no" u gr Re led tin ' in High. I club, It The pin m Drum t," as In. t . you; y in the return; unmask tits eoadi.' data!» It: of tha and hi: " they Nth. Jk, perieneu n of his be years And a; naturally, meeting further the prov [moth- ifuiirir, rcnttspi1r \delaide at; will vith the in pro. to In] umber! will at! 1mm Jain. 15, tinting" ttr. N out l In Nan tore far 83.; note. A t faittilr" od back Hftentifk f a seri- tactfully mm mid don it long a. widerb p , title it, ml under Sam Week Ravinin ervicc school put Jinn Bede We Be: "ttt m The tetgrtUr martian; the North Shore- Cotton: Woman'l league will he held on Tuesday. Jun; 14, at the Winnetka Woman’s club. Km for the day will be an. Wm. Brown and Mrs. Wand Kloeppcr. 7 The PM will consist orqritt, sirt,l, “mime: by was 9tiitrrr, The Annual Whoopoe dance will be givenm 'Sgtnrday, Jun: " " the Union Hotel. “Wheeling This evo- ning of. merriment promises to be I glorious affair, u " has been in phat years. The Whoopeemakers. a pop- ular dance band will fungi-h the th- tertainment and music. ' C." Everybody welcome Snturday, Jan. lit, at Unyit Hothhulinz. 'p F _ . _ Jan; 18 at Wheeling _ MI: J-it-mister-Julio-tOgio,,.;,,,,),, Who is amseetisd with the Bermuda Hotel Aeoeiatmreompnnr, will speak before the members and their must: at Ono“ on 1312.18. Mr. Heller will give an illustrated travel talk on Remain and emttitttr at this time of -rear-Nrherr-tnoitt people are pun. 1iturohttrtoarsatiottcocoii 496k Eliot all 'henmemhen will] be very much interested. _ The iirttt maniac! the new year at Pt.eiutr-yr-i.trrairuirreatitrikGr and '/-tle, on Taetisitucaucai,,at '. tre . _ Mrs. Russell is asking that all ret> ervations be in not later than noon on Monday; Jan. 18. Buffet Luncheon and , .’ Bridge at 038013 on _ Jan. 14; Travel Talk . _lrrrhA1t_,,ka1ttrer,, dimtttttet of the â€aged couple. and residing atv-the name 'ddresa,1tmthp9,4, the he: of " ot her front taothjand in badly cut and bruised, while Mrs; C. Feldmen, a daughter of In. Lawley, unstained levers 1aeemtittittsmttortt the bee and throat. Three mutton: of the family were, inVOIVe‘d in the accident. Internal 1tthtr,i,tC________, -trirTfrRrdiifrdt ind hie wife Mend intereral injuries. The husband ‘dhd two or three hours after the accident while his wife survived until early Monday morning; __ __ The death attheaged couple closed more than 60 years of wedded life. They and their daughter and trrand- daughter were on their wny to their home in, Chicago from Racine, where: _ (Continttid on page M) l John Goebcl. 88. and his wife, M, it. TM N. In!!! 1'“an Chicago, are dead, and two' others with than suffered Marie: when an automobile in which tiny were riding skidded and crashed mint I tree on Mar. kggan, I'Minlt Matrbgemd about 8:15 o’clock on Sundai m- hing. I - !m0lllliuSllllBiMl r: .. Oil? HIGHWAY CRASH Aged Chicago Man and Wife Are Victims of Auto Accident Near- Beerftehr lFWiiiiiiiit'r" _ -- ,,-_ League Meets Jan. 14 ink-ii "t luxury it, 1980 --e-si will mett on Sunday under the dtreed road tion of Mr. mecip Classes Will thin union from an until six, dim. Tt net from nix taunt: and I program this: . II tion.. Dental surgeons from “Lake Forest and other town of the'connty were present.“ The monthly dinner and business meeting of the Lake County Dentists “sociation m held Monday evening at the Howard-Udell _ cafeteria. in Highland Park. There we: trottd at- tendanee _and the ttne dinner was ready 'rtdpredrrpt. Arttitm of cu, can conducted a clinic’ on crown and bridge work which'proved highly in- teresting and, instructive, and the. regular business session was devoted Lane- Meet 8nd†. The Junior 1nd Senior loam.“ North Shore Congregatiim lune! FH â€FEom Broadway itself, where they "1r_trerrt8r"HtrtrnMtttrir6tttre8r, Din _Mttt)pret and _ Nick Verdi: throughout the entire Neie York run. of the play, Mr. Lunmele tmmeht Thoma: Jackson and Poul Parent to playthenme puts in the pm Glenn Tryon is starred as Roy lanes the "hoofer," and Pearl itrpltitrard" by Evelyn Brent with Myra. Kennedy as Billie Moore. q LalssanntrnisntistL, " Bold Monthly Session Others In 1131th include Robert Ellis, as Stem. momma“. at Porky, Betty Francisco Anttrr- -r7iiirtiiiirriirriiii' "Doha m4 Georteuhivit, a Tire. / The reprodtttttion was made for, the Coil hemmele, In, 'mper-tms ductioh 'tBroadway," the all-sound Min venwnartho‘remmm York isirfhifiieii comes to the Alcyon theatre here on Friday and Saturday of next week. In the exterior, the reproduction was exact; in the "at- mospheric†interiors "Brotuhrav" out- k Man-i to Mother of f His Eldest Son’s Wife Ittookyean aitdeNmttt1ttoWmi1- lions to build Broadway, New York, " the picture highway of all the world. To reproduce two Mocha: Broadway in motion picture form ettttt.Utthtmutl proportionately just as much -fto 'be exact, $1,500,000 for th'ree mimtha. There were" no bfidesmaids and no best man and ul, immediate mem- bers of the twir families attended. "Broadway," Big Picture, Coming to the Alcyon The ceremony, a 4.111919140ng pertain“ itittiis was of tin": yogaâ€: Buchwald. "The Meadows,†in Ab- ington, a suburb of Phihdelphin, by 1min Home Stern of tho Philadel- phia Court of Common Plea, an old friend of the family; . " opt: TEE The community ttarden study class of the Hkhlmd Park Woman’s mink will hiihf its next Whit it the/Klub" on Wednesday, January Ili, at 10:00 a. m. Member- arc requested to bring any annual vase or container, if pos- The Chinese ire said "o export dried can. Marthe tttrt,, Thu-Jpn- 'rd"Ha?Wie'iifriit'iia'attuittthetory tor thhriacomtac.-,, c-L--,,--, ""s But-Walk _ _ .'s One of the mm'eommon meant of distortit}; the feet in to walk with the toes turned outward. Practically all people who "when" no on the road to mam-Farm & Fireside. iFiffatiWFtla9irimaitiaE ""“‘~ father of modern advertising-henna the ftrttt person to bring clue music to the United trut-he did I great deal-tFd-the-d-sh-sit-of-the- theater and of the museum He-. he wore one,on the first to provide wholeIome entertainment both for old and Potmth. and his character and ideal were splendid-in other words, he was a reel American, “the best sense of the word. _-_ ' ret l At the meetingyJanuary 3, Mrs. Lieber. Fpent the mtjor part of the time in I series of "hird'g eye view?“ book reviews of the lives of famous Americans, among whom ' we? Thomas Jettemon, Beniamii-ii'rai- Iin, Mark Hanna. and P. t 13mm. Mrs. Lieber enlarged upon the Met raphy of the last panned American, for trhedeeu tltatle tytttfies so much that ia'e‘mntially American, both in his Iff-r-ht-hiss-dd-.- †_ _ -- _ On Friday, Janhary IT, at 10:00 a. m., the last class, in current events, citizenship and parliamentary law, conducted by Mrs. ‘Maurice' Lichen will be held in the club foams; . n is 51in: ttrtaA.ggtrrgt tWt, thethirVu,tds1, merrttrtrsrof this e1nat."r--dims-thar--asoat-- 'il'gii,,tti4rll,'; for they ttave-ttem-ai- 50(1ch 0 ‘deep interest, constructive thought and inspiration to than, ayhet had the privilege of "attteitdintr.",2he last class will be devoted ttt a discus-A itieercisirb-etsrreitt'-eiiiitie-'atmr- ptttffitar Itttatttilat,amtstitacs--,,.-.-ea...i Last Current Events Class at H. P. Woman'g Club on January 17th. Compare ,this picture of St; Johns and Ce_nt_ral avenues 12 you: maid " Years Ago Today 'rttfttte_trttelt_tpfra, In200foi1r states, women a. serving meBinI. . Thu mu h: Men according to statements made By judges. attqmey tenet-ls. and the but of the may)! states, that the Preee of women on Juries ha nt- "7 than an! tttth Amendment of the [giant 09mm“. women are eu- titled tir Tote. We and women may our law makers and on the bench. (he of the members of the supreme court of 'Ohio is Bounce Allen. Judge . (Continued on page 84) A CHEW Sir! ltNtutrt if": 1,9.- the sisters we know “gall-cub perth- M: -. -r-6 --'"'e"""'--"""-." Mn...“ 15. Lunch“ will hem jamme- ly " 12:30; and mam. would be phoned early to 'rs-P.---,-- 1lu,E----- 72te1s,,st,f,spgaset,,t,zttrt, ' ',v,JrAp,,,ttt,yy,t,q.e, A _ a?.i...A "15%;:ha "itii'i'i"r' 'iitcii1Sr'iiiiiTiii; 'g-l-Pe mteeiveeFltisetime."a-Htmtre WEN“ bars are' reminded ‘that the board mgeting held on the morning of thai 15th, at the Presbyterian ehtirch, will begin at 9:30, instead of 10:30 in or- der ttrrllow more timeHosthasarork WA . ' Those unable to attend the lunch- eon, ere urged to come in later for the discussion of wtt8ttert-tm it!!!“ led by lire. Georgia Fowler, state clair- men of the committee on low egg; 6fNh3miilmiiimithriiid TNiik lbw one so 'rmtpeterttt-toamasmst this sub- Net. Concerning Men on juries, Judge John P. MeGodrty, iit an ad- dreasrattadermsexsitttrmver-Mtstr,ittts »Woneu on Juries .‘ "At the coming November election. in pursuance to an. Act of the lust Illinois general assembly, there will be submitted for dtterminatiim the question, "Shall women nerve in: Jur- is: t" LEAGUE Oil? WOMEN VOTERS LUNCHEON To Be Had Jan. 15 at Pmby- terian Church; Discuss ,7 Women. on Juries- - 211;;