10 Ruth Hanna McCormick Broadcasts Tonight Mrs. f fThursuhttrt from 6:30 to hroukut is being upon: Dunlhibrs of the Amer tion. Her' subject will for Americana.' M Mr nth "Inna Me " on u nation. - , Fort Sheridan bridge club and nan of tho Literary department ' Wumun’s chm. She was a tine w and only th short time no I splrndid talk on her own "Lite mku" for the benefit of the Wo- club " Port Sheridan which mist interesting. She WtMt to as the Woman's club " Dixon, 'ueieluy, March IN. the day of mime run thvsamexuhieet. Her 25 N. Sheridan Road ‘urn wmo, f Hainl Iraee Mainline Passes Away Mar. 18 th 'd aw rump m- awn! which t Mine, two gist Macomb. Iowa, was not thought of as ' uhtil complications at _ a wnman of sterling The entire community ner loss for to know her her. Shr- was president Hamlin-s 01 way suddenl pital " " Mrs. "aim husband rebound at a very nominal t' h a r a e and in attractive colors. IcCurmick n-w"ide hank Mango. this 6:30 to , p. HIANKETS minline M womb, plaee Wednen- She leaves to sum Sum-ant sisters and a T p. m. Tm: sored by the ican Revoht- be "Amerien me time Fort Sheri- in the Fort :0 Tuesday, Due to the fact we are opening a new territory in Winnetka and are offering a discount sale of 10'; on all ivoman'iwearing' apparel, during the week of March 24, we feel it is only fair to extend the same courtesy to Highland Park will be up over eveninl sith bu JOHN ZENGELER, Inc. "Drug Store" Racket Gets Chicago Man in Jail Here; Other Cases William Deming, giving his address as the Lorraine hotel in Chicago was held in the Highland Park city jail this week, accused of being the per- petrator uf the "drug store raeket" on the Earl W. Gsell drug store last week-end. he was returned to High- land Park from Lake Forest Satur- day morning after his arrest by Lake Forest police. Leonard Nelson of the Curlee drug More, Waukegan, and a messenger from the Lundn drug store in Wau- kexan. partially identified Deming as the man who worked the game there, but after picking him out of a crowd of a dozen men in the Lake Forest police station they Inter slid that they from not positive. The same racket that was worked all) sureessfully in Wlukexin had been wurketl in other places along the north shore including Glencoe, Win. netka, Highland Park and Kenosha, but Deming wan arrested in Lake Forest when the police followed the drug store messenker on I cull. In Highland Park the clerks cluim that Deming called asking fur $2 worth of merchandise and change fur I $20 bill. The goods was delivered and the man not the change. but told the Irlerk the $20 would be turned over us soon as more goods were deo Iivorml. The mun then diuppeared before the clerk could get. back, It was theilentieal game worked in ttll was theilentieal game worked in other cities slung the north shore. S _ MOTH top f')!i'i"/)u, DAMAGE Don't stop with merely tending about Karate; can for estimates and full infatuation. The low cost will surprise you . . . the results will delight you. Here is great news! Moth prevention is now on a strictly seientirtc basis. No chance fur failure; no chance for moth-damage when clothing. rugs. drapes. furniture. household woolenr, etc., are treated with Kmate. The Rrmate process. applied afttr dry cleaning. leaves no mlor, causcs no shrinkage; has no eHert on fabrics except to make them immune to moth attack for three years. A Lloyds Cagunlty Comptny Indemnity Certi- ficate positively protests you tor 3 years. THE PRESS Deming is charged with operating n conffdenee game and was given a hearing Wednesday afternoon. Indi- cations were that he would be bound over to the grand jury. It is expected that the Kenosha victims will also attempt)» identify Deming and that as soon as, hit cage is osiirsed of in Highland Park, the Kenosha officers will re-arrest him on their charges. Arrest Highwood Man on Judgment Execution Louis Mancini of Highwood, whose Hutu ran into a carlond of Highland Park young people several months ago, injuring all of them, was arrested a few days' ago on a body execution issued by Judge Claire C. Edwards, for fai'are to pay a $7,500 Judgement won by Margaret Axt fur/injuries which she received in the'accident, says the Waukegan, News. Begin Tax Collection on North Shore Monday The books will be opened in Wau- kettan, Shields, Deerfield and West Deerfield next Monday, the treasurer sum-d. ind in Libertyville a few days earlier. Collections of taxes in the town- ships away from the north shore was started Monday by deputy collectors appointed by County Treasurer Jay B. Morse. West Deerfield and Lib. ertyville were the only inland towns in which the books were not op.ened Monday. Present Pageant at Bethany Church Sunday The beautiful and effective pageant entitled "The Challenge of the Cross" will be presented " the {lethally Ev- ange This pageant has been written by Charles Marsh. He makes Evangel the principal character; this part will be taken by Mrs. E. D, Fritsch. Ev. angel makes a strong appeal to her audience to consecrate and dedicate their lives to the great Master of men, she urges them to take up their cross and to follow Him. One by one there are those who heed the call. All of them ready to became disciples. but when Evangel gives them their par- ticular cross to hear, they turn aside, they reject and refuse to do their part. The appeal of Evangel how- ever, is so gripping and so challeng- ing, that all of them in the end cheer- fully und gladly take upon themselves the responsibility of building the Kingdom of God. nine at Mrs. W. Meierhoif, Mrs. C. Stry- ker, Miss Edith Hanson, Mrs, o. K. Wossling, Mrs. Wm. Drake, Miss Olive Haefele, Miss Esther Drake, Mr. Frank Jones and Mr. George Bray are the other characters. They will ht, assisted by several iuartettes, duets, solos and the Bethany choir. The work is being directed by Mrs. H. F. Siemsen. The special music, colored lighting and electrical equip- ment will add much to the efteetive. new of the pageant. Aviators may not be the wealthiest people in the world but they certainly have a lot of high old times. SPRING CLEANING Let us help you do a thorough job cleaning ydur fur- niture this spring. elicxil church, next Sunday eve- Phone Highland Park 2t101 and Winnetka 2803 Thursday, Marelr20, 1950