a _-___ n .._ - 'e=-rdeTTr “1...; q-toust-lit."" ‘. - .-v:, ', __ - . , ¥'.... y-‘ . mg...» ‘ - u. _ _ mmvw~w&aa.wrm.. A...M-W..~.¢..‘~w» "===3==' V e" " e = , F 77'tdT'rdiT2t, _ _ .‘ _ -.2t - _ Bi i...-. 't", 6iiigi ..- - h... -. . ..._... - - "'t"r5ps f - J-qar, Hug. s-err:"-.-" - __ . HAAK’S‘ A-UI-I-IO-SUP-PLY Cir. -_,, .7 E --W" __ iiglr,i,1itijttttll1'll,tf.'.t Ts _ ,t.'tttifpg'.te,','efgl 1iiiift-lii! .. ttr, “mu... iiltlk mm†'7 In“ '4 any". may“; A pom: WWHMMW 1ltltt,llithf,tgrltiiyi,11,ttr _ T" Saran MM fbehmrt Iiltutt-"--a-oda-hs a',1',t't,2ii'tJ)i'.tttt 5.116.}: eitredStm.iaik.. iiddi" - IOW‘I’AINI - MW!" at: Net. MM "lift! NIB-TI T"" Every Saturday Night " t0.-dht-m Gh-II-l 'M-Ah.. Cow Nation-k. TEMPLETONE Pee,',?., of tone has been always the one thine needed to insure radio T reception of BurIpapghtt_quality. This new Temple is the latest and greatest creation 'of‘a "ttiii-ist-ii-fri-tist-r-hitter" hag initiated niacin of t1i)j-dtriiiid progress made in the tield of radio invention. - _ _ It is certain to win your commendation on the score of beauty. But be.. yond that, Temple’s strongest appeal lies in its superb tegte--togte that has given vogue team word with a world of mearhttt--Ntoletoete. _ Only hear it. At its yoice, distancegmelts into onthingness. Consciousness thatthis isa man-madidmstrtntseaib"i'ri-iaee toasinéredible feeling that Temple has won a remarkable vietoryytrer eleinents and materials. ‘ C, -et8l-8l8-r'"'"""--"""-'1.-.4rNe'= :7. =.v, 3 i" . -.eFf7t= --eq.-."-".P-"'e'"rNe-"'-* -_-.-= s-_.-...---.--.-.-..-.. lul pug JE1L'l Lt “I! Eie) MIL" _ _