3:13 e.......--...-.. I I n. _..__,_'* ' he,] -----rmo"".- mi n...’.""* " - II I -- -_qee, --wttroteeare-ie -rtRra- ibcrju†rsiriFiairi.e _ Street and eveningllmlu. $3.35 rair, A _ SgmhstttgRr.- """."" -- _ Thestyling of Hand Bags. has become a moat important branch in the production of accessories. And these smart styles reveal the best of cur- rent designs. Vagabond and tailored bags of calf and antelope suede. Unusual values. $5.00. _ , . t This -is the kind of hosiery every woman oiptireeiates because of its ap- pearance and wearing qualities. Four outstanding values, are mentioned hires-- _ . heel. wu. an... mi.. 3115: pix. ' pair. 85.50. . _ _ e-No.4tiat-,--stt-aus., - dertahg Fund heel. All new that. a,†â€In! 9dr: 85.50. . --No. m to. the we... "who mm. .' setqeir3Wit. am: 'i,'iil'ssti tll-ill, Itlt Smart New Hand Bags $5.00 s','),',', GA]R]l)ilE'rq1'S sh',',', .-. Fine _ _ Hosiery -r1---c-, --Italian mane Hand-Laud Baés 57.5010 $10.00. --Meah Bags for gift-giving $2.95. cidedly out-of-the-ordinary. These new compacts are an out. _tf_t1pti.ir_ttttift item. 'They arede- Unusual' Compacts Jmyikerrihigiarts-alwaytcaaaiptabucarrtta, HtartieaiUrltr when selected from such exquisite styles as are here. Linen kerehieftrwit1r handdemtyrofdered eo'rt'rertr-rrtretiritia2riutiid heme 60e and.75c each. _ _ _ Dainty Gift Handkerchiefs --qYeiur Compacts $1.50 and $2.50. --Mmtda)ne Compacts $1.00 and $2.00. . -Box of three Linen Handkerchiefs $1.00. --turie" dance Handkerchiefs of My chilon 50c and $1.00, - m4-Â¥-3&8 To be in, harmony with*the feminine quality of the new mode every woman went: thte Kid Gloves for Christ“. V These are mule of the beat Grenoble skins in the new shades. $2.95 and $3.50. a Gloves of French Kid --F'or driving. these wool knit lined cape Gltmih, TP7tF7itNir.irr7iirii-,iFiiiiia are a: aittiiittuc8uFTErir' "-Ltmk lined (the "ins slip on Gloves. $3.50 pair -Unlined_ wash cape skin Glove; 82.50 to 83.50. Lighter." Priced from 32.5010 'tgit."- V Small size Cigarette " h/