Mame! Talcott of Wpsulastran gave a short report on the 40 and 8 and told of re-organizntion plans now un- der way. He promised much netiv. ity in that organization for the com- ing year with a very constructive progrnm in view. Rawson Bowden of Highland Park reported that two victrolas and" rec- ords had been sent to the hospitals at North Chicago and Great Lakes by Mrs. E. L Easton and Mrs. W. L. Winters of Highland Park. Other Spenke‘rn Two 'representatives of the Span- ish War Veterans were present and spoke a few words. They were Judge Meyer and Mr. Edwin Lundgren. both of Highwood, who complimented the Legion on the wonderful turnout. Brad West reported that he httd investigated several cases reported to mussen of Lake Forest at the previ- ous meeting in oNrth Chicago, and told of their investigation and disposal. Arthur P, Montgomery, commander of Dumarcsq Spencer Post of High- land Park, brought up the question of solicitation of members in another post's territory. This aroused con- siderable discussion. George Briggs defended Deerfield', position ins the matter while various members from the two Highwood hosts explained their views. _ Howard Garnant Cave a humorous report of his airplane trip to Bloom- ington with the membership records in the race for place in the member- ship drive in Illinois. Lake county went over the top with a wide mar- gin. Mr. Garnant told how the plane had started late because of failure to receive records on time, and upon as- cent a few hundred feet found that the oil can had been left " and the plane spattered with oil, This meant a landing, a clean-up, a take-08 and the trip was made in two hours. On the return trip they stopped at Ke- wane and Peoria for gas and oil. To Award Prizes Announcement was made that the many prizes offered to the most active post, best membership drive, and most industrious "meer, ete., would be awarded at the Deerfield meeting. Bruno Henderson, chairman of this committee went into detail as to the exact nature of prizes\nd the work necessary to obtain them. A resolution of thanks was ordered sent to the board of supervisors for their prompt aid to the Legion relief work with a contribution $1,000 as authorized by the Mate. The Legion, in turn, has taken a number of cases " their hands, and has rendered an accounting to them for the inoney spent. T (By DAN HUNT) Mancel Talcott of Waukegan war, elected senior vice-commander of the Lake County Council of the American Legion at its regular monthly meet- ing held in the Highwnod Catholic church assembly hall under the aus- pices of Stupey-Smith and Evans- Watkins posts. Ezgert W. Carlson of Highwood was elected Junior vice- commander of the district at the some meeting. This completes the water of council officers. TWO LEMON COUNCIL OFFICERS ARE NAMED Mancel Talcott of Waukegan and E. W. Carlson of Highwood Elected at Session Thursday, March 27, 1930 Mr, Talcott also reported on the sit- Elsie Watkins, who is I Junior at Wellsley college, is spending her spring vu-tion with relatives in Sun- mit, New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lahey of Deer- field road were pleamuitly surpriled 5Y3? titmh Sunday evening. Mrs. Isabel Caswell Cole of S. St. Johns avenue. has been placed on the House committee of the National con- ference of Daughters of the Ameri- can Revolution held in Washington, D. C. in April. Mrs. Cole is a put regent of the D.A.R. and has held many Wisconsin State positions. She is also a member of the North Shore chapter in Highland Park and mother of Mrs. W. W. Reichardt of Highland Park. nation of his graves registration com- mittee. He stater that this one: had no season - it must curry on sll thrbugh the year. 7 Mrs. R. C. Cameron, who his been on the sick list, is very much better and able to be around attain. Miss Clarice Fisher entertained her Sewing circle Inst Tuesday evening " her home on West Park Ivonne. Refreshments were served and I pleasant evening enjoyed. Mr, and Mrs. Earl they Ind Min Adeline Lahey of Deerf1eld rand en- tertained at dinner last Thursday evening. The guests included Mr. ind Mrr. Jack,Trout of Guys like and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Fisher of Welt Park avenue. Mrs. E. B. Metre! and Mr. And Mrs. Frederick Watkins hive returned from New Orleans Ind Gulf Port, Mississippi, where Florence Within: is a junior at the college there. Junior baseball will be an active bit of work on the part of the Legion in Lake county. it is reported. Many teams are in process of orgttnt%ttiott and other already formed. Challenges will be issued to similar orgattiintions as soon as plans are perfected, it in anriouneed. Ag usual the business session was pleasantly interrupted with a novelty of some sort and this time it VIII I selection of Italian songs to their own accompaniment by two Highwood boys, Luigi Delrangeli and Mickie Lamauna. While they announced that the majority there would not understand their songs it was quite evident from the applause that their efforts did not go unrewarded. Mr. George W. Dixon of Lake Shore drive and Richard Parkin of this city, in company with a few of their cinn- mates have departed for a weeks va- cation at French Links Springl, Indiana. They are all students of the Northwestern University Law Ichooi. Marjory Loucke of SfSecond street left last week with I party of friends to spend some time in Famine. Mich. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mack Ind fam- ily are passing an extended winter vacation at the Edgewnter Gulf hotel, Edeewatte Park, Mississippi. 'The Cameron children of Highwood are out of quarantine. Mr. and Mrs. Cullen Vail Ind daughter Edith and Ion Curl In spending two weeks at the Cavalier hutei at Virginia Beach, Virginia. Mrs. Samuel Holmes Ind two lam, Sam, Jr. and Kenneth are motoring from Washington to spend their spring vacation at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bard returned Monday from a ten days tour through Virginia.. . Local and Personal THE PRESS 2 Great Clothing Achievements These coats are of the grenteat values in the clothing industry of today, They come in box- cots, raglnna, single end double-breasted styles and allege models. All the new (weeds and herring- nee. Pewter Greg - Tamarack Brown - Vellum Tan Three good colors for spring. Crowns are high and tapered, brims are nnrrow and curled. All the new colors and models, for spring. Each suit has two pair of trousers. Size: up to M. $5.00 Men 's Apparel Shop 786 Elm Street Phones " B. M. John’l Ave. Winnetka A Snap Brim Threesome Stetson Hats $8.50 and $10.00 RUNAROUND TOP COATS $25 and up LiiijEEllEd PREP SUITS by Hut. ilCHArFNEtt AND MARX $22.50 and up 307 Hllhlud Park $5.00 "