" LAMB SPRING LEGS, the pound. . ' . . . . . . CHICKENS, ROASTING, the pound . . . . . . DECKS, FANCY, the pound ............. HAM SHANKS, 31/; to 4 lbs. each, the pound SUGAR NATIVE RIB BEEF ROAST, the pound 39ty BACON sliced, émlilitrrgfn Short Leg Veal ;Halibut Steak 3 Native Beef Ril the pound 28e l the pound 29C’ short out, lb. Ttvt Rump Roast, Veal Salmon Steak Native Beef Sit the pound 32e the pound _ E) Steak, m. T Breast Veal 1Faney Whitefish Satin Beef Po: the pound IN the pound 48e Steak, lb. T AF l , . Shoulder Veal. I Fancy Trout Native Beef Ru (5 h. cuts) lb. Z4£clthe pound 48e ',t"t 'lc, T t ve BO] ' val Stew. boneless !Pereh a . the pound 3Se the pound 29e Rolled Rib Roa n Id Ni r H Eil I, . Native Beam " -. arm a ans ' errtng Rolled SirloinR (whole) lb. C the pound 18e l Native Beef SI Dry Onions Fresh Fillets boneless, lb. to thy. for 2Se the pound 3Se Native Beef Pk l Winter Carrot" Smoked Fillets the pound _ 6 lbs. for 2Se I the pound 2th: Best Hamburg: Yellow Turnip L' ked Whit fi h the pound s " mo t e s . q 6 lbs. for 25¢â€. pound 3lie rigor†Sa Mild American Fresh Shrimp Links Cheese. Ih. 291cm. pound 33e lb. 7 CELERY, Fancy Florida. large stalk LET'rr'CE, FANCY ICEBERG, 2 heads "IPiNACH, FRESH, FANCY, the peek . Strictly doz. Large S dn1. 24 North First Street EAS', FRESH GREEN, 2! lbs. for RAPP BROTHERS Large Selected doz. _ . Strictly Fresh Salmon Steak the pound Fancy Whitefish the pound Smoked Fillets the pound _ Smoked Whitefish the pound PURE CANE CLOTH BAGS 25y 33y 89y THE PRESS ..29c 35yee 35%c 19'/1c 29c 35c 48c 48c 29c 19c 35c 29c 35c 33c 29c IN oA POTATOES Fii,i? 49y 9e 'i, Native Beef Rib Roast i, short cut, lb. _t_.t.-r_.-____ Tt"ttt Native Beef Sirloin Steak, m. V "i"-'""""' Native Beet Porterh'tse Steak, lb. T AF . _'" Ttreq ___. Native Beef Rump 3 Roast, lb. . Native Beef Boneless a Rolled Rib Roast, lb Native Beef Boneless Rolled Sirloin Roast, lb. Native Beef Stew, boneless, lb. qFqr» Ttve V V Native Beef Plate Beef the pound T _ qVT _-. Best Hamburger Steak the pound V Mickleberry Sausage Meat, lb. V Links lb. V BUTTER tA,rri'1o,u:1hcl1v.rl'lrrl 39%,; TURKEYS, DRY PICKED, the pound . . . . . POT ROAST, Native Beef, the pound . . . . . ROUND STEAK, Native Beef, the pound . CHEESE, Aged Yellow American, 3 lbs. for ORAN GES, Juicy Florida, 3 doz. for MUSHROOMS,the box........... CARROTS or BEETS, 4 bunches for RHUBARB, Fancy, the pound . . . . . 10 lbs. :It, 49y trt 32e 'l'r_43e "?'t Sk ' 3Sle {"73 39le Phones: H. P. 1676 " 1677 - 1678 . 1679 33c 1 29c l, 18c ‘ 22c T 35c i 39c i {$5153.13 'lrrr V. Me i 2erk,,5l',ltf M 27le is;:::.%;rt,'é _l,i_5, _18le i, 'i,reei',te't,mii's, , ' 27le % 12,1',fi'er", _?"' it: 25c l 5K31u§35'°. 5lt', Tet 18c I Bacon :e.e,."it 141 c Ir.'.? cur ' . t-V 1ciet'c'eil'r"' me 'l),':',?,,:',?,:":,"?., _ 18e ( 1tt"rrefllf,"r,? H 3Sle 2 lbs. for 390 Pork Loin Roast the pound ., ttrr-_--." Pork Rib Roast the pound -eve Fresh Little Pig Hams, lb. _ -. -r-re_ Fresh Hams ll (whole or Itair,)b. Y. Pork Chops, large cuts the pound. T"""" H -ev Fresh Spare Ribs the pound V. . _ .. .. Te.eVe_eV 'et Bacon Squares 1 sugar cured, lb. ttV California Hams the pound _ Pork Sausage, home.made, lb. _ Thursday, March 27, ..25He ..35'/zc ...$1.00 . .43c $1.19 . .39c . .25c . .19c 1930