Mrs. Flinn a member of Deerfield- Shields High school board explained a petition being circulated in favor of annexing Lake Bluff to the high school district, also urging the members to vote when the proposition will be voted upon at an election to be held April 12. Thursday, March 20, 1930 Dr. Washburn Speaks at P. T. A. Meeting on Friday Afternoon While a keen disappointment was felt when it was learned that Mrs. Frederick Fischer, who was scheduled to speak at the Parent Teacher asso- ciation meeting held on Friday after. noon in the Deerfield school auditor- ium, was unable to come, yet pleas- ure was expressed when it was an- nounced that through the efforts of the program chairman Mrs. W. B. Metcalf a very able substitute had been seem-red in Dr. Washburn, su- perintendent of Winnetka schools. From what was gathered from his talk, there scems to be no question as to the superiority of the Winnetka schools brought about by careful study of all details and while Dr. Washburn is credited with the pres- ont system methods ete., which makes the schools outstanding, yet he very modestly says the success is due to co-operation of all connected in any way with the school. However. the association deemed it a distinct priv- ilege to hear and meet Dr. Wash- burn. talk. Miss Borneman school nurse' an- nounced that Child Health week would be held April 27 to My)! 3 inclusive and that she was arranging a health A program of Hunks by boys and girls glee clubs' under the direction of Miss Miller with David Stryker at the piano preceded Dr. Washburn's Mrs. Constant C. Hopkins, president of Highland Park League of Women Voters told of some of the work of the league and extended an invita- tion to women of, Deerfield to join the league. Mrs. S. M. Gobder suggested that the associations plan some sort of recreation this summer for children M Junior and high school age and a committee be formed of executive boards of both Deerfield and Wilmot associations, The Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers to be held at Evanston April 22, 23, 24 was also announced. The April meeting of the Deerfield- Shields High school P. T. A. when Dr, William John Cooper, United States commissioner of education will talk on "Democracy .and the high school," was announced. MRS. LORETTA WILLMAN, Local Editor Lincoln Ave., Deerfield, Ill. Tel. Deerfield 153-R DEERFIELD NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS Send contributions to Iced correspondent before M titty noon.. Help her to nuke this section interesting, DEERFIELD NEWS-FLASHES Funeral Services for Former Resident Mar. 6 Evangelical church, Chiatro, the Ger- man club of Chicago, and the Chi- 'cagu Singvereln. Funeral services were held from Roland’s chapel; thehce to St. Paul’s Evangelical church. Orchard and Temper streets, Chicago where the Rev. Jacob Pister conducted the Ber- vices using as his text Mathew 7:24- William Herrmann, son of Mullins and Barbara (nee Selig) Herman was born Aug. 24, 1863 at Deerfield, Illinois. His childhood years were spent there where he received his ed- ttcation in local schools and religious instruction at the St. "ul's Evangel- ical church. In July 1891 Mr. Herrmann left ryeerfiehi going to Chicago where he engaged in business retiring seven! years ago. On Tuesday evening, March 4 Mr. Herrmann was struck by an nutomo- bile a short distance from his home and although rushed to the Garfield Park huspital 'the injuries sustained caused his immediate death. The funeral proceeded to the Union cemetery on Dundee road where in. terment took place. Mrs. “(as sang "Lead Me Saviour," "Beautiful isle of Somewhere" and "Shadows." torment tank place. The pallbearers were." Edward Herrmann, Ifenry Herrmann, Elmer Schmidt, Christ Willman, Edward Gilmore, William Herrmann. He leaves to mourn, his sisters and brothers, Mrs. Sarah Gelmore, Mrs. Minnie Willmann of Chicago, Edward llurrmann, Mrs. Louisa Huehl of Deerfield, Henry Herrman of Wilm- ette and a host of other relatives and friends who hear sincere testimony to his genial spirit and unise1i1sh ways. program for Wednesday, April 30, which day was Parents day and urged mothers to co-operate with.her by coming to the school on tturt day. Further details will be announced later. Mr, Herrmann was active in char- itable organization and church work, He was a member of the St. PauN The eighth grade mothers were how teases during the mill hour. "Resting with Jesus, labor is o'er." Stilled o'er the rough ways of strife, Angels sing welcome to the blast shore Death does but lead us to life TE! PI!!! The members of the Minionnry Bo.. ciety of the Presbyterian church en- tertained at a party in compliment to Mrs. Wm. Schinleber and Mrs, Ethan Willrnnn, who are planning to leave shortly for their future home in Milwaukee. The pnrty wn given " the home of Mrs. E. K, Selig in: Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Brand Ipent Sunday with relatives in Deerfuld. Mrs, R, Knuk is entertaining her sister, Mm. R, W. Zeglin of Miguel- polia. Minn. Dr. Ind Mrs. Sprint are enter- taininc relatives from Ohio. Sunday with relatives in Deerfuld. Mrs. Amelie Horenberger will be hostess to the Independent Socinl club at her home on Tuesday, March 25. Members are urged to be there promptly at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Virginia Hirks, Mr. 3nd In. Ambrose Montavon returned Int week from Pnlm Beach, Pla., where they have spent the winter. Mrs. F, ll. Meyer entertained eigh- teen ladies of the Rebeca Sewing circle of Highland Park at her home on Thursday afternoon. Mr. George Whitcomb left last week to spend I few week: with " family who have been in St. Peters.. burg, Pla., during the winter. They expect to leave fur home about the first of April. Mrs. Arthur C. Kreu wu the "- eipient of many lovely (in: " I mil- eellaneous shower given in her honor by MG. Ed. Jacobson and Mrs. Pot- Guests at the Peter Petersen home last week included Mrs. Mary Lee of Blue Island, Mr. Ind Mrs. tamke and daughter Fumes of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. A. Petersen of High- land Park. pe The teachers and omcerl of the Presbyterian church met with Rev. and Mrs. M. J. Andrews on TM! evening. Rev. W. o. Ruby niacin/e super- intendent of the church “union board will speak at the Presbyterian church on Sundny evening, March " Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schmidt at- tended the dinner It the Duke hotel on Friday evening given by Pio.. bury Mill Flour company. The executive board of the Deer- fleld American Legion Auxiliary met It the home of Mrs. Alex Willmln on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. C. Kupschull Ind Mio Mnry Nenrnrder give instructions on the melting of "tilled flowers .nd plum were com- Deerfield Local: Hominy: Tum-y. lurch " - but home bullock" some of St. Paul'l man. They will play Arlington Helghu, Deerfield school. 8 o'clock. Independ- ent Social club at the home of In. A. Hombemr, 2 p. m. Wednesday, lurch '6--Liom club W.80. Deer6eld Post Amerlcun u. gion, Masonic temple, tt o'clock. Thursday, lurch " 6 p. m, - Juvenile tt. N. A. meeting, 8 p. m. R. in; plead for the making of tlower. It the next meeting and they will he sent to the orphan-l It Nomnl for Enter. Mr. And Mrs. John an Announce the birth of a daughter on Sunday. Man-h " It the Highland I’ll-k hol- pital. ' At the attractive new home of In. Curl Scheer on Sltlll'dly 9min. Mrs. Edward Gibbon: Wu given I shower. The ten guest: who attended enjoyed but-co and prizes were award. ed to Mrs. Trig; of Chicago. In. Ed. Jacobson, Mrs. Lemur Meyer, In. w, Huge Ind Mrs. C. D-tllw. Mrs. C. Remit, Mrs. Lewis Alh- mnn And In. Harry OleMorf we" luncheon [mu of In. G. Fun! of Chicngo on Wednesday. Dorms circle No. I of the Pm- bywri-n church met at the home of Mrs., J. W. Strong on Wad-u“: even in; The tit The clones " psychology cou- ducted by Mr. Rlehnrdson of Doer- f1eld4thleldt, high who! for the put two months in the DeerfUld Ichool were concluded hut Monday min. Mrs. 8tadier, who ha been spend- ine the winter " the' home of her can. A, C. ts'tadler departed for be! home in Bement, Ill., Sunday. "Hell 27 at tl The Jockey e his): music for in the Ila-(mic ning, lurch ll In. Norman Cur-hum of North. brook vilited Ilia Amelia Pom on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. uuu spent thm- dly with the former. tttother in Re. Milton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jacobson and Mr. Irwin Plug. AW ch Goll- en Gloves boxing tournament at the Chicago stadium on Wetland-1 m- tttne. . Mmer. A. Hm, Funk 1min. Jr., William "mic. John Hunk, Lewil Beckmnn, Geo. Buck. Trier, Roy Miller, Eugene Inhale, In]!!! Johnson and Earl Frat “and“ . theater party In Claim but Wod- nudny afternoon. ter, Ron won. lunch to, in. Gnthmnn before In! nun-hp In. Min Ruth John-on of Hull Day. Mr. Ind Mrs. Arthur Gall-ma of Itasca Innounce the birth of a dortrh. Thursday, lurch " 6 p. m, - Ivenile tt. N. A. meeting, 8 p. m. ll , A. camp, Nannie temple. Friday, March 'ft-Boy Scout meet, DeertUld Civic Calendar Northbrook Camp tt. N. A. m invited to Attend the initia- remonien It the Dame†B. camp on Thur-Icky evatnirte, 27 at the luonic temple. Jockey club orchestra wilt fur- mic for the dune to be held Mannie temple, Slum!†m- "