exert-inns have been of mum to the physical side while the grow! fallow. ship which bu prevailed throusthout, ha been most enjoyable. and a te. ne'oul of the fl.†meetings m-xt win, tee is omrly looked for. Watch for I notice in the Press next in". ttttirrh h Mir Talk on Sportsmanship by Danie'l Cha-e. Noted Authority of Research Group Women's Gym Class Closes Next T HIGH SCHOOL P. T. h. LEI'I'URE MARCH a h accupie h M "now to Ammu- Interval W nun-tin» Ml ht "mun-h Work tht to I the other mm: "t th INK al of Alhlelitn h Next Tuesday m h Mt " Mom! and th ha m th lh m talk wt; weary ‘gnnizinu “I! u If tht " your ith‘ liv mm " "Ivy " Th: Mr Mr ml ttt ntl In " Subscription Dance to Be Formpl Mar. 22 Local Garden Club Is Interested in Flower Show at Hotel Sherman .akc Forest Plans to Erect Own High School pr nah “in": P C;rmttt shine h " Ilth, an: you seen th the Annual " cl Sherman? It! h th M a Thr Ill ' Mrs tteh welcome w " lunche n and tea tahk-n will myst charming and individ- and there will be the usual ml shadow but»: and mod. ll find h king the he h: " annnum-n end in in Ju th an in Janet, will an all over the enuntry ‘oar to make this a uutnltu.rlt and hunty. rm by the seven hun, clubs of Illinois and uny e Matt n th wunu-n ui Minn " posters a 'wer Shaw That men the tho perm] supper awr- _until all arp sor- no extra charge the mmmim-o in " reservations he Stokes, H. P. 2616 unlay wer Shuw at the That means that it is hard to be, mlk in any day mun April 5 and itahle fairy land “wing and cut-- informal, as well Muted with many and evening one Ron-sting lecture , he refreshed ir Mrs. E. C. than Marv um up vmmitum n will be rday, Mu Th! , the Highland have exhibited re alum selling informal hibits Mun m any be pur- or Highland any member tht ti thnt from th TH! PIISS rict. Lalw own high ugh. . annuur" ' tlw stu- the state thud for will al ll t' the ei " tho of thi- a for- 'ch 22, M “'th ‘h 17. rmal. those dross Jntv {In (1m rm In services have been very aeetsptablc. Ili,, chief work has Been that of con. ducting a junior, church and working in the Young People's activities. He has endeared himself to the children and has been very popular among the y une people. tire m natural w Rev. A. S. Haag to Speak Sunday Evening, Mar. 16 at Bethany Evangelical Rev. Mr. A. Fl. “an: wi u‘xth speaker in the "Happ: Ew-ning" series at the Beef angelica] church. Mi. Hang the assistant pastor at the church during the [met ye our on: qtmlifie M r Th IL h Infant Dies Suddenly in St. Louis Wednesday ll (“Hit in" at nu My >lirnl Theuloeicul svminwy nt Na- willo. Illinois, and will gunman~ in a turn part of June this war. In lditiun to his thtolotieal training he m graduated trum North Central New). he has also “ken 110% grad- no wnrk at Northivstern university ul sow-val summer terms at, two of Ir ettsterrt universities., Ile is well talifivd for the grunt task of the "nine yk It M Mr. Hung lirnl Thru Ti any Grass Fires ktep Fire Department Busy kw. dauehterGt l W.vJvs of this city crhter of 1 Day of St Mi club and fur at'tHt and b, t lu-yund mm It" I" " in he am: In In hard pl 'li nv Jildings 1vrrl Inn It Rev ministr t Is a w oloeicul inuis. ar Art of J ut portant k with many grass fires, L'h swinusly menaced ad. ngs. One rnn" fire war It darmuro was tritiing WMrwsuluy afternoon ir Dr. and Mrs. Anthony 1. Louis, Mo.. died sud. ny morning. March 12. cunt and I nt St um urlnn with A. S. "tau a senior at the Evan urge 5 about that kindle a seri pL-cial inspiration to P of this community mr this young man I at Bethany Sunday Sporinl music will ml part in.lh(- sor- rc-ful there uy, the ther the Non-tin !Iaag will be the It: "Happy Sunday the Bethany Ev- P former Polly Mr. and Mrs, T, three .‘~‘nn.-vt Valley west covered n time threatened but the firemen lively und man- mu that a link serious con- myiquonees. Fire Chief .ut starting " much dry has been Bethany ar. His m old in To Exhibit Paintings of Emile Zoir Sunday RAVINIA P. T. A. B PLANNING MEETING To Be Held March 19 to Round Out Series; Review of Those Held Tho prtrsrtvrn,errmmittee of the Ra- viniu Parent Teavhers" association will round out its plans ot bringing the whim] 'and the community into close relationship, by the program it will present at the next meeting, Wed, m-sday, Mareh 19, at 8:00 p.m. Thus Car, the programs have been prmnntx-d hy the family. Beginning with the attractive meeting held in the full at the beautiful new Brae. aide schnzil, at \vhiuh'hliss Dorothea Harman. principal of thut school gave I turvdial gin-Ming. and Mr. Clark G. Wright, superintendent of school dis. ii-ii-t No. 108 gave .an illuminating talk in thc.typc of education our children were receiving at the Ita. vinin and Braeside schools, there {Continued on page 37) . March u rand The prom viniu Pun-m round out i Thv llighluml Park Woman's club has been ttiru'e than fortunate in se- vuring tho paintings of Emile Zoir of l-Im'upl'an fame fur their next ex- hibitinn. It is so seldom possible to have men of hir, calibre in a sub- urban shuwinz th " the club earnestly hopes that the public will come to see it, not "nw. but many times. Ft.r this reusnn the club will he upon tn W. E. Mueller, Distinguished will be guests m Thompson of th lvnie association the club mooring Zoir wi)l hr [him- numbers. and the this reusnn the club will be open in everybody next Sunday, March 10 from 3 until 5 o'elock. Mr. Zolr is an 1rmovavy member, Royal Academy Inf Milan, member Academy of Lyons, Knight at the Legion of Honour, Knight of the Order of Alfonso XIII, and is in the Crullvr.v of celebrated a!" tists in the Utlizi in Florence, where J st-lt' pul'tl'ull is hung. "is exhibi- tinn in Amorivn is sponsored by the Swedish minister, His Excellency, W. F'. " nsh'um. Chmuherluitt Carl Lager- lu-rg of tlw Gothenburg museum, and Min-n uf v/tual tuink. He has received the First (PM Medal, Milan Expusi- lion, 1906, the First Gold Medal, Bar- u-lunzt 194:7, the Grand Prix Interna- linn=lv. Frunmu 100ii, First Gold Eastern Star Meets Campbell chapter No. 712, o. E. S will hold their next meeting Wean slay, March 19 in Masonic hall. Can tlirlatvs will b“ 'rhitiated. Annual Luncheon of Pan Hellenic Ass'n. h Tht men or showing that ths liuvnus Aim-s. 1910, First Barcvluna, P.HI. We are have a rncnrd attendant w mowing " March Ire, a: Thur-sci All invi ale is in charge of Mrs. ', Sheldrukv 6623. wl Greek letter Women of honor. Miss Lillian the National Pan Hel- nn will be the speaker. fur tea, tr ir guests Lay, March 13, 19, I W. as Mr. to meet the Gold hop- at