Thursday, Much 20, 1930 Milton Tilman, Jr., cf Highland Park, shown sitging in Col. Lindbergh) Glider, " Lindbergh Field, San Diego, Calif. _ H. P. Members of Women Voters League Plan to Attend Birthday Party A number of Highland Park mem- bers have already planned to attend the League of Women Voters' "birth- day party" to be given on March 26. Tables of 10 have been arranged,, and tickets may be secured from Mrs. Con- stant Hopkins, H. P. 80. It is hoped that Highland Park may be repre- sented by a full table, as this celebra- tion should give a broader under- standing of the league’s achievements, and a new inspiration for the future. Following is the Cook County Lea- gue’s announcement of the program: In recognition of the tenth aunt dent of the Illinois League of Women versary of woman suffrage and th Voters and former chief of the Chil- forming of the National League of dren's bureau in Washington, will talk Women Voters, the Cook County Lea- on the “League of the Future" while true of Women Voters is arranging Mrs. Catherine Waugh McCulloch, In Lindbergh's Glider a birthday luncheon to be held at the Palmer House March 26 n 12:15. Sim- ilar luncheon: are being held all over the country. At 1 o'clock the Cook County league will listen in on a na- tional hook-up which is being brand- cast by the National Broadcasting Corporation from New York 1nd Washington. Miss Katherine Luding- ton of the National board will speak on "Unfurreen in 1920." "The hopes cf the Founders" is the subject of Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, honorary president of the league, while "The Discoveries of the Members" by Miss Belle Sherwin, president of the Na. tionul league will close the prognm which is being carried by KYW. Miss Julia Lathrop, former presi- dent of the Illinois League of Women Voters and former chief of the Chil- THE PRESS 1egiuntive cluirmm of the Illinois Equal Sullnze "soeiatimt, when lul- fratte Wu granted to Illinois women in 1913, willapeak on “Our Debt." Arguments for the plum of the Arguments for the palm of the referendum which would permit wo- men to llt on juries in Illinois will be presented in a play "Not Guilty" written by Mrs. Harold Wood and p'reisentmf by Mrs. Adolph Hartmann, Min Emily Taft ind Mr. Paul Kitten. house. Women who were active in the nuf- - --._.- true campaign und those who have slung in just won since tlken an Active part in politics stripped to get more will be among the guest: of honor. horsepower.--)" PRODI OLDSMOBILE. VIKING DEALER 514 Laurel Avenue, Highland Park, Illinois ADDED LUXURIES NOT MERE CHANGES Longer. lower, smarter appearance. Roomler inter-lore. More comfort- able aeata. These and other Oldsmo- bile advancemenn ouch an improved carburetlon, more responsive steer- lug, and new fully-enclosed, four. wheel brakes give greater travel luxury. Each of Oldsmoblle‘e new feature. can quickly be defined " an Improvement. None could be termed a change made merely for the cake of change. Drive thle Oldamobile. You will find " a plenum experience . . . and, over the monthe and miles, a profitable one. . C. WARREN MOTOR SALES Phone Highland Park 123 County Board Gives Engineer Thanks Vote A rising vote of think- I!“ neod- ed R. M. [Abdel], county "palm-l- ent of highways, today by the bond of law's-on. This wa- cim u A menu- of npprovnl for " work in developing I secondary road "sum that is tobe . part of I bond hm- submitted to 1 vote probably on April 29. model speed News red Inca-3c with In! tt