:33] i ""'r, £35 {A --.--. {it St '.'"r: a! Stat MN E T T' s """s'i'i'i'i",' Emma 70x80 iitdiriiFilt1rkiailanildts, Plaids. Rose,. green, tgud, tan, grey, Pair w...."......,, $jllC)llljllf/iiif(i I)lCllll,fflr-i _ "t "and?†", New High Colors Fashioned of Plain and Printed Crepes in, charming new de- Signs iiiiCieiikrihiirti. - becime Imam _1re of" this collection at re. freshtmr new Spring styles . ., . to Tear irt"etuutrvtrr. derwiaiterreoaoA.tdae south ... . helices: for any Spring. Dresses for all day. time occasions. , . M"; TV or-,' _-t.. .’ ' Our regular ' _ towel. :Size 22x44 Gldietoiiitrpi)nts I, inches; Plaifggghite. $5.00 dozen. _U8T_ " gm' mttttttgiia _.' {JESS '15 Pure, thread silk 3 Choice of a dozen priced at Me pair. Rayon Mptr-,-A Very Unusual "_ Y9?“ 88e 'r, . Cut front a- iieririeage rayoiiicottiin material: Others of magnolia cloth. Flesh and white. _ Menhi co"ttoirruiiiinauit'ti . Reduced (to 813% 7 V TGiii- Sid isiiilG"iris'rrii'irriiL Pajamas that original] sold up to $8.00. Re- duced for jelfaagce. . Made of fast col‘or pemaies anir,dim.. itiep, New fiairuairt models. 87e. - Double wagen priiiiiroisuede Gloves, $1.00 pair Scalloped eufr,/pull-ort style. Warm and serviceable. Specially priced at $1.00 pair. ' _ _ - February Specials 'rhi'iiiiirhiiiit _"' -2c-- the Store 'r-',' _'""'" Heqyyf Double Thread Terry Bath Towels, $5 doz. _ New Apron 1flEc.hutrgtiissiescarf Chiming Prints/gre 3.59M: service weightingâ€; n shades. 8petituly 'ure Silk Hose