I 'num' will er own home. V 25nd 25-269d . 2976; eati- ed at once; and: “calm; jut tttte/ H!- ar Icti, chum Luke 24-27 ' newly built: hed; 2 baths; grounds; 1320 y. 1580 after heed ‘mid to and dinners; "airs. For mm] hotbe- hinc; vhln "pd a} guide“; in with bartit 1m. lurm avenue {-rloire. ‘25 k in lunch I. Highwood. ms for . 'ot. grape; Lincoln plac- miahed or un- '9ferred. Tel. amaking and 4.. Mrs, Per- , day or half road, down- :urday after- CY 2hid mad glam] ion: no. 620 Bttor.or Write , 0conomowm ; BE! tur. d kitchenette, d aptrrtinent ' transport:- F Tel. H. P. )le for one or I. H. P. 8375. [as to take ' 26-28pd _ _ minimum; 890-174 . rauftetrr and single ; A-l [ajestic 22 40. 25-2~l . _ 25-9mm :wmc. Tel, _ 25-2994 'ork / no}; 025 Utarel With bath at H. P. T08-M. mt M, 1929 girls, cook tmr. Irene ot Weiberg. . . =25 New ma. 'lf A . _ woman for baths ; with child Tel. M., P. naming. or light 25-269d “th 25nd 25nd 25pd In! light no 25nd etlst " "irirLi; FAFiiiir---mr1 Jforj gene!“ thong:- Thursday, August 22, 1929 1131:? 'rf?/P?c-eyeft.r'"Le.eg',t..e Em wANTBrNCWnttretm' u Highhnd 2m: cue, tr" Central Henna. 259d HELP CREW HANAGEBS - for the resale departments of the Maytag com- pany; only men who law had experience in the mining machine, Ming machine. ucuum cleaner _ w other smiths. need â€ply; we will interview only men of . EXECUTIVE TIMBER remuneration to ho arranged " time of inter- view. ‘Apply by letter only, giving full der nits to H. R. Brawl. aalea promotion man- ager. Maybe Chicago company, MO but Wi.. neis street. Chicago. ‘Illinoia. Sspd HELP witrrBrr-arornveent second maid; must hue good references. Tel. II. P. 1713‘. HELP wANTErr--A Fromm maid for general housework and cooking: references required; three in funny. 610 North Sheri- dan road. ~Tel. H. P. 298. 26pd EELP WAN'riiar--whiu Md. for scum]; small family; good wages l experienced: ref- mntea. Tel. B. P. 221, . " HELP FANTriar--sssirieneed white .womm for cooking Ind downstairs work; refer- erieeg required. Tel. H. P. 562. 25nd HELP WAWA eompeterit maid for general housework. Tel. H. P. 1146. 25 HELP WANTED -' German girl. in housework; small family; good wages. H.P.S21ik' . . ., "T HELP TGiFiEir-tyur “my: 1ePt,Tet,. a... ...--.-._. WWW," 7 take chum. od our we! in Highly»! Park and surrounding mm". If you ue interested in a better count-ct. than you now luv-.- write district unmet. J. A. Jenny, 1618 Hickory urea, -Wlukecnn. LoST--isuur yellow gold pin, diamimda; Friday, Amuse}; between " and 11 u. m.; liheral mud. Tel. H. P. 12. ',' A. M. Everett. 25 'ca.. "GiirGTiie. Email-ed: Tel. H. P. 2672.- "e" illinok. LOST-gundam; re answers to name k" . MyST--Eitrht minis ticke'b; Imam; 16; No. 1268. Tel. Ir.? 971. "_, 25 WANTED TO RENT--2 “git houssekeeptntr rooms, furnished or unfurnished; no chil- dren: no’ vetac_Armwer' P. o. Box "Ws WANTED TO RENT-A house, men or eight rooms. four. bedrooms and two baths. Write _ E.' 'W...122 N. Shaidnn road, {lighhnd Park, or phone H. P. 2421'- . .25de WANTED TO irtr7-l-hny-, t?? REAL ESTATE WANTErF--wMteb well located, ,modern. hon-e in good condition; must have four mum bedrooms, 2 baths. amid: room and baths: hot men heat; oil fuel preferred; will exclunge town house one block south of Lincoln park; lO-room brick. 6 bedrooms. 8 baths; cu heat; kitchen on ground Boor; garage: “be â€5.090. J. L; Floyd company, 110 Sony: IF W has not all for hi. wt in " (by: from thh date. August 22. um. will hook! for board hill. G. 1 Johnson. but u an 9..., --___= ___ - Apply Hank‘s Auto Supply company. 26 S. Seeond street, Hizhhgd J'rtttt Illinoil. " ITALIAN hum: me by Italian on!†ma; "eomrneodttioetrr., ' TU. B. P. 8887. - _ u Mrd m. L. F. 1103. urvn; nu Wu. . Highlud Park, n}. f,'ayi'ia"iett"eri,", KGiiiirrC Airs , cum; ulna. etc. Mrs. Dicks. 808 Washing street. Barnum. Illingh. Tel. University "th Dedrhorn _ roan] ueb--otrtong chin: closet. Tel -iiiE'iiiiiiW?ro RENT LOST and FOUND , WANTED TO BUY Classified Want ~Ads MISCELLANEOUS (“magnum red 'cocker spaniel: ne of Robin; liberal AMI) (in family. ' 25nd 23.25 young; I‘ "cm 26 25pd 25 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby liven tint-the Subcriben Executor. of tho but: of Archi- bald uylie.tfePhetoe, does-ed. will attend the Probate' Court of Luke, County. at I term thereof to be holden It the Court Home in Wnukmn. in oak! County, on the Bgast Mon- dny of New act, 1929, yhen tad when all mon- Iuvin' chim- ullnlt Mid ugh no notitUd and requested to present the trdine to aid court for, mill-139M -_--_ " --. - - â€"ééé'm' r; Executor; Walks-n. m.. Au-t_1h_l 1929. iidiii5i -iit -tkmiJieACrgMt, 112 W. Adams street. Chicago, Ill. Evangelical Camp V - . - Draws Large Cerd The annual camp meeting of the Evangelical church at J9arrintrton, as in other years is drawing a large group of people. "Many of those at- tending have been present from the Arery beginning, staying on the grounds;. in the many file cottages which have been erected fer, that pur- pose. _ The "tethany Evangelical church of this city have a fine well equipped cottage on the ground, and it has been well occupied- by mem:. bers and friénds of the Ioearehutrch. The attendance during the day time has been very good, the evening audi- ences have been large,.many people ‘driving over from the nearby com- munities. Last Sunday was really a great day. The messages were splen- did, the people were keenly interested intall that was going on. The com- -iriir Sunday even promises to far ear; ceed last Sunday and the records of previous years. Thousands of . Ev- angelical people from all over the Chicago district, and many people from other denominations will be ’making their Way to Barrington dur- ing these closing days to share in th'e good things that will he, given. Bishop M. T. Maze of Harrisburg, Pa.; Dr. E. G. Frey of Cleveland. Ohio; Dr. J. O. Duff of Chicago: Rev. _ pictured above . . This house was designed Git built by a high grade uchitect Jud builder and should be examined by any one who. is in the market for I house of this. size and type: 164. ELMWOOD DRIVE ' SUNSET TERRACE _ Can he seen at any time. Price very rea- . sonable. Terms.- . . A. A. Leininger of Toktp, Japan; and Miss Velma Schneller of Canton, Ohib, are some of the principal speakers. The general public are in- vited to attend any or all of these services. ' Of one hundred and fifty green foods recently studied by chemistâ€. paraely was found to contain the highest percentage of iron, 'Even spinach, long heralded as an iron food, has to take a back seat when parsley nppears.---wdman's Home Compan- itm. T COMMON BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER 'RXN'CY Metimgnaot2 RISE. menus!) PARK STATE BANK, BY R, L. mums. - x, mumcrnpu NOTICE AND 2-CAB GARAGE THIST'GZROUM Introducing Parsley at THE PRESS 25-27 i, Highiahd Park deen - 1 Learn of Joy Brought i by Flower Guild Work t' Highland Park, people who ' have‘h been sending qheirMowerts to Chicago; ti for distribution by the Flow“: 9:114; 'H to the sick, poor and., 1ytisly,r_)tiiarst '.se, been greatly interested in 9."'Ietter’ 0' received from Mado tsaAk.sster, Matryi fl, Mines, Amberg, exé‘dtiv'e titreetpr: cl Miss Amberg wriferrtd Mr. TNY. a Surcell, president of . the Chicago lant Flower and Fruit.. trpil4,' P!' ii follows: 3 -. l srxr.r/s' s"" '" "tc Hummeekym: Mil ssh'équja . surprise wheri â€tear. trriiiti/tip and left a wonderful] I/ot-pt-Wim/rs for us. Later on we 1eiriiikiiiiough a phone call that they wefe:-ff0m- the Flower and Fruit guild/thigh the intercession of rson,1eone-srho khew. of' our. work in -thisrsitrieesited ‘dis-‘ trict. ' J '. _ "T _ "It would be quite"impossible,to tell you of the joy that they gave. ' We have so many hundreds of little children and_oldeg boys and girls coming to our settlement and the love of what is beautiful isio marked inl so many of them, Yet, so manyl 'hundreds of neighborhood homes are- lacking in much, this' makes _ life lovely and attractive; and/the trees in the neighborhood could "almost .be counted on one hand, T and little patches of grass dre sometimes whole] squares apart. _ " ' . A " "We have often longed to' be num- bered among the betefieiary institu- tions of . vtipe guild; and the longing is even mote keen now that' we Have realized somewhat of the happiness Iromes-----Lrke Fron tage-Acreage FOR SALE ......- Brokeh concrete pavemént, W; H. McKILLIP (it CO. suitable for shork protection work, also dirt fill' to be disposed Arf from south" Green Bay inipiovemeht, Call. HH'. 2012, for information. HIGHWAYS CONSTRUCTION CO; Highland Park 3025 that 'evcn just one. _ tenuous gift gave topaz protegee‘s. If you ev'ey- "an; do; pléue remember Ma- goknirCenter" mpi-phite it on your Uititt g:.- "/.,,' .' "'. ' '. T ."The qum'en of 'Highlghd .Park,†i SQM'MER. T: A. Mopivi9iiirman' of, l, the' quw'er guild committ'ee of the l.Trgrh'riityi Park Garden giddy club, 1'ii'iiiii,i,ii,ttiit)vit' WLtlt' every garden , ovtst iirthis vicinity Jn. sharing their Royal-s to give a Coveted treat to a phildin a_hP'spi.tal, or'an old lady-in 'a.jiprreri tenement room. . ..“The flowers are distributed by the Flower guild, through thar Visiting Itgttrsiss' aseoriatiirit and Infant Wei-. are s aligns, and V to institutions, such as AtuhiNpal Tuberculpyis San, 1it"ariurCDar Nurseries, etc; . , “Bring or send your flowers,. veg- etables, fruit or plants to the North Westérn railroad station; Highland Park, Friday mornings, between 7:30 and 9:30 where two members of the guild committee will be waiting to receivé your donations.", . Ari admiral in a speech stressed his desire for peace“ He was, he said, prepared to do anythifur in the interest of peace. In fact he was ready to fight for it.--Farrn and Fire- side. .Trees were the' greatest enemies of our pioneer forefathers.. "It took them' two centuries to htw their way through a. thousand miles of forest befo're they emerged into _the plains [j" Hie way, wa.-The American Magazine. . . _ To the Last Ditch No Longer So M) ‘. l