oility qtomy atter tor ear, one's ying due. they odel ON rd Highland Park lodge No. 1362, B.P.O.E. will hold its third gala day and picnic " Columbian Country club Thursday, Sept. 5th. . Just acroqs the way from Caltimbian is I beautiful spot on the Des Plumes river where arrangement: have' been. made by the committee in charge to' hold a red. nlar .old fashioned picnic, so those who do not play golf can â€choose up zides" and play Indoor or outdoor or "what have you?†When school opens in September, the parents of small children in school district No. 107 will no longer have to worry of their children crossing railroad and street car tracks at least twice each day in going to and from school, for a beautiful new building on Green Bay road just north of Elm Place will make these dangerous trips unnecessary. ’. ., Several years ago. the school board of District No. 107 (referred to by many†the Elm Place school board) knoihntr that sooner or later eaipan- siomoi their building program would be necessary to meet the growing needs of the population, purchased a site on the west side of Green Bay road reaching from Green Bay road on the east to, Sunset" Park on the west. and about midway between Elm Place and West Park avenue. . e GREEN BAY ROAD , . SCHOOL FINISHED Last year the Board of Education decided that it was essential to in- crease the class room ftieilities and that a building on -the Green Bay road_site would acqomplish “this re. sult. _ .. - _ ' ' Ready for Opening of Fall Term Sept. Ct Description of T Structure ' _ .. t _ L.':. ’ Local Aréhitect' ’ .. Holmes & Flinn, are1tjtectsrof Chi- cago,iho have specialized in educa- tional buildings of all types for-many years, were commissioned- by the hoard .to make plans for _the new building. Raymond W. Flinn of the above dirm has long been a resident of Highland Park and has taken a personal interest in workingwith the board/and the principal in planning this new building. 7 ' The Site is in the residence district with homes on either side and is very heavily wooded "iirid special thought was giVen to keeping as many of the tind old trees as possible and :having the building harmonize with the land- scape. V _ The school has been designed in a domestic type of English architecture, using red brick with' stone trim, and having the gables _ constructed of heavy timbers, the. Spaces between. (Continued on Page 16) - Tttre win be large cones for the kiddies and those that care to dance cart do so in the evening at the club. Help make this day a mud success. Elks to Observe B . 3111 Gala Dary Sept. 5 VOLUME XVIII T' be. Highlauh Park Pass Less than a weekafter the comple- tion of. the City's new half-million gallon water tank, a breakdown put-, ting out of commission one of the four pumbing units " the Water- works put a heavy strainon the old plant. Coming as it did during ex- tremely hot weather, the remaining pumps had all they could do to meet the demand. That they did so suc- cessfully was largely due to the big increase in storage provided by the new tank: Without this there ,would have been a considerable ‘variation in pressure, which might have proved serious had a large fite broken out. New Water Tourer" Is _ Factor in Emergency, .. . Demonstrates Value as" described in last' weeks issue of the" Press, the new tank has over three times the Capacity. otuhe old standipe. When it is further reali.zed that only about one-thir) the stor- age in the old ti'g',dreipo!i'rtit araihtble at is pressure high efidug to be Tse- ful, it means thatthe new tank gives Highland Park ten times vShe ttree- tive, water sttstatte.that it formerly had., In times. of emergency the value pf this protection can readily be appreciated. .' T _ _ b _ e , _ The.ttty gxpécts to tear down the old mdpipe, in "the ndar dutdre. In- specti'oii Kai? BMW-:3; tteer plates of the shell to be badly itted with rust. Had they bettt'-tohtthiued in' service le.aktrsoon would hvre,developed, .. 1l(MliWl)irY,.'r0IJlltl)0iy . ENJOYABLE AFFAIR About fifty. entered the Community Golf tournament at Sunset, Valley Golf. chub yesterday afternoon.", It' was a very enjoyable affair,. every-. body" ‘reporting a.trood time. tba, Friday afternoon " the home u. Mrs. o. Laurence Olesen of Moraine raid. There ‘will be a display and sale of aprons and bakery We also. This was the tiAt time that some of the players had played atthis com- munity course this summer and they expressed . themselves as being amazed at the wonderful condition of the Rolf course. It ig-better than ever before and being -improved all the time. F . Mrs. Charle‘s Boehmer is iTttritain- imrthe quies Auxiliary of the Grace M. tit church and their friends, at i Hikhland Park should be very pnoud of its community golf course" and‘her citizens owe a debt-of grati- tude to Edw. Lining, i.trpretktitnt and superintendent. for his trntCring ef- fort to make it. onatt the best ‘com- munity courses in- It', country. _ Pteeedifur' the "t urnament Mr. Laimrentertained ten at luncheon in the clubhouse. " _. L Held. at Sunset Valley Golf dub Yesterday Afternoon; About Fifty Played _' (Continued on Paee 35) . Entertain: " Ten HIGHLAND Punk. Imuoxs, THURSDAY; AUGUST W, 1929 "The Oak Terrace school in High- wood' will begin the Fall term on Mon- day morning, September 9th. Prin- eipal Thomas says that he expects an enrollment of about siir hundred.- au Terrace School - At Highwood To Open. Monday, Septeinhei- 9 Only two teachers who taught in the school last'year are not return- ing. Miss Margaret Wolter, who taught' Geography, isrto teach in She- boygan, Wisconsin, aha" Miss Naomi Tate expects to be marriedsoon. The following teachers have been engaged-to begin warkon the ninth: arion Richards, kindergarten; Adaline Oltron, first grade; Ma'rsia' Smith, first grade; _sudrey _McCtisk- er, second grade; Gladys Johnson, second. grade; Bernice Tucker, third grade; Dorothy Spink, third grade; Helen Brewer, third grade; Margaret Sweeney, fourth' grade; Margaret Oleson, fourth grade; Marjory Drag- er, fifth grade; Anita Whitele, fifth grade;.Hermina de Hartog, litera- ture; Lucille Jenk$, mathematics; Ha- zel Dawson, history; Elizabeth Map- Rae.,. geography; Elizabeth J3reiten- stein, English;. Rose Opitz, art; Lil- lian Nelsen, music; Winifred Lewis Réynolds, principal: Han)! Highland. Park residents I in number {and it have visited Sky‘Harbor during the, munity and are 1 past few days to witness the per- and active part i formance of the airplane, "We Wilt," They hare em": in its endurance Bitrht over that ttir-' der consideration port. Especially interesting is the-be heard as prom refueling of “urine twice daily. ' it is understood. Bonds of $15,000-each on Tuesday were holding PaurBripe of Highlani Park, ml,, end. John Schilberger, formerly employed in Evanston as telephone lineman; according tovan International. News report to. ,the Waukegan Sun Tuesday. The men are charged with . assaulting Miss Helen Syms, 23, a Chicago girl, who reeentlrwas vacationing at ’Eagle River, Wis. i w, ' Highland Park Man Is _ Held on Serious Charge Hisrhbnd Park Rotary. ‘club en- joyed ’a find talk at its regular lunch- eon session Monday noon at the Mor-' aine hotel, when L. J.Nllier, 'who re- sides at that fine hotel, gave the them-' here presént an illuminating insight into conditions in Europe as he found them during 'a .recent trip abroad. The talk was heard with marked ap- preciatiop by all present, _ -. Brice h'ves in .Highland :Parkmand, it das at the Biice' home that both youths were arrested. by Chiéf_ of Police- Edward Maioney‘ on 'a war-' rant SWom out liv' the girl atHthine- landér and served by the Highland Park police chief. [ ' k Rotary Club Hears _ , . Good Talk Mon/day Many' H. P.~~\Residents " Seé Endura‘nce Plane nursie; Wayne A. Thomas, CITY PLANS TO BUY _ NEW FIRE APPARATUS At the regular meeting of the. city eduncil Mdnday evening srpeeitiea- tions for a 750-gallon, motor-driven fire engine- were approved, ‘on. mo- tion of Commisgioner W. M. Ray, and the city clerk was authotiied to advertise for mids, for such equip- ment, he bids 'to be received at a eouneir meeting, to be held Monday, Sept. 16, at.‘7:30 o'eloek.: , f-, F A résolution was adopted author- izing change of escow agent 'of the $750,000 water' revenue bonds from the Coritinehtal Illinois Bank ' Tryst Co.' to the Northern Trust Co.' . _ Bids for Garage l Bids were-opened' for Gnstruetion of _a ttrtmieipN, garage building?“ Blodgett and were" 15181101":- imped- tion: ‘The bids, ivere .Iisted 'as fol. lows: T ." '1“ f~ ", ", »_ '730-Gal. Pumpdr Specified; Bid? to Be Asked; Other Busi- [ Spiseifieaticns for construction of a garbage incinerator also _,were up proved, and ‘the city clerk wad an- frorized t6-adv.ertiise for bidsfto‘be" eceived September IB, prso. ". _ Generar-we'siguara & 1retritriA?tV-" 950; E;. M, Fasting Construction 09., $21,482; . Joseph Cabonatzi; ' $23,530; Masonry and carpentry" - Albert Olson, $16,253; Harry' W. Guyana Construction Co.,- $17,843; _ Fred G. Obee, $19,532.' . l-i' 1 V l _ Reinforced conerete--E. AA:"ng‘ér Construction ' Co., $8,058} Niels 'M. Steanhillf $6,600; BoiIini & Grandi, $5,474.20; D.' ,r.'Bsiri1hi', $4,770.." ". T _ K, Masopry---Nit1s M; SteptNll, $6,- 060; .Boilini ' T9rattdr, $4,836.64; '0. J. Barafii, $4,750. _ T' f l Carperitry--WCr. Baruifi, $5,200. ' V Plumbing and heating --, Decker Heating anCPhimbirie (3.0., 88,728. A' carnival _wil1 beheld Friday 1nd Saturday afternoon ' and, evening, Sept._6 and 7, in Jewett Park for the benefit of the building fund ,of Holy Cross church. Numerous features will" be included in the days program. Carnival Sept. 6-7 to .. . . Benefit.Building Fund' Plumbing-Ni J. ‘Killianglncg $1,- 700; Moran Brcs.,. $2,082; Edward Strengep, $2,041. J P, . _ Lionscfllpb Session Held Today' at Noon The regular weekly luncheon and session of the Highland Park Lions club was held at.noon today, with the' president, Mr. W. H. McKillip T in the. chair. The Lions areggrowingnm in number {and influenee in the can“ munity and are tnltinggan interested. q _ and active part in 1deWtreie "airs. t They hare amumber of mum un- der consideration of which .mOre will ,*' be heard as progrer is nude thereon. (Continued mi Page 40) ness at Session . Noam 26 é EEG