"'_Nr.eT'T ='-.L, Mu; Special Selling Importea" anuary Salve} "_----.-------, Pequot: and -~‘Saxon sheets and cases are in the Inuit-y Sale We; lowest prices of the. year. A plentiful supply furchased at this time:will effect a very worth 'whi h saving. By way of example: _ Pequot Sheets 6lhr9.--81.lts - 72aPfF-4id,i0 Att, tttprob-tus January 321167511 Nomemgress (" -Shteta and Pillow Cases ---Womenh, Gloves .-c.Men'tr Wear , T t 1 .--Wttah Dresses ., . - St --Boys*wish 81mm . L-Buniret, F ---Comfortert . --unem . --Bed 8mm}; __“ tso'r1rl-A.Rl)tirE'rT'S!stsoee, W“? , , i '1 0 oAres, made to sell at. $2.95 and $3.50, underpriced because of a very special purchase. All of these hiie French kid gloves sire of the Mrknown Perrin make. Gloves that were Our regular $8.60 "Lisader" £1110w'a, fil1tsd. "efat?,iit!iNiePtr3,epithfinyr With bevy ticking. Size 21x27 inches. January Baie price, $2.85 pair. l Bed Pillows $2,85 5,. a"")'"""""'"'"."'"'""'" , -"-'--'-""""'"-'""-'--"-q--.-elql- M-tI--------------.--.-...-.-, A--- and Pillow Cases Blacks - Tans - Browns $1.95 (rajttr)ratry Selling ‘Néw‘Sifï¬ï¬gE iaa'kikiCiaUA _. 't ’ .543...“ sL2.zepca.u' LuLauL"iuuaaa"4i.AgLa '" _ Tr (iij')"l speia'iht Priced for clearsiiLs: 'i,t,f,1iltgtio,r, toga are made ttraw, durable clothe; ttnel, red and cut “the keen appreciation of style. This complete Zip-On suit-tmart sport blouse with' leggins to 'nFtqlt---willramre tectjour yhiwgen against those abrupt iiTiariii'is iii teiniiVa.ture which doctors say greatly icereye susceptibility to infection. Apron Dresses in a . sale "afShi' _ Wash , Iyre 8863 F $1.95 7582.95 _,_i.,,_:"_' and colorings. You will irpnt invert! ‘01 these Apron Dunes when'iyou' see haw are unusually tkseoming. New fresh- stock, just received and marked at very attractive prices. Included are dresaee of Mints, piques, dimities and broadcloth. All Play Suits- "r","' j"" in the , Jarfiiary Sale