WOMEN WNIS T0 'ELECI' IN APRIL ONeers to Be Chanda mi Annual Meeting Named at Session Held . Arrest Man on Hit and Run' Charge; Woman Hint M Rev. Christoph Keller Speaks to Lions Chth Th. ' mo M Tr Th Th Th M h At The w int'restintt h Wu Mar appreeiatio Lions club High! M the rennin luncheon 9nd ses- 'f the Lions riuh Thursday noon st week, the speaker van the Christoph Keller. who made I irtMrestintr Ind appropriate talk. i was heard with deep interest appreciation by the members, Linn: club meets again at noon ', Their meeting place is the Baked mm Supper ' Indies " the Bethany Hansel- hureh are giving 1 Inked'hum ' in the church Parlors on any. Mareh 27. The public is cordially invited to attend this M ttttttt Tea Pot Mr and Par met i churrh Mrs. la M wh I). Th n: comm "In night. airman M I tevrfteld " y whit precim with, Jr Mrs. l " League of Wo- this week at the h. The speaker of .aura Lumlc of the discuam-d “Living the hearing net for m o wk who n ronvy MN rumor Ink tht ' last Friday Amnrdsi. an -lcl. who is al. r of the car truck and in. 'raren as she W Brutu, mg! Mr wl that nom- may also be the day of ment'of the en obtained. committees otanizatiorty , new board tee, consist- 1! Mrs. Rob. Carr, Mrs. Supple. has 3 and chair- nnual meet- in front ol ml in High M the cal h, in bonds pr ained "It hiet Mar lull-II Am ‘ll hail-man; orth pre R. Saul ‘umé 't-sidem; ru-presi- xpunding at the Bee, the Real Estate Board Id Planning to Organize Property Owners Plans to organizg a property own- ers division, In activity which In: M- sumcd national scope, were 10mm- lated at the Meeting of the North Shore Real Estate board, held Mon- day evening in Highland Park, Through the' utivities of 3 special committee headed by Robert Wyatt, property owners will be invited to unite with the renltors to help solve the intricate tax problem now facing the community. liroperty owners di- visions thus far organiied in Evans- tum-Park Ridge, Lear-nae and Oak Park are proving successful. ucord- in: to information received by the A committee with Arthur Lee as chairman was delegated to make a survey of the north shore villages, compiling such information and data ot Community intorost'in convenient booklet form. ' An invitation to bring to all future mot-tings of the board, listings of Garden Class Members Have Entries in Show at the Hotel Sherman An invitation to bring to all future mot-tings of the board, listings of property considered -extra. choice. or available fur trading, was extended to all Walton. This activity. it is hum-d will tend to bring buyer and seller tnzethor in record time, to the mutual benefit of all parties. A spirit of optimism Ind good ehtwr prevailed among .tho twenty- six realtors present and it was de- eided to hold the April meetiné again in Highland Park. For many weeks the Community “anion class members have been run- suuking their brains as well as an- tique shops and florists catalostues'tor novel ideas to incorporate in their sown exhibits at the Hotel Sherman Flower Ind Gordan show, Much 28 to April Cr. The following ladies are vntt-ml in the competitions: Luncheon tnhle. Mrs. Whinery, Mrs. McKay; xhndow box, flower arrange- ment. Mrs. Cheney; interior window box, Mrs. J. P. Denison; mantel deco, ration, flower Ind 'tern, Mrs. Edward Steele, Mrs. Watson Harrison; sun- parlor arrangement, Mrs. E. B. Jor- dan. Mrs. Dwight Davis; posters, Mrs. E. s. Gail; bud or branch, not tiowers, Mrs. McKay. 54le . Until March M tickets mly be pure chased from the members or at the local drug stores u 3 much lower price than the regular gate admission. Rabbi Kopald Speaks on Lewishohn’s Drama "Adam," the 'first play from the pen of Ludwig Lewisohn, will be dis- cussed by Rabbi Louis J. Kopald from the pulpit of North Shore Conn-exu- tion Israel, Lincoln and Vernon ave- nues. Glencoe. " the regular senile. next Sundly morning, Much 23 at 11 o'clock. The Rabbi will devote about Ulf of the lecture period to a reading of the play to be lolluwed by an In- alysis and critique. The play deals with the vital problem Is to whither or not a Jew an be at home in I Christian-mnjority environment. The general public is cordially in- vited. THE PRESS Deerpath Theatre Is Offering Galaxy of Features Next Week Deerpath theatre, Lake Forest, of. term another exceptionally fine pro- grnm in a varied and highly enter- taining galaxy of futures during the ensuing week. On Friday of this week, one day only, is presented Long- tellow's immortal epic, 1'Evtuteeline," and it is highly recommended by the Lake Forest censorship board. Saturday, with matinee and night performance-Ruth Chatterton and Clive Brook in “The Laughing lady," two clever actors irua notable talking feature. This picture not recommend- ed for children, in the opinion of the local censorship board. Sunday, continuous 2 to 11 p. m.-- The four-star picture. "City Girl," featuring Charles Farrell and Mary Duncan.' ' _ Monday and Tuesday--"Phantom of the Opera," all-talking, singing, dams ine and techni-color feature with Lon Chaney, Mary Philbin and Norman Kerry and a cast of 500 others. Wednesday, one day only-The four-star picture with the all-colored east, "Hallelujah." l The P. T. A. of the Oak Terrace ‘nchool held their ttttttttttl monthly Fifiiiite March 10. All the preaeht ioffieers were elected for the etlsuintr ‘ year. Mrs. Raymond Roth, president; Mn. Frank Smith, vice president; Mrs. James Reilley, secretary; Mrs. David Olson, finance secretary; Min Lilly thlmen, treuurer. ' Thursday and Frid-y - Dough: Fairbanks and Mary Pickford. in "The Taming of the Shrew," a delightful talkie of the famous play. Saturday of next, week, one day only-"Seven Keys to Baldpate," with Richard Dix. Coming the following week-"The Virginian." - Infant Welfare Opens Spring Drive Malek 24 The March meeting of the Highland Park-Ravinia center of the Infant Welfare society will be held at the home of Mrs. Kellogg Patterson, 943 Lincoln avenue, on the afternoon of Friday, March 21 at 2:30. Next Week the center is holding its annual spring drive for funds. A luncheon is being given at the home of Mrs. Walter Rutledge for members of the drive committee on Monday, March M, at which time Dr. H, N. Sanford, head of the society's medi- cal staff, will speak briefly on Infant Welfare work, Mrs. Eugene Talbot, the president of the Woman's Auxil- iary will also he a guest at the lunch- eon, and plans for the drive will be outlined. The Highland Park-Ravinia center aims It larger results from their drive this year. Our neighboring center at Glencoe contributed 85,800 last year as against our $2.650. Highland Park-Ravinin center is young, but shows great 'romise, and we hope eventually to attain the goal of $5,000 necessary to suggest an Infant Wel. fare Mation, which ambition has been realized by almost every other "tr. urb, and we bespeak the eo-operation and suggest of our loyal towns peo- ple in this drive. Oak Terrace P. T. A. . ' Re-Elect officers N. S. CHAPTER ll. h. R. HEARS FINE ADDRES Abram Mendenhall Speaks Last Thursday at Meeting; State Conference Held The state conference M D. A. R, met in Chicago this week with the Chicago chapter as hostess. The meetings were held at the Stevens hotel and regents and delegates from 107 chapters representing a member- ship of 10,000 daughters in Illinois were present. Mrs. R. L. Sandwick represented the local chapter and with the regent, Mrs. J. B, Garnett,_attend- ed many sessions. Talk by Mendenhall V The talk given by Mr. Abram Mendenhall before the North Shore chapter last Thursday was very much enjoyéBT His subject was "The Ro- mance of Time,",and he traced the His- tory of time-telling devices from the cave man era to the present age of perfection in the watchmaker's art. Mr. Mendenhall is a fascinating speaker, with a keen sense of the dramatic, and' a fund of knowledge and experience which now.and then led him to give his audience glimpses iof uncharted seas on whlch they would fain embark at some future itime, it privileged to attain secure Mr, Mendenhall "The Bishop Murder Case"-Myr tery story wgll above the average, ex- cellently acted and spoken, Perhaps too thrilling for sensitive children, {otherwise a good film for family en- tertainment. _ Those who h"eard Senator Pepper's fine address the other night on the National D. A,. R. program, will be glad to learn that there will be a na- tional hookup every Thursday eve- ning at 7:30 o'clock. Programs will come from Washington sponsored by this organization. Report on Films The better films committee send their weekly messages as follows: V ipvnarnitU'--Too exciting tor chiL dren under 15. _ "Harmony at Hotmf'--Mildly Imus- ing and “objectionable save in mat.. ter of good taste. Adults. "Hallehuah"--A picture much out of the ordinary and with real appeal to the intelligence. Adults only. "The Sacred Flamc"-Deeidedly fur adult audiences. . "The Lone Star Rantrer"-Umrsual for its human qualities and touches of historical interest. Family. _"Evamre1ine"---bnpressive and sin- cere rqnderi'ng of Lotstrfellow's great story. Excellent for the family. ' “Taming irt the Shrew"--Another myth-while film. Excellent for the family. "The Laughing Lady"-iuinely human with character interest para- mount. Adults and youth 15-20. "Girl of the Port"9bsorbintt en- tertainment. Adults.' Death of Chambers Child Little Raymond Chambers. the two year old child of Mr. and Mrs, H. R. Chambers of this city. passed ley on Thursday, March 13 at the Alice Home hospital in Lake Forest. The funeral was held at the Kelley chapel Saturday Mternoon, Rev. H, F. Siem- sen of the Bethany church offieiated. Thursday, March 20, 1930