7“ [1'1 _ "5 T 7 _ __ P L V you: PWbAN"MW."""'"Cudu w wan you -, _'IREDALE . l I all the happiness the spirit of -.V::.,.,‘. . 1’, . 2‘32 ", i Vr ys _ \thfistmascanbring. ', wgSTORAGE . _ SfifLV1 CARLSON BRAND BROTHERS EarlW. Gsell ite-Co. \W'e h o p e pineerelrc (1 - .’-will be yours through _ ' -', ' thitrand all, the, annLcit'iri l Crrdetlfiiiii" mg year's. Whttlt.iilratuiii-rrite-for tsiAtuo-,optt'tltiot during the '..ttl)hi,jlPr-r)1,t3t ttttthis an. gdiid'thintps fifr 1 .' HEALTH Thic,HolidtV season iihire again And for théglad New Yeiir We yrith you all the Christmas joys And4hehrty -tiiii,.tidt cheer. 7 Phahnaciu: ERITY‘ T'rrti' SEAS ON?†_ Friirriririr" -Giiiiiif'rii'i'iii' 'tttr-i-ttHHH' ' Thitris.' "T'""TC,T7T-" The Time of Year That we have the opportunity to spend our heartiest thank; for your patronage-and to wish you all the happiness the spirit of Christmas can bring. d Siiiitti/ the 'Bii'i:i1k'i. Let us add our name in, w1atatt youth's merriest season you hate .ever’" had; And we sincerely hope ygur 1013 @9th "IN. will be unlimited. Automative Smitty the barber has been sending the my!) greetings to you. _ He tales great pride once more in wishing everyone in thisaprogressive community a very happy, and .7 malicious New Year: . THE 3 _ HAPPI-EST _ HOLIDAY i-"""".""" "SEASON' TWENTY YEARS ‘ - "iiiii'i'iii"iii" F61: I . "T --_. . gr: M u on _ WM 1, - ...._.- . H. = . " _ I 'lThe Elllande, _..- 7719 Walk; We wish to tha patrons for _ year in Big: successful one tim?, we extem greetings to al