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Highland Park Press, 22 Aug 1929, p. 4

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Lawrence Buck, artist and arehis tect, diisdumdden1y Saturday morning at his.home in Ravinia of a. heart ail- ment from which btt_had autrered. for several years. . 3 Of distinguished French opd Nor- wegian ancestry, Mr. Buck was born in New Orleans in 1866. He came to Chicago thirty years ago” and had made his borne in swim" for nine- teen years. Be was recognized all over the country as a specialist in architectural renderings and as a master in perspective and design. Until about tfix,ytsars ago he main- tained a studio in Chicago, but since that time he has done all his work in his home. In spite of his physical handicap he was active until the end. Lawrence Buck, Resident of Ra- V vinia' " Years Victim ofaeart Trouble _ He'was a producing membetof the Arts club and theNorth Shore Art league and a leader of the Ravinia Sketch group. He was a charter member of the Ravinia' Commission and served a term of five years' as a member of the East Park board of Highland Park. He was an active member of the Allendale association. Examples of his beautiful work are to be found in all the North Shore' wan KNOWN ARTIST AND hltamiCf DIES towns erally. Mr. Buck was of "a retiring disposi- tiim and an’exponent of file simple life. _ He chose Ravinia as his home becarme ot its, artistic and beautiful setting for the kind of lifehe wanted to live. A music him, he was at- tracted also by the proximity to Ra- vinia Park in the days when Tima- rosth conducted the orchestra _pro- grams there. . . . Civic Interests He was aliays keenly interested in civic affairs and gave pnost gener- ously of his time and skill " any- thing which was for the general good of the community. This wasrparticu, (Continued on page/36) "V lgThe Toy Shop; a dance pantomime for children. presented by the pupils of Mildred H-aessler of ‘Ravjnia. ’wil] be the feature of the' final Chfldrep's program at Ravinia Park, Thursday afternoon/August 29., It was first, danced at the Ravinia auditorium last spring. The charming. little fantasy pictures a ehild's dream as she falls asleep in an old fashioned tof shop; Dante Pantomime to Feature List Program The cast for the Ravinia Park per- formance follows:. _ . Toy Maker -.,r....._...-_r..._..ntuth Pnrdee Girl _-.--...-.-.-.,....-.) Golden Magic)!” .,.Janet Lewis. Joan Pier, Jean Kn} _ _ P . thimr Fairy -Hildezlrdc Bulk: Bunny Rabbit _"""""""""'-: ....Putrlein Brford Wooly Dog Minuet Cranium] Jack-ln-the-Box m,,..,--......-.-.... "Winn Ittmtetn M tyrle.#erty =Arthttr P_ier. AlieeNoo41tarv, ma Gust. 1yrrhdiairit,lhirttrrcr'ritiirt Chm _wWPre..rt Irottr Grunt", Vim Labia» _ Kathlgetl Woodbury -_- up .4 Jock" Doll tt-t.mt_r-..t_e-e_"_tttrmWt, _.... ...Ahigall Bake Rate Dona “Sarah Jane mm”. Suzanne Greenberg. Barbara Bede. Lube [healer Breads. China Boy'and Girl C. .., .‘Barhara Degenhardt. Mary Beverly Vereoe Pierrot and Pierette .......Jndith Gutenberg. Man-n Gnrst ' Balk! Don '_,...:'.-,,...,-...-.-) Rom K In. Harvey S. Pardee " the photo . Costume- daigned by In Jame Cldy 1:191 ih the -middte west gen- Junior Home Show to a, Held on Saturday _ Afternoon This Week Rain or shine the Martindale Farm Junior Horse Show given by Mejor and Mm. William A. Rafferty and the committee will. take piece Sutur- day afternoon at two o/tlock at Mar- tindsle farm, Ridge road and W. Park avenue. The young riders who have ptatuted the show have worked in-l dustriously for a month and use. te-' suit they have received the credit for the first horse show ever to bare been given in Highland Park. The active show committee consists of, Fred Hodgdon, Jr., Miss Isabelle" L. Tenant, Miss Martha .73»va Jack White, Miss Theodore Winters and Miss Mary Wood, while the ad- visory committee is made up of Mrs. C. C. Hopkins, _Mr. Martin Insull, Major W. A. Rafferty. Mr. Marshall E. Sampsell, Mrs. William E: Swift, Mr. W. G. a'ennant and General R. E. Woody _ t There will be eight classes in which the riders may enter. The. prizes will be given by the following: Mrs. Martin Insull, Mr. C. C. Hop- kins, Mrs. W. G. Tenpant, General R. E. W60d, Mrs. William E. Swift, Mrs. L. ct. Winters, Mrs. Marshall E. Sampsell, Mr. Jerome.Bdwes, Mr. w.. J. Manning, Mr. W. G. Tennant, G. & B. Stables, Mr. George Rossetter and Aeston & Company. There is no charge for admission and all friends of the participants are cordially in- vited to attend.' _ ? _ _ , The members and guests of the Lake County Sanitary and. Heating Engineers association enjoyed a golf tournament and dinner on August 8. The play was at "Our Country Club," Salem/ Wisconsin. 'The members en- ioyed-this,aporty course; and a great deal of friendly rivalry de,ieloped some interesting scores. _ "-. Ed Confad winneir of .' . _ Prize in Golf Tourney Mr. Ed. Conrad of Highland Park was the fortunate winner, of blind bogey, for which he received a very fine matched golf sweater and socks set. Mr, Wm.. H.,Frye of Lake, For- est turned in the low gross for eigh- teen -holes and was rewarded with a dozen golf balls. A fourth of a dozen golf balls was the reward for the scores of the following players:. M. J. Casey, Libertyville, low gross first nine holes; Leon Wells, Lake Forest, low-gross tseeond,.mine holes; J. E. Hanson, Lake Forest, Consolation prize for high . gross ftir' eighteen holes.. . “’ Thirty-three members and guests set down to a very splendid iiteak and chicken dinner. N Such a good iime was had by all thomrwho enjoyed therdag together, that plans were made to hold another golf day a little later in the season. At. the next meeting» of Campbell chapter No. 712, O. E. S. on Wednes- day evening, Sept. 4, the worthy strand matron sd the state of Ilfnois, Sister: Sarah Daniels,, will make her omeinl visit. , _ ‘A “dinner will precede the meeting at six o'cloek. Resefvtttions for the dinner must be made with Mrs. C. A. Levin not later than “Saturday, Age. 31. V . To Entertain September 4 THE PRESS Highland Park. Cricket For the aeeolid time this y'ear Highland Park Cricket .club defeated the Melbourne Eie%m, this tinle on their own grounds at' Washington Park. The score was 88 to 75. The low score was probably the fault of a heavy boisterous wind, which made thé work. of the batap'ten hard, and scoring ditheult. . l Complete details follow: mehteatd Pork William, T . b Bath w-......-,.,.-......" Hocking. B c Clarke ..e.wms.mm.eemmt-tm_t-_ttrt.mm'r 6 Hull._ F c.0lu-Ee: b Cooper ........... 8 Poem. A b Cooper __.....--..'...-..-.....-. 0 Wuiiams, I .‘ e King: tttttte-------? William, T Hocking. B Hull._ F Pasta. A Willhms. I .‘ 8W?» Newitt. P Mitchell, tr Rollin. W R Borstherton, B Broderick, H Extra _ep..... Cooper Clarke King .. Palmer Fhsher Noe) ' Hath Cooper J'tthtter Clarke" , Noel Watkiss . Kind Heath " Fisher Julian Lawson .Samueh Extras ", Club Wins in Contest. ‘ With Melbourne Eleven Hewitt ' Foster c, Hocking Hull tem... is ix"iuiiir,Griii ‘v'isitors are invited to look. on. y: begins at 2-30, at Suh- set Wood Park. _ t%'"iiC'Lr..T.."fCCL'V.r/r//cac,----18 4 On Sunday the Chieagrr" Qricket eiulrwi1.1 furnish the opposititsfi, and this maieh wilhbe one of the settson's best at Highland .Park.‘ _ A hard game Widening of the Moraine road via- duct just off' Green Bay road and also of the Sheridan .place viaduct, just, east of St. . Johns avenue, is being pushed by the Northwestern railroad work~train gang, in accord- ance with an agreement made some time ago between the city and the railroad. The work train may be (in the job for two'or three months, ac- tording to _loea1.astrent E. C. 0hr- mund, as the work must necessarily be slow owing to the fact that no interference in the passage of trains is to be permitted. Renee, in order to prosecute the work as fast as pos- sible the force of men with the train worked all last Sunday and probably will continue this plan. The widen- ing of these two mrrrow_viaduetis will be a great convenience to trathe and also» an additional safeguard against accidents. - . de Viaducts Being _ _Widened by Railroad Bathihg Beaches to- Close After September 2 The. cold weather fredu'ced the at- tondance " the bathinjr benches con- siderably, however, at Central Park many availed themselves of the park- ing orivilmtetr.and picnic groundg. The beaches will dose after Labor Day. ' ‘ ts-Heath' b King ..- not out .. b Cooper b Cooper iiraerieks, b Newits b Bull --C-2-r-,r---- , l_3roderick l, biFoster b Foster be Foster b 111111 b Hull b Hal? c, iiairinir; trmewitt run, out m..-e..mmr-rmmt-e't"' not out _.::-..--.. Melbou i.' the Bowling Bowling Run- ,....22 Rum Wicketg 10 " BI " Wicket! 10 16 " 88 28 " PLAYGROUND CLOSING PROGRAM ON FRIDAY All Afternoon and Evening and Many Features Included; . Tell of Bus Trip The Playgrounds now are enters ing, into their last week of the sea- son and on Friday the 23rd, the final' event of the . year will take place. Parents are urged to come to the park for the dhy and interest them.. selves in the work that has been done. Part of the program is in the evening so those who can not come in the daytime. may berabler to, do so T in the evening. The handicraft work will be on exhibition and is well worth inspection. _ E Large Attraction; Baséball Game rCreates Much Interest. _ . The work of organizing and con- ducting. the activities was planned by Mr. Frederickson, assisted by Miss Cancie and Miss Brockway and much credit is due them for the success of this season. - Closing Day Program "" _ Big Closing' Day Planned for Play- grounds. Exhibition Numbers in tht' Evening,' Treasure Hunt for, Play- ground, Members in lhe _Atterpoort Friday at 1:30 p.in. the, bibgram, Which will formally close the Tslay- ground seadon .will 'begin with a. baseball game between Ravinia wand Highland Park, Immediately follow- ing the game, the boys and girlsirom both playgrounds wilrbe divided into fotir groups? There will be a group 'tor 'older boys,‘ a-_group for older girls, a iroup for younger boys and a, group for younger girls. This gives everyone: adaii-ehanee to win 4 prize. There will be four prizes, one for. each group, each one of con- siderable value. _ N All_day Jong the,handieraft which has been created at each playground this year will be exhibited. There willbe about 40 pieces of reeAweav: ing, a similar amount of leather and wood work and hand made colonial dolls displayed by Sunset Park. Mrs. Block who is an expert in this line, had charge of, all hishdieraft work in the' park. There will be reed bask- ets in all shapes from large waste paper' baskets to small _pin trayé. Wacdwork proved very interesting, real racers that run, carved horses and parrots were the most common. Hand painted picture blocks -for. or- namentation were popular with the older girls. . p Display of Dolls T Colonial dolls dressed in all colors will also be on display.. There is the bride, the groom, the preacher, and the bridal party.. 4 Ttitiriiutre dresses of blue, white, orange, yellow/ pink, lavender, green, rose and combina- ' (Continued on page 34) 7 St. James Defeated . on Errors Sunday 7 Next 'Sunday they will play the North, Shore colored champions of Waukegan here. - Stinday aftemoon. the M. Jatnrs basebalt team lost their third ball game of the season when they Were defeated through errors by a score of 5-2 by the Des Plainea Dodgers: Thursday, Aqtryat se, 1929 _ .Art Olson of nishing' store , ern Open chm in‘Milwaukee b The Highlam club heldieii the home of lg "Sunset road on The writer S5 many ihterestil this new aectio Was-also spent longer establisl line at the spl feet abhieved b1 Landscaping.- prime. factor in After a sh and 13 round t; problems, Ttre in the gardén. Garden St son will begin " 25' with. 3393 music pretsenty phony orchestr- of Erie DeL: Julia Claussen', Ravinia Opera , dinavian, as tN This concert w dedicated Ito Swedish Natit Society of' Chi and there wil present on thi casion Mr, Ch S. Peterson, c man of the soti Mozart. The , played on this resentative . of ‘éomposers as Grieg, and' Sv sen's solo gzou] upp winsial," -tsieDarauwifeF Sunday, Aug. 2 in every isidti to bring deliirl of music' .enthu current season: tronsrof Ravin It is no ens may be calla ereme" of the wire as it throughout thy niake up a Wt may he consid sentativts of th cf the,list. Y pim, of Mr. Aik comes to schet performance, a Representati for Final RAVINIA Thur: The tenth w ( Continu Plays

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