Pi,hM0IltJYlit0l0l LANDFORLIBRARY City Council Authorizes Put- clusc of Adjoining Tract for 850.000 nine. Tu comprisua euterly ouurly I The price of local improvements Monday eve- nine. The property to be purchased eomprUes all of Lot 2, exct. . the easterly 50 feet thereof, and the euterly 10 feet of Lot t, Block .50. The price is $60,000. The city. through the Library board now owns the easterly 50 feet of Lot 2. . The pun-hue Q: authorized by I resolution which also provided that the mnyor and city clerk be given power to proceed with the matter Ind pay to the trustees of the Thompson est-to the price agreed upon deliv- ery of . dead. The money for the porch-no comes from the library site bond fund authorized in on election on this Ind other propositions some time " Award Bruit-tor (found The Congress Conatmtion Co., lowest responsible bidder for the tstrurtion of share protection for Deerfield-Shields Band Alumni to Hold Reunion elected for the coming year. Action will tho be taken on suggested changes in the by-lnws. All members are and to be patent. After tho business meeting there will be an un- usully ho Drona. New“ by tea with the hatat-. The DeertuWh'hields high school hand Ilumni will hold their first an- nual reunion in the high sehool band room next Thursday evening, March 27. " 7:30 p. in. The eveninc'n entertainment will cumin of playing old time numbers under the direction of llnrry E. Belle. director of the D.ertleld-s'hieldt, high school band. Besides this, there will be loud entertainment Ind refresh- mental "We no louking forward to seeing ml? of Deerfield', uh! bandsmen at the high Schmnl next. Thursday. It you have ever played an instrument in Deertield'n band, you we invited .10 he present. There is a treat in More for you." says Samuel Smith. who is hand. is "pom-d to attend as guest conductor. ’ Tho comminue in charge ohm. rc- nninn consists of Robert Roober. Forrest D. Rose, Evnns Swan. Elmer "cannon". and Samuel S. Smith. The “not! mee'ting of the High. had Yuk Music club will be held at the home of In. Marshall E. Samp- lell on Lake place. Wednesday aft- ernoonrllurch as. " 2:30 o’clock. Re- ports will be mbmitted and oMeers M. P. Music Club Holds Annual Meeting Mar. 26 harm, or [telling lessor Glenn C. Bninmn. amino- t the Northponu-m University (Continued a Page as) I instrument in we invited .to . treat in store 4 Smith, who is the alumni to Co., the the con- for the Ravinia Woman's Club Hears Karl Borders on the Russian Peasant (Prof. H. Van Deurson l, to Sing in Evanston of land to make the tractor cultiva- tion Mtieient. questioned regarding the complicit against religion in Russia, Mr. Bor- cleh. who wns himself trained for the ministry, mid that the established church under the czar had been an instrument of oppression 1nd for keeping the city and rural masses in abject ignorance nnd superstition Ind that the present nMcial Russian atti- tude tow-rd religion was largely in. ttueruwd by that terrible put. Mr. Borders expects to visit Rus- sia nuain next Bummer. He stated that it was almost breath taking to return to a once mWy~little village and new tho rapid whanttes that had boon made in the direction of progress in the-meantime. On Saturday, March 22. at 1 o'clock tho Chieaeo Pan Hellenic association will hold its annual luncheon in the strand bull room of the Medinah Ath- lotir club, Otiraqo. All national fra. tvrnity woinen are invited. Mrs. Robert Jefrries of 2315 Bur, ton aVenuo. is president of the â€gov cintion. Miss "-191 'Russel of Ev- anston and Mrs._Chnrlen Fox of Ken.. ilworth are on the executive board. Local Woman Heads Pan Hellenic Asin. Prof. Van Deurson. director of mu- sic at Huron college. Huron, South Dalton. will appelr on a musical pro- gram to be held at Music hall, North- western university. Evanston, Mon- day evening, March 24, " 8:15 o'clock. Professor Van Deursen teraihmted in the N. U, clu- of 29. Tre is well known along the north shoro and his many friends will be glad to hnvc this opportunity of hear- ing him sing and a chance of great- ing him. Me is visiting his plrcnts Mr. and Mrs, Charles Van Deursen. of Snn’crs road, in Deerfield, the few days he is here as a delegate to the Musical Supervisors convention being held in Chicago from March 28 to 28. l THE PRESS Many at sunsetNa11ey Golf Club Last Sunday; Planning for. Season Some weather from Dixie blew in Sunday nnd started the golf bug bit- ing. It bit 140 at Sunset Valley. Many of the old familiar feces were seen and acquaintances were renew- ed. The fairways were in good condi- tion after hlving been rolled and fer- tilized. The construction of grass tees is under way where they did not exist and will be in use for the great event, the North Shore Open, on June M. A total of 81,500 in money Ind prizes to amateurs will be offered; 160 entered the event last year. The buys say it will be bigger and better this year. The committee met and completed the arrangements for this event on Tuesday last. . The ladies are much enthused over their committee appointment to ar- range tournaments and other events for their department. It is rumored that the ladies' auxiliary will be or- ganized. Good for the ladies. Tom Kelly, the popular pro, will have an addition to his shop where he will exhibit his line of clubs Ind other supplies. Mr. Laine has made up a set of? the stregt dress of 1910, the afternoon plans for the new locker room, fd dress of 1915 and the evehing dress will be located in the basement of the' of 1920. Then out of the book will addition to the south of the club appear the contrasting “Fashion of Muse. The present men's locker room the Hour" in sport, afternoon and will become the ladies' locker room evening apparel, and the present ladies' room will be A “View of sport outfits, beach ennverted into a comfort station for coats. wash dresses, street dresses, the transients. any-noon frocks, evening models, and Circulating Petition jaw "T"/J, in Lake Bluff to Join I " High School District l Ed Prye It is reported from Lake Bluff that a petition has been put in circulation there for signatures of those who favor uniting certain territory in that vidinity with" the Deerfield-Shields township high school district. For some years Lake Bluff students have been attending Deerfield-Shields schnul. their tuition being paid by the non-high schnol district board, but in recent years it has been held by the high school district that this. amount is insufficient, and a year or so ago there was a move to restrict the num- ber of tuition pupils from outside the district. The question of uniting with the high school district has be“: du. cussed in Lake Bluff from time to time since. and the petition is the re- suit. To what extent it is favored in Lake Bluff is a matter of conjecture. The regular meeting of the Ravinia P. T. A. was held Inst evening " 8 o'eloek in the Village house., The parents gave the program which was fulluwed by an informal discussion after each short talk. Mrs. Ov"e Jen- sen spoke on "Vaentian Work with Children" while Mr. Gebrze W. Carr B member of the school board of District 108 gave an idea of "The Financial Basis of our Eduution System" and Mr. Robert F. W-lker talked on "Making 3 Pal of Your Boy." Parents on Program at P. T. A. Meeting 13mm STYLE snow i 1 ATY.W.C.A.MAR.271 I The Y. W. C. A. officially announce (its spring Style Show to be held in the assembly of the association and 1ti)1;'i'i'y' hopes that many Highland i Parkers will hold the evening, Thurs- day, March 27, free in order that they Imay attend and enjoy the show. It Itll be of interest not only to the twomen and girls who are looking i about these days tor attractive spring Sand summer frocks, but to mothers i who are wanting to outfit the smallest ‘child to the junior age. “Fashions of the Ages" An act entitled “Fashions of the l Ages" will be one of the most inter- leating numbers in the performance ( for who does not enjoy a laugh over who gowns worn by our graceful but 1 clothes-encumbered mothers in the days gone by. These fashions will bis idisplayed in a unique form of a lfnshion book, each page opening to iset free one of the models'in the I Fashions of the Ages. There will be ‘the bathing and sport attire of 1900, i the street dress of 1910, the afternoon (dress of 1915 and the evening dress lot 1920. Then out of the book will lappear the contrasting “Fashion of To Be Held in Assembly Room V of Association in Eve- ning; Features llanstrom and Sanders Innounca the appointment of Mr. B. E. Chris- tensen as manager of their Highhnd Park store, succeeding Mr. II. R. Booth. A variety of sport outfits, beach coats, wash dresses, street dresses, afternoon frocks, evening models, and wash suits and dresses for brother and sister, suits, coats hats Ind cos- (Continued on page 39) The interesting feature of the reg- ular luncheon session of the Rotary club at the Moraine hotel Monday noon was a talk by Edwin E Prye, who gave a detailed and comprehen- sive account of a motor trip to Flor.. ida from which he and Mrs. Frye re- cently returned. Thai! traveled up and down both coasts of Florida, visiting all of the interesting points, New Manager at Hattstrom & Slinders . Mr. Christensen has been with the company for the past five you: in their Evanston store end is fully qualified to serve the public in their eye glass requirements in every detair. Prye Tells Rotary' Club Story of Recent Motor Trip to Florida Thursday, March 20, 1930