and Miss Laura Wess, lingh‘ulr. and Mrs. Arng Frantz and family" ure also attending the. 'meet.. ings which are being held forTtwo weeks. _ ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Kynett Haehlep (Laurel Strylyirys. who have .been visiting the la_tters 'parehts, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stryker,. for the past two fweeks left for their home ih Dysart, 1a., Monday. Mr. Haehlen will be principal of the .Dysart Junior high school. and Nry. Haehlen will teach English in the Senior high school starting in Septismber, p Mr. Morris Haehlen of Naperville, Ill.' and Miss Violag Haehlen of Cedar Rapids, Ia., were, also guests at the Strykerf hormctast.week. ' _ _ ‘Miss Allin Freeman of ‘Horicon, Wiirdonsin was a,hliltisie guest of Mrs, J. P. Freeman tf, Hazel avenue, last week; Miss Freeman attended ‘the annual Wisconsin convention, Ameri- can Letriotrhgxjtiary Held at Ken- osha Iash weisk/tstse is also planning to attend the Nntional Cdnvention ‘ut' Louisville, Kentucky, _-----. . . "Mrs. Alex Willman and son Kress are planning to leave the latter part of tlie weekHpr _Rutherford, N. J., where they will "visit Mr. and Mrs. Earl K3333, for.two weeks. an? mama. G. w. Wdler have as their gu'eéts the former parents, Mr. arid Mrs. J. H. Miller 1sf Palmyra, Michigan, Mr. irnd Mrs. W. Waiver of Toledo, Ohio. _ ' v _ ' Mran.‘ Rommel Was callgd to Ka-. veuswood hospital Sunday, where her brother, L. F. Allardt is seriously ill. Tel. Deerfield 163-R TH] Pill. _The Deerfield Chapter No. 940, o, E. S. will entertain the Worthy Grand Matron, Sister Sarah Daniels, at the Masonic Temple on Thursday afternoon,.. September tr. A luncheon at 1 o'clock at the Presbyterian church will precede themeeting. . Mrs. J. A: 'Réichelt, Ir., wag the guest of Mrs. MosesSmith of Chi- cago on Friday. . A _ T Mr. Christ Willman is enjoying a two weeks vacation. ' Miss Luella J. Willm'an, daughter of Mrs. C. Willmim, speryt, the week- end with her. grandmother, Gunning, at Glenview'. w 4 . _ Miss Ruth Soefker, dauzhter- -of "Mr. .‘and. Mrs. Louig. Soefker; Mrs. Johnson and two children of County Line road, are expected to return home Thursday after a,three weeks vacation at Iron Mountain, Michi- gan. _ " ' T ' {the peeHiiild Fire Department was called to put out a grass tire in County Line Monday evening. l ' Miss Lydia Hinckley'of Hinsdale was a guest of Miss Amelia Peter- son on Friday and on Thursday Miss Clarice Addy of Chicagq~ visited Miss Peterson.' ‘_ _ _ . ’Miss Rosetta-Taylor was hostess} at a shoWer,at.hér home oyRose-i mary Terrace' Friday tvening to members of La Amitie chietiqh in compliment to Mrs.; Le Roy" Séully. Mrs." Scully was the reijipienvof many beautiful gifts. On a table" iayly decorated delicious refreshments were served. V »- ' ' Mrs. Eugene Biic.ker.has her house guests, her sister, Miss. Elizabeth Dempster and Miss Viola Ard of Foly, Alabama. _ T . . V Mr. and Mrs. Hénry Juhrend and family have moved into their new home ch Osterman avenue, and the Clyde Hatch family are moving in the George Antes house,.on Wanke- gan toad, vacated by. the Juhrend family. . - . Mr. and Mrs. Thayer Batt was given a surprise shower by a group of " their _ friends at their home on Deertield avenue, Tuesday evening. . tiyes in' Iowa. _ " - Mr. aiui, Mrs. J. P, Freeman“; eorhimnied “'15; guest" Miss Ania Freeman to' in" home in Horicon, Wiseorwifiattday. Mr,ssS.. H. Selig is entertaining her sister, Mrs. J; Meurisse and two children of . Dubuque, Iowa.' . ' The annual church. school picnic of Preistryteriarrehureh will tie held Sat- urday September fourteenth at Sun; set Park, Highland Park and mum bé'rsam urged to keep the date in mm . . Bbbby HooVer celebrated his third birthday amiversary op Friday aft- ernoon. . . The Ladies Aid society 'of St. Paul's Evangelical. church will hold their reeuhir meeting at the home of Mrs. Ziemer " Eva-etc on mun- day afternoon, Sapiember tith. ' 'Mi'. and Mrs. John Stryker have us their guests, Mr. Martin Wailing orH'nytort, Iowa. Mr. and Mm. R. ~Oltman. and _ non Ralph of Ponthe, Illinois. . - . t E; Bates. is visiting rela- Two-Day Festival Plans are 'well under w‘y {on a. two day festival to be held for the benefit of the building fund of Holy Cross church in the Jewett Grove on Friday T and Saturday, September 6 and 7. Many beautiful prises. will be given away including tire . Iota on Sheridan avenue, valued at 2,000. Refreshments will be served includ- ine' sandwiehea,. coffee, eake, pie, baked ham and Ifotato salad. Many bthier interesting features are being p1aniy.siLu. t _ - ' J' Hold Reunion August 11 _ A. reunion was held " this home' of Mt. apd Mrs. carlrreitbtrater, Sun-. day, August eleventh. . Relativ'es and friends attended from Caledonia, Ra- cine, Wis., Highland Park, Wilmette and Deeyfield. The occasion was in honor of Mr. August Mullah! of Wil- mette, father 'o£ Mn. Horenberger. ', 180 Attend Picnic . About one hundred and eitthty for- mer residents of “when; county q from .Chicago, Arlington Heights Palatine and Deerfield "-ustteeided-tlte-." picnic held Sunday afternoon at Dam Ne.’ 1 611;,Des Flames river. -Those from neerfiehiHncladed lit. and Mrs. W. Hi, Neville, Mr.,,and Mrs. 'Ray Dobbins, Mr. and Mrs. o. Enifebrock, . Mrs. V.»Merr’y and Mr. Harold. 'Vant. . The affair was voted ' decided ‘suc- . cess and will he held annually. j." _ 'l‘o"Move-Soon. "'. 2.r. . Mis. J.'Stoeck, Who recently put- chased the Rosemary Dress Shop on 'Waukegan road/ is planning to move 'shortly, into 'latger _quarters' next doom-where she edirito better_advant- age, display her attractive . line of hats and dresses . 'm Funeral of Well Kattrivn . Glencoe Woman Aug. 14 Fiméral services for Hrs. Annis Barnes Nirrthrpp, who died Jsuddenly August 11, at ~the family'residence, 1144 Tower road, Winnetka,,. were held August 14, at the- Nirrtli Mire Methodist church, With Dr. A.. E. Kirk of Winnetka taeiatintr. -Bur.. ial. wts at -Memorial Park temeterg. ' Mrs. Northrop ‘had suffered' ftom heart -tro.uble for Several years and bi death was caused by a heart at tack which cnmevupon her suddenly " she was dressing at abput -7 o'eioek Sunday. Death its instan- taneous. ‘ " . Her husband, Judge Clark J. North- rop, ‘and four grandchildren survive. The grandchildren are: MNg'i'throp Hodson of Grand Rapids, Micki Wal- ter Henry Hodson of Chicago; Elliott Wilford Edam of (ink Park and, Mrs. Clay T. Price of Saginaw, Mich. The thtee grandpons‘. with a nephew, Lewis Denial of . James- toirn, S. Duh; Clarice Watson of Hubbard Woods and c, B. Weld of Glencoe, were the we. tiinbenr-. Mr. Wessly Stryker.‘ son of Mr. and Mrs. Jotth Stryker who his but: spending the "unmet in Trans, Cdif., is expect'ed home’shortly. Planned as Benefit tti