LABOR DEPARTMENT REPORT SHOWS GAIN Thursday, March 27, 1930 Improvement in employment and earnings for the wage earners in Illi- nois is in. prospect for the next few months, Gov, Louis L. Emmerson was informed today by Director Barney Cohen of the state department of hs Mr. _ Improvement in ',itit,1,trg"'nt and Earnings in II nois Is Predicted "The prospect for the near future is favorable," Director Cohen told Gov. Emmerson. "Prom September, 1929 to January 1930, the course of employment was deMitely down- ward, but there is sound evidence that the downward trend has been re. versed and that the next few months will show more favorable employment conditions in most lines of industry." Director Cohen called attention to the state's institutional building pro- gram, for the year, estimated at ap- proximately $10,000,000, in its road building program calling for an ex- penditure of between $26,000,000, and $30,000,000 as an important part of the building and construction work to he done in the state. this year. Begun in February The first Sign of improvement was shown in the month of February, in which month a seasonal increase is normally in evidence. In February, employment in Illinois manufactur- ing industries increased 0.2 per cent over the January figures. Whiltrthis improvement is small, it assume: some sienifieanee when contrasted with the steady decreases of the four preceding months. The iron and steel industry, which employs more wage earners than any other in Illinois ind which is generally regarded as an important indicator of future indus- trial conditions, reported a 4:6 per cent gain in employment in February. NOTICE ls HEREBY GIVEN to "I. he“! vutera, ruldenu of the Township of DeerfUld, County of lake, Illinois, um the Anna-I Township Mevtirut and Eleetiort of amou- of said 'ruwnship will tire plum: TUESDAY. THE m DAY OF APRIL proxlmo. him: the Brat Tue-dry in Mid month The eleertirsrt will beam It thrhour_ur. 7 TUESDAY. THE m DAY " APRIL proximu. being the Brat Tue-duly in nit! month The electinn will begin at the hour, " 7 mm. and close " tr run. in the place: delin- ntstml ll follows, int Precinct City Hnli. Wnukenn Ave., Hiuhwood. Ill. 2nd Preeinet--DeeMeld.BhieIds High School. lehland Park, m. 3rd Precinct H. F. Kelly Bids†" North Sheridan Road, Highland Park, ill. 4th Precinct North Shore Ga Co., Bldg†IT. South. St. Johns "2.. Highland Park. tith Preeinet-8M Roger Williams "9.. ttta. vlnll). Ilium-ml Puk, Ill. . 6th Preeinet-VeneH Musik Stan. 606 North Green Bay Rand. Hhhlnnd Puk, m. 7th Preelrtet--Brod Bron. Store. 582 Con- tral “9.. Hind-mi Park, III. is": Precinct. Llneoln School. LintoIn "2.. Highllnd Purk. m. 9th Prvelnet-Wluru Bldg.. 475 Row wo. linm- we. (Envlnil). Hluhlnnd Puk. Ill. The oMeera to be elected Ins: Two Ankh Int Supervllora. one Tuwmhip Clerk, one Mneuor, one Constable to till vnuncy. The Town Meeting will open In Town Mall It the hour of 2 p.rn.. Ind If!†choc-Sn: . Moder-Mr will Draco-ed to hear and eonsider report: at oMrerm to approprhk mom-y to defray the new-r37 expvnm ot the hu- ship, Ind to delibenle and decide on much "manna 1!! "my. in mar-ulna ot luv. come begun the means. _ Given under "iv Und this 17th du " March A, D, 1930. An important sign of improvement is the " per cent increase in aver. age weekly earnings reported, for February. This indicates that many Ill, ANNUAL TOWN MEETING AND ELECTION ALBERT “no; ah, -ii, and mbnth ' at the hour. of 7 in the plum delin- TWESBISEErk factories Have lncreauea tEeu' operat- ing time, and tint part-time work has become less general. A continua- tiqn of this trend may be expected. While figures for the current month are not yet eveilable, there is other evidence that the improvement shown in February has been continued and has increased during the tirrt half of March. '. The automobile trade dogma is now "two car: for every fondly.†In the good old flivver days it was "two fum- ilies in every car." And sometimes three or four. litigant" aqua/m! with the new Hydra†now up: foods fresb a: well a cold . . . . . In the new Frigidaire: you can have moist, taking cold for vegetables " the was time you have dry cold for menu Ind other foods. The Hydntor nuke: this long-wanted service possible. Celery come: out of the ttt', crisp and brittle. Lettuce cm kept here, fresh and tender, tbe an indefinite period. Fitmnest can be restored to touutoee. “dishes end other vegetables. You’ll went to know more about the new Hrdutor and about the {mom "YOU CAN'T ’BBAT ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION" Mowumoist ca am/ dry cad/ in tle Same PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY THE P388! OF NORTHERN Iu,mom 51 South St. Johns Avenue War Department Plans Big Improvements on Harbor at Waukegan Convinced of the growing import- ance of the Wankegul Huber the war department in pinning immedi- ate steps toward piecing the Itrwcture of the harbor in I better late of to- pair end is placing it in reldineu for the opening of navigation, The work for which tqrpropriatioms have been. made and which will be Marud im- mediately include: the rebuilding ot Frigidaire Cold Control. You'll want to cumin: the handful nut-proof cabinets porcelain-Ott-steel inside and out. So lulu I sped-15in: of stopping It the PublicScrvioc an we: anyone“. Any Frigidlin. [up or and]. any be purduud the 1ttt my way out I conviction: period that. re,trig,erator the rumbling 700 feet of - structure of the south ttier m om- cm at] the drama! of the will of the harbor. according to Cancun» nun Carl B. Chinblém. The project lu- not much: with the plan now before conclu- to enlarge and improve the MM by the “new of In “tendon a the outer backwater and by dancing the my." in the inn-r hula at an harbor at an Quintana total can of â€04.000. d/