Thursday, March 27. WOMENS am AID BIO FLOWER SHOW (Continued from page 3) club on Tuesday, April 1, " 2:30 p. m. R. E. Pattison Kline who will give this lecture needs no introduction to Highland Park as he has long been recognized here as an authority and has given many talks and series of lectures an current events and poli- tical questions. Mr. Kline is also a master of the technique of public speaking no his coming is always keenly anticipated. The paintings cf Emile Zcir, Swedish artist of international fame, continue to attract the enthusiastic interest of the community. The ex. hibit has received the highest praise from artists living in Highland Park and Ravinia, The art students of oeerfield-sltields high schuul visited the exhibit Monday morning and met Mr. Zior who personally 'eondueted them on a tour of the gallery. Welfare Meeting One of the most splendid meetings ever held in this community was the Public Welfare meeting on Monddy afternoon when representatives of Lake county institutions gave talks on their work. Though each talk was short, each gave a comprehensive sur- vey of the earnest, etfieient work be- ing dune. it was an aftermmn long to be remembered for its story of service to humanity. The speakers were Miss Himmekeich of the Hu, mane society; Judge Persons of the Juvenile Court; Miss Arbuckle of Luke Bluff Orphanage; Mrs. Millard representing Ridge Farm Preventor- ium; Miss Ferrier of Arden Shore; Minis Minich of the Crippled Chil- dren’s clinic; Mrs. Johnson for .Dor- the Home; Miss Perry of Good Will Center; Miss Waterman fur Tuber- (ulosis Christmas seals. Rummage Sale The Annual Spring Rummage male will be held at the club on April 10 and 11 and again we uiye you to keep us in mind as you eletin-huuse. Any thing you discard which still has some usvfullncss will be much appreciated and help to swell the building fund which is growing into such pr0por- tions that the club is thinking of com- pleting their building. _ The club will he open to the public on Friday evening, March 28 fur all who wish to see this nemarkable ex- hibit. . EVE/can Utye anything, turriiture clothing, books, brie.a-bree. Bring these to the club ttity morn- ing. or call Mrs. Dwight Davis, Tel 1013 and she will gladly call fur your tlrsnatiuns, Almost seven hundred National Sor- ority women attended the spring luncheon at the Medinah Athletic club last Saturday. Florence Schee Robuett, Dean of Wumen of North. western university was one of the speakers. Mrs. Robert W,'getrries of Highland Park, president of the use- eiatirtt presided. Some of those pres. ent were Mrs. Fay Cooper-Cole, Jed- sic: North MacDonald. Elinbeth Tut- tle llulsman and Genevieve Forbe,q Herrick. Na'tional Sorority Women at Luncheon An Exhibit 1930 "eADllllLLAtl †LASALL Ei) HARMONIZED . V STEERING SYSTEM SO will you THE PRESS Come in and td.. 't our. Let us give you facts regarding low cost operating. - It may lead to your becoming a Cadillac or La Selle owner this year. For you'll discover that these splendid cars can be kept in com- mission for little more-or even a little Gr-than smaller, less powerful cars. It all simmers down to this- Cadillacs and La Salles are cle- signed and built to delivet luxury service on an economy basis. Put it up to us to prove it. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR CO. 100 North First Shut Highland Park -