Thur-shy, March 20, 1980 PINE TREE PATROL IS PLANNING HIKE The Pine Tree patrol held their weekly meeting at the home of Char- les Orsborn where Earl 1(an passed Indian sign language. It was also agreed that on Satur- day, March 9, 1930 we would hive an outside meeting where they would pass tracking and cooking and fire- building. After the tests were passed we went out And played tag in the tield. A nice lunch was then 'served. of Saturday Eldon Frost passed cooking, Earl kaak and Charles Ou- horn cooking and trtsekimr.--kenneth Vetter, editor in Chief, troop 52, Deer. field. WILMETTE BRAESIDE KENILwom'H QAVINIA‘ INDIAN HILL HIt3HLAN0tW2N WINNETKA HIGHWOOD HUBBARD1MN9DS EVERETT ‘GLENCOE LAKEFOREST TROOP " HOLDS REGULAR SESSION ' Last Friday Troop 52 came to order at 7:30 in the grammar school. We fitut had the oath end the laws after which Ed. Cuel demonstrated tri. angle bandages, Mr. Dobbins, our scoutmaster, then told as that there would be a planned program for meet- ing after this. Ed. Cazel then closed the meeting with the benediction. - George Ashman, Troop M, Scribe, Deerfield. TROOP 61 SPENDS NIGHT AT CAMP Troop 61 of Northbrook held its weekly meeting on March 11. We opened with a discussion about going The North Shore Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, is. separ- ate frcm the Chicago council 3nd is supported only through money contributed in the above listed communities. Money contributed in Chicago remains in Chicago. The scouts and leaders of, all the North Shore Area council and particularly those of Glencoe are mourning the loss of one of their ouutattdintt scout leaders, Mr. C. E. Kohl, who was called by the Great Scoutmaster on Sundly. March 16. Mr. Kohl has had a long record of scouting service. He helped to organize both Troop 23 and M of Glencoe Episcopel church and has stterifieed much time and effort with this progress. As Mr. Kohl was the athletic director of the Glencoe Central school he became I close friend of every Glencoe boy in his untiring service. Mr, Kohl has also rendered a fine service to 'the Glencoe Episcopal church " a teacher and lender. It is with deepest sorrow Ind regret that the church, the school and scouting has lost this fitttt leader and friend. IN MEMORIAM STATEMENT You?“ SHORE tiiibiWot; 'ic".- mu to the Cabin in the Woods on an over- night hike on Friday 14 of March. We are going to Mart about 4 o'clock and stay over until Saturday noon when we will start for home. We ere going to pass some of our tests. We played ,a game to see who made the least mistakes and which patrol could re- main up the longest, on which the Arrow Hawks won. The meeting closed with the solute of the fltttr, the scout oath and benediction and the bugler blowing taps. Reporter Lewis Cooksy, Troop 61, Northbrook TRO0P 61 RAISES FLAG AT NORTHBROOK The scouts in Northbrook are uv ing care of the town Me, We nine the flair and lower it, It is up " T o'clock and down “6:00. We are proud to be taking care of it.-Frank Mennell, Troop In, Northbrook. "The idea that the Republic was created for the benefit of the individ. .unl is n mockery that must be endl- ceted at the first dawn of understand- ing. It is true that many of our school: have recognlzed this oblige- tion. It is true that our “when Ire guiding our children in the first Item of democracy, but I know of no agency that can be more powerful in support of this purpose than the scout movement. ARROW HAWK PATROL HAS GOOD MEETING We mlde up a patrol song. Then we talked about going to the cabin and about supplies we Are going to bring. Lewis Cooksey started to make In advancement chart. We then played a couple of games. Reporter George Anderson, Troop 61, Northbrook. QUOTATION FROM ’HOOVER'S SPEECH Nt we look over the Republic to- day we find many failures in citizen- ship-we find many betrayal, of those who have been selected to leadership. I cannot conceive that these failures would take place if every citilen who went to the polls wan a good “Scout" and every oftieial who waa elected had ever been a real Boy Scout. "I give you a powerful sstatitstie. There are about. one million Boy Scouts in the United States. Here is raw material for ten million more. -Herbert Hoover. GREAT WHITE EAGLE OF TROOP No. 35 The meeting of the Greet White Bugle was held at John ant'l Eagle Nest. We started the meeting with the scout oath ind laws, then we Md on O’Grndy drill which was lead by some of the beâ€. After the drill we studied firat lid Ind decided not to have refreshments until we got some scout equipment. The meeting ended with the scout benediction and tapic-Reporter Robert Olsen, Troop M, Revinin school. Troop M met Friday night March 14, " the Ravlni: Village house. We BOY sto COUKCII IIIAWA" " NI‘CI“ n WWJIII 'i--M..SO" THE PRESS 'opened with the Beottt " sad It". Following thin preparation tor the fathers and Ion: banquet which will be on Friday, Much " we" we. It In: noceuery to form a new patrol. Scouts were selected from other patrols. After the new petrol we: selected we had petrol competi- tion. We cloud with the moat but diction. - John Thompson, Scribe Troop M, Revinin school. I’EGASUS PATROL TROOP MEETING ON MONDAY The Pegasus patrol met It the home of Meredith Elick on Monday, lurch 17. We discus-ed our stunt for the fathers and non: banquet. After drill in ulnlllng Ind mot-chin; we had some refreshments. We cloud with the scout benediction. The patrol met on Tuesday, Wedneldny and Thun- day to rehearse the .tttttt.--Jatt- Ewell, reporter troop M, Revival- school. LION PATROL VISITS FIRE DEPARTMENT The Lion pltrol of Troop " Lake Forest visited the the department More): 13. Mr. Renovate and other Bremen showed as how the tir. true" work. It wu very inure-ting. " win Bleier, Troop " reporter, Climb of the Holy Spirit, Lake Fault. LAKE FOREST PRESS CLUB MEETING DATE A new am he: been set for the meeting. It VIII formerly held on Friday, but now it will be held on Wednesday from (as to 5:00. Thi- will be put into eiNet after lurch l7. Edwin Bleier, [In McPhenon and Fred Jensen were present It the meeting. Troop " and a had no representatives " the nteetirte.-W. Newman, editor in chief, lake Fomt Friday, but now it will be held on Wilmette, THO!) i-Geo- CONDO. Wednesday from 4:45 to 5:00. We Jock Umeh; Troop '-tGrbeet " will be put into eiNet utter Her-ch yer. Howard it, Robert Term: 17. Edwin Bleier, [In lcPhereon and Troop 40-»Do treiit; Bee Scout Fred Jensen were preeent " the Ship 48--Donid 1. Winoetko. Boo meeting. Troop " end a hid no Scout Ship " - Gum Wm representatives nt the meetinq.-W. Glencoe, Troop 87 - David “my. Newman, editor in chief, uu Forest Highland Park, Troop " - W Press club. Grunt. Hichvood. Troop g6-$tehfrt - DeRuther. Lek: Forat. hoop “- WILDER AND BLEIER Edward Prince; Troop " - Gilbert NEW COMMITTEE!“ Douche. 8m Hen-on. Verno- Mar. Troop 45 Luke Fore-t ll Itili tot shell tron-[erred from Poul Smith. ine uhend. We Ire ell wot-kin.I Urd New York. on all tests. and Are looking forward The following men have complied to a very native spring. I feel that with the new "(elation of National Troop 45 ought to be I very - (Continued on page as) ' AMERICA "NEWS DE ROSE CARPET CLEANERS Let us clean your rugs and carpets on your fioom. Avoid having bare iioorts during spring cleaning. We restore the colors long forgotten, and bring up the nap. We specialize in Oriental and nailed down carpets. All work guaranteed. Phone us for a demonstration. A trial will convince you. Highland Park 4386 PHONES QEMIEW WIN m LDEDJYVILLE Moan-am WI.“ WELD HM! DH WELD EONDGIT BANNOCMUtN NANHOE lot of mu with much wort-Nt louder- IM Also hula. Mr, Wilder and Mr. Bleior, who were put ln oi- tke Int wuk.’ Mr. Wilder and Mr. Dieter on helping Ill lion. u co.- Iulttoom Thom A,tt one thlnc wrong. we do want no more and more of the troop comm“. st tho inaction. We look found to their trisit with I great deal of lumen-t. Thu. cheer-I for Mr. Tlhbotu. If. Attoxfidu, Mr, Prim. Mr. Box, Mr. Wilda and It. Porter. - Ian lcPhoroou, Reporter Troop a. Church of the Holy Spirit, Luke For. at. TROOI’ " TO HAVE HIKE ON MARCH " Troop " of Lake Forest had a junior one." muting before the troop meeting on Han-h it. Brant Wrenn will be the ualatant W- ter. The Ever-rat patrol did not allow up. We had the " ceremony be. tom the troop. We played a for games and talked over about having a hobby allow. TYoop " will meat at the American [nylon bulldiu have- after. Mr. Manama. and an. Blllman were at the mating. M a ll coin. to have a hike on an.» day 22. - Fred Jenna. Scribe for Troop as, Lake Forest. ' mom anon COUNCIL WELCOME NEW IOOU'II he North Shore Am council wol- oonm the following scam and not» on into maul-ship of the " Scum of America: Rogers Park 3948