{can 2irlue SPECIAL LABOR DAY DINNER at HOWARD-UDELL CAFETERIA 12:00 to 2:3 The twp sides 'cf her character _most revealeg perhaps, are. her gay cqurag‘éOus enjoyment of ’thinfsdn the face of terrible. ob- stae ep; arid 'her great. trirfeere reachifg upward toward.,as finer ‘perfectibn ’in .herlart, a greater fullness in her life.- With marvel- lisdg strength she struggled to the lasttoward those ideals.' ' ' Yeti! epite'o‘f all that they res veal, the/leading of these I tters is a pursuit of something iever Lfound. Perhaps. the fact that a person in a le r is not only the per-sen it'),jii51ti, himself,“ plus the one to ‘wh m he writes, glves Atertt their elusive quality. It is not" unpleasant, it N is exeitiht and it is and. le, hanging over them all is the 's adow ct the, tragedy, so bitter because she did not know it when .nhe wrote their yet you know it as'ybu read t e tragedy There is no' doubt that skath- erine Manyfield had 'rgreat 'fgift" for letterwriting. They are ihe kind of letters, that annihilate space, that are like a talk face to face, perhaps even a truer revela- tion thAt4n a talk, of the author's mind.Crhe revelation of the per, son that Ratherine,Manstieik was is no disappointment to thoise who have believed in her, loved her, for years.. It is a revelation which helps enormously in the under- standing. pf her work which was so-eIOSe a mirror, you find, of her life and her mind. odd, to sit at one's desk on a summer afternoon, these "Letters of Katherine Mansfield" before one, paper "on which to write of them under one's hand, and to re- member suddenly that she iidead. This person who was so intensely alive, more alive than you Are, turning the thousand facets of her mind to meet every' impteb life has, giving back their-reflection in the humor, the gaiety, the seriousness, of these_pageg,, now it dead._ And you’are. alive. and lift- ing your pen to write of her.- Another' book which will find a large audience awaiting it and also published last week is Louise Jorden Milne’s "By, Soochaw Waters." 7 " THE rumour) OF mm) Andre Mhurois’ jnew book, a novel called "Atmosphere of Love" which has created a ‘sensation in France has‘_just bisen published in this country. Praised in England ,by‘suéh critics as Virginia‘Woolf it should meet an equally eager audience in thia.eoqnti,y, t is the story of ' man and the woman that he loved madly, jealously. "The Letters of Katherine ManMeid" _ Alfred A. Knopf _ kindly, August. 29, 1929 JUST PARAGRAPHS, _ivfht1i)liittik] Finally she tells- the. mother of her guilt and is driven from the house. The rest of the ‘story is the working out ith/her obsession and thatof a'man nearby who has a pet obsession of 1 his own: Just how they. work them out is not quite clear." Anyway,s---we11, they find in the end that a live husband or wife' is "better than a dead ob- session so they decide to live happily forevermore. Marcia, when her lusssbiiii4 re- fusesto love -her as she wants to be loveduleaves him, she-says for another man. But she regents be- ,fOre the night is out and returns only to' find her husband gone. Morning reveals that he has pre- cipitously droWned himself. in three feet of water. So'theve is .n.othing. fpr it but for Marcia to live with the fiendish mother and her, owif pbtreission of remorse for company. . .". " _ Martha Ostenso has never since gotten doWn to the reality she touehed.in "Wild Geese." Even her style is full‘of' ineffectual passes in the air, for instance such phrases as "In. the valley the heat wasl yet, gray as soaked sheep's woo .’ . ' And she cannot forget the fact that old t.hueb--was 'it t---the un- relenting- father in that bok was a good strong character. Unfor-, tunately she cannot iorget ie for Dorcas Gunthers is a poor under- study. Merely inhuman she be- comes, so unhuman that you do not believe in her. However she is the brutal mother-in-law over; shadowing the scene. _ which stands. " the: end, the ap- palling fact that, at thirty-thriee tlg, who loved life so nuieh, had to 1e. ' _ - . _ - "The Young May Mani" by Marthg Ostenso Dodd Mead & Co. REMORSE AND JOY AuCEAmANrltoSMAN , The m o s t popular summer book - the" F delightful new novel [ by the author of .Wyol Einbomx . 1 Sr " 'ti, ttors ltyl 'tt THE PRESS to men and women m. opponu. . "ttrttserrtmtcmutrrTAsaauurcrso This plan .ivaas ahnouneed by Mrs. Frederick Fisher of Lake Bluff, pres- ‘iaént of 1the garden club, She 'an- nounced that'one of the first steps taken had been to draft President Anton' J. Qermack of the Cook coun- ty board, as head of the forest pre- serves. to support its campaign of 1eaPtifyimrrChieairy" for the 'World's, T'afr., . President Cermak also was. asked to serve as general ehairhiian of the general ftower committee for the Cen- tral State Garden and Flower Show to be ‘held at' the Chiéano Stadim April 5th to 13th next, when general plans for" the World's Fait.beauti- fication protrrariwil1 be mapped out. ChaAes La Rue, reported to be the chauffeur for E. J. Strauss of Glen- coe was killed, and a woman who gave the name of Mrs. pr Miss Mibrugge was probably fatally- injured about 1 o'eloek 1ttabThuraday. morning when the car in, which they were riding collided with a Skokie freight exprgss at the Dundee road crossing near Northbrook. . 'At the North Shore office in High- wood it was stated that the crossing bars were down at the time of the accident. From this the North Shore officials state, ‘it is inferred that the auto was traveling fast and that the driver did uotSurtiee that the cross; ing hers were dowh. Chicago la fairyland oCflowers .and, gardens for the 1933 World') Fair is the plan of the Garden'_Club of Ili- nois.' _ _ ' . . . Small enrollment fee. No mi. tionexnept private music lessons. Information "ntonrequest. . 7 THE MOODY BlBLg 11¢qu Cook county highway police. state that the sedan in which the e6uple was riding b.elonged. to' Strauss. The train dragged the irutom'obitesreveitn hundred feet before it was, possible tp stop. _ , V Thd. woman was rushed to the Ev: anston hospital‘whefe" her condition is reportéd to be worse. The lapsed into unetmseiouosnesiwithin a short time and it was impossible tor the police to gain definite information from her. _".'. ttye-ii-e-set-tern-Asus-art. . _ Phooo I)!“ "ht . BIBLESTUDY T GOSPELMUSIC i, PRACTICAL WORK " . Fall Term Begins Tuna, Sept. " . RegistmtioeH?tidar,Septesnber6 hmn6trr9P.M.Regu1arsessiond, T,umdttrandFYidareveningrs6:30 to 9-30. Cafeteria upper carved ' trmrttVatSto6"ti5ftv2tie. _ Glencoe Man Killed l in Auto Accident; Woman Fatally? Hurt Garden Club AnnoGees , . Plans for World Fair Moon! BIBLE “STITUTE or CHICAGO ' MN.hm&-dahqp Aes' t no EVENING Sumo]. Cause for [mail "Most people worry over trifle.," says old man'Milliken; “I never spend a r.eally sleepless Eight except; when I go to bed knowin' that l knotted my shoe laces fn undressin'." ---. Farm & Fireside. . INSTRUCTIONS POI, USING IAOIO CIRCLE: ‘Qut om ell-ck. I†on that " plain traper with eartton mm but... {lawn to table with. pin through an. no! Mark' short; tiervettdhettUr “no.3- plain - do†to bottom also of an}. a tuning point. Turn circle around " No. I h " Btartintr point. then than on line marked No. t inside the circle. Tun circle Around to No. 2 " can!" Malt line line No. , inside etreiq And no on. SELVI CARLSON MUSIC CO. Speeches, f.ootball games. hun- dreds _of' star mtfsicel.revents,. dandes and' concerts., Thel- whclt country is turning. to radio. We ark..1okfiiq after this town. . Seb/t 031150 ' iit;'ji1/tjfi,)(-tuc; Steffen q Auto Supply Authorized MAJESTIC up!» IT North' Segond Street / Phone Highlanmrk 350 Cbrner Central Ave. ~and Green Bay Road. Te)ep1uiiur3o66 " "ComE LISTEN 93%?53" Sounds as if we gqt a brass band, In. We ho use. And. Al Jolson.,itru.i a arc as an'everyihmlg; _ Tell your ma to y one from "h COLUMN - C "