Patronize the Press Advertisers FOLDING CARD TABLES AND COVERS BANQUET TABLE CHILDREN’S TABLE AND CHAIRS _ Delivered and cone; for - Rates very reachable 27 North Sheridan Road FOLDING CHAIRS LIQUID GLASS CLEANER Stolen- Aqu Supply Co., Brand Bros, Highland Park Mummy. T. S. Duly Furniture Co., Melerhol Hard. ware Co.. C. C. Niehullr. Rum Bron" Highland Park: "new!" Hardware, Chan. Ruelmldt Market, Ruinin: Webster's Tire and Battery Shop. Highwood: J. it. Not: "I'd-In Co.. "afield: A. Brrnhardt Hardware Cm, Northbrook. ' For Rent for Parties and Gatherings SPARKLE MARI-ZS WINDOW WASHING A I'LHASI'RE ls sold and recommended by the Successor to B. M. PRIOR CO. Fallen] Director H. F. KELLEY following dealers: htimun cumin", Giveit Jomn. n siieuttr in tin and sheet metal. We have fa. rilitiua for making I small can or a monster tank, a simple leader or an elaborate cornice or portion. If you ire in doubt as to what in heat adapt- ed for your purpose in tin or sheet metal we shtll be Rial! to Insist yuu with our advice based on experience and knowledge. tt you haven't a hot water heater in your hume you dn not realize what a comb". you are missing. Think of it! Hot water in abundance the moment you turn the faucet. The hunter is not expensive and the in- xtnllzvtivm is quickly dune. Let us ex- plain it to you. Yuu'll nut be satis- tied until yn.u have one. wrrrlN autumn: 300 CENTRAL AVENUE Teuphortos. A Shop H. P. 1404 Ben. H. P. an“: Henry G. Winter Moran Brothers Modem PfteMitw artf. HW‘ WE MAR F, EVERYTHING THF, COMFORT "r' IT Telephone H. P. 4260 " North First Street Phone 635 CH A m COVERS TEE PRESS Hornardi l’nsuosi, Giuseppe Inno- conzi. Pilaznon Harman Giuseppe, Car. inzolln. Per Erik Erikson, Paulo Car. ingulln. John Schmidt, Santa Minnrini, Joe Albert. _ “Get out of here," the detective or- dered. The doe seemed abnshed for a Moment. hut then renewed his show of amnion. Latter looked more elosely--the dog was holding a $5 bill in its muuth. Latter pocketed the money, and the doe scampered down the street. He will pay more ntlenlinn to strange does in future. Grover Luttor. altlctoctivv on the Racine Pulin- department, and a for- mer well known resident of Wanke- gnn. has changc-tl his belief about (lop. He was standing at a street corner a few nights ago when a big collie seampered down the sidewalk and leaped affectionately at Lutter. Donald Sutherland Bruce. Henry Sehwennecker, Caste Flveret Ander. snn Winter, Ellen Elsie Strand, Man. fmlo Belirutheri, Maria Mitrovi, Dan. to Unllwrtu Mitrovi, Arvo Anton» Tui. vnnon, Gabriel Vena, Agnes Koran, Charles Edward Jeffery, Claude Ern- Dog Presents $5 Bill to Racine Policeman Four patriotic organizations last week joined to welcome a class of 57 residents who were admitted to citi. zenship in Waukegan by Circuit Judge Edward Shurtlefr. as fullnws: _ Elza Buck. William Nitz, Frances Grnhar, John tlahenvsek, Stephen Dell-lair. Emma Events, Joseph Zai- alnik. Jean Crawurd, Jakov Sikie, William Rudzinski, Angelo Capitani, Claude Henry F'ranklin, Luigi Fini, Sydney Henry Foldsmith, Charlotte Goldsmith, Zygmunt Breie, Ida Maria Kivisto, Henry h'ehifrke, Michale Kau- eie, Charles Miskech, August Gap. shes, Amerie" Giannasi, Andrew Marl iager Lorentsen, Charles Joseph Kot- our. Elizabeth Ann Johnson, Angeliki Raphail. Erirk Borg Elfversnn, Wil. liam Cargo Mawhinney, Carmine Fi. ore Rufrulu, Herbert. Coleman, Giu- seppe Marehetti, Ann Wilhelmina Pe- torsnn. Jerry Frank Slam. Ermano Ori, John Trcvk, Anna Kate Ahlf, The American Legion, Daughters of the American Revolution, Spanish War veterans and Veterans of For- eign wars joined for the purpose of extending the welcome. Speakers included Judge Shurtlefr, Prof. Tomlinson of Lake Forest col- loge. Cirvuit Clerk L. J. Wilmot and Roy Hurd, a meniber of the faculty " the Waukegan high school. Mestlumes Young and Todd, of Highland Park, and' Mrs. R. E. Thomas, of Waukegan, were on the musical program. Mrs. Viola Longabnugh of Watrke. gun was in charge of the arrange- ments which included refreshments in addition to the program. Those admitted to citizenship were 57 NEW CITIZENS ARE GWEN WELCOME Patriotic Organizations Unite in Program for those Given Papers Mnrris Mitchell, , Vanna Irene Giuseppe Inno- SELVI CARLSON MUSIC CO. 20% DISCOUNT ON LAUNDRY BROUGHT AND CALLED FOR. RELIABLE LAUNDRY , DRY CLEANING COMPANY 618 N. Green Bay Rd. Highland Pt. ' earls" ' "vt stitj.iti'l)'jlc; TELEPHONE 8066 Corner Central Avenue and Green Bay Road Windes & Marsh J. M. BILHARZ Slip Coven. Now Tops, Cumin Bevel PM. or Celluloid Windows, Floor Run. Robinson Crusoe, ary:i,Friday would. have had. a Pugh old. t1_me 'wikh a. racuo. like you can. Gel: at:: North ‘Room Lam’s Guru. 32 S. First Street WONDER WHAT I CAN DO TO AMUSE MYSELF COLUMN Phones Highland Park 650 Winnetka 222 Illinois Competent Surveyors Municipal Engineers Telephone 498 Aulo Trimming- Thursday, March 27, 1930