WOMEN Wr1ills)Wlff WORLD COURT PLAN Peace Pact, paved the way for a bet- ter understanding. Mr. Elihu Root who had been appointed on the com- mittee of jurists to consider revisions of the Court Statute, submitted pro- posals to take the place of the fifth reservation. These are discussed by Mr. Salmon Levinson, as follows: "No person in favor of world peace can be opposed to a sound World Court.†says Salmon o. Levinson, Chicago lawyer, and the man recent- ly referred to in the United States Senate as the "father of the Peace Pact." Mr. Levinson, who was form- erly an opponent of the World Court gave his reasons for his present ad, vocacy of the Court, in an interview granted to the Illinois League of Women Voters. "The revolutionary changes in the Wnrld Cmurt made by the Jurists and the Assembly, including the Council Thursday, March 6, 1930 JAMES COLLINS After you've commented an the weather and climate with the driver who dld it, drive down here and let us " it up in a Jury. We can take out all the bumps and relourh the ii"i.Ut so that you will wonder why W"'" ever buys new fenders. ' _ 0po-rauny a! an Authorized ll Sure Doeslil Help the Looks Any Drive in laying and let u cannula; the con ol any nervtee, on the body or llnluh ot your car: We get from them up-lo-lhe- minute information on new mekhods of finishing fouowed by the new car "u"sufacturrrr, and the latent informaliun on colors. This is all further unsur- nnoe that you will be wholly "tutied with our work. our work In nun-ya named lo IIDCI'VIIIOI try the all Poul Company-mer- oi Mo (Continued from Page 4) Bellnlalnlng Station Auto Painter 5"; Llurel Avenue Phone M. P. 542 Buco , present ad- an interview League of of the League of Nations, last September It Geneva, are either not known by the opponents of the Court, or are purposely ignored. The effect of these changes is to make the Court a genuine World Peace Court. These changes consist of two important things. "When it is borne in mind that the member nations of the Court have all renounced war by solemn treaty; that the United States is naked to join a troutf whose jurisdiction, at least so far as We are concerned, is "optional, that is, we can submit our case or not) as we see fit; when we consider that the League has no power over the C urt to ask for an adivisory opinion in any disputes without the prior free consent of the nations involved; and when we further consider that there is no power' of enforcement of the de. cisions of the Court, it seems to me we have reached the point where we must decide whether we are inter- ested in world peace at all or whe- ther all our professions and claims to leadership in the last three de- codes have been hollow and phari- snical." The League of Women Voters wt: active in the campaign led to the Sen- ate resolution for adherence to the Court in 1926. President: Urge Court Three presidents, Roosevelt, Taft; and Wilson, have recommended the formation of a World Court, And three presidents, Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover have urged the adherence of the United States to the World Court now established. President Hoover, in his message to Congress, Decem- ber 2 said: 'Tn January, 1926, the Senate gave its consent to adherence to the court if international Justice with certain reservations. " September of this iI'Ei0EEEjil rumour WAREHOUSE HOUSEHOLD GOODS PHONE H. P. 181- 182 MOVING STORAGE PACKING of SHIPPING THE PRESS you the statute est-bushing tlu court has, by the ution of the lu- tions signatory, been amended to meet the Senate'. reiteration: Ind to go even beyond those mutations to make clelr that the court in a true international court of jptice. "I believe it will be clout to - one that no controversy or question in which thin country tu" or elliml an interest can be passed on by the court without our consent at the time the question arises. The doubt about advisory opinions has been complete. ly safeguarded. "As I have before indicated. I Ihall direct that our signature be nailed to the protocol of adherence and Ihali submit it for the approval of the Sen- ate with a special message at some time when it is convenient to deal with it." , STUDENTS TO TRY FOR STUNT PROGRAM The stunte presented It the try- outs should be in Iuch shape an to permit the judge- to see how they will look, although they need not be perfect. It is to be expected that they will need polishing. It is hoped that n greet my etu- dents will present Atlanta at this ttmt try-out. The process of elimination will, of course, be new. First try-outs for the Doer0etd. Shields Student Stunts prom-um. to be given May 16 in the auditorium, will be held March 17 liter school, be- fore a ecmmittee of judges from the P. T. A. The chnirm‘ln of the Student Stunts committee in Miss Bredin. North Shore Excgvators FILLING DIRT Phone Highland Park 1871 SALE Apply to for oreottr-ttenmmtdtNto behistnmtrt-trtttthqnetiottm tan'trmrtatttttitm. C “do-301:. my“ bah I'll. give s2/t'ti'ti'Yrt) “‘9 ARABIC from SELVI CARLSON MUSIC C0. selvi who ' 'it;1jit)'C'-,l,-,t-; Gm Bar Road TELEPHONE 800' Corner Central Anna. tad will ,risir £ng tats-vim OK on . Pt " ' (l if 1'itl'Clb?iSl.',.' So. .Pb -| lmtna. i'i,14 ~54 5W meh fiitrt5rp". ITEM? COLUMN a? r a». a, ',)i'ii',ij .5