Invite Garden Clubs to Annual Guest Day Members of the Deerfield Garden club and the Bannoekburq Garden club as cordially invited to attend the Annual Guest day meeting of the Ravinia Garden club to be held Sat. urday. April 26 at 2 p.'m., at the Village house on Dean and Roger Williams avenue. Mrs Maud E. Jacobs of the Gar- field Pnrk Conservatory will give I talk on “Continuation of Bloom in the Garden." Mrs. Jacobs is a great favorite with north shore gardeners and her many friends will welcome this opportunity of hearing her again. Members of the Revinia Gorden club are very enxioua to become bet. ter acquainted with their gardening neighbors and are looking forward to a pleasant little visit after the leo. lure over a. "eup of tea." _ Members Urged to Attend Meeting April 10 Thupdny, April 8, 1930 Members of the Deerfield and Wil. mot Parent Teacher association: are reminded to reserve Thursday eve. ninth April 10 as that is the date when William John Cooper will speak on, "The Highachool and Democracy†" the Deerfield-Shields high school auditorium at fl p. m. Not only are members of the associations invited to hear Mr, Cooper but also the gen- eral public. Wednesday, April 9 - Lions club, 12:30. American Legion, Masonic temple. Altar and Rosary society meeting, 8 o'elock. Holy Cross church. Deerfield Civic Calendar Monday, April 7 - Village board meeting. Tuesday, April 8-Bethlehern Ev. angelical Mission band, 4 o'eioek. Mis- sion circle, 8 o’clock. Primary elee. tion, 7 a. m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 15, an election will be held in the village of Deerfield, Polls will be open from 7 mm. to 5 p.m. at the following precincts: lat precinct, Town Hall; 2nd precinct, Ed BleimehN store. Thursday, April Io-ut. N. A. Ju. venilea, 6 o'clock,.adult meeting, 8 o'eloek, Masonic temple. Joint meet- ing of high school and grammar school Parent Teacher associations. high school auditorium, 8 o'clock. Dr. William John Cooper, U. S. Commis- sioner of education will be speaker. Friday, April li-Parent Teacher uso'ciation meeting, Deerfield nudi- torium, 2 o'eloek. Boy Scout meet- ing, 9:30 o'clock. MRS. LORETTA WILLMAN, Local Editor Lincoln Ave., Deerfield, Ill. Tel. DtserfUld 168-3 DEERFIELD NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS Send contribution- to loul correspondent Mo M thy noon. Help her to lulu this nation hand“. DEERFIELD NEWS-FLASHES Mr. E. J. Ginter, chairman of the Deerfield Bannockburn district Boy Scout committee, reports' the cam- paign for money for the 1930 budget and camp fund to be still some dis- tance from the goal. Mr. Ginter wish- es to thank those who hove BO gen- emusly contributed and to request any who have not yet done no to for. ward their subscriptions to the Fi. nance Chairman Mr. E. B. Jordan. This will be doubly appreciated as it will cut down the amount of personal solicitation necessary on the part of the fipanee committee. Scouting has made grelt progress in these communities during the int year. Even greater plum Are under way for the coming months, of im- mediate interest in the Court of Honor and Hobby Show to be held at the Deerfield public school on Pri. day, April 11, 7:30 p. m. The par- ents and friends of scouting are espe- chilly invited to stterid and witness the neeornphUhttterta of the various scouts and troops. On account. of the inclement weather, the Wilmot school w" closed on Wednesday and Thprnda’ of last week. T The Deerfield summit Ichdol pu- pils enjoyed their spring "cation Int week. Scout Leader Here E. J. Gin!" THE PRESS Offiem, to be filled ere thou of vll- lace president (for one yen to ttll vacancy), village clerk fo.r two yen-I, and three village trustees tor two yea". Following in the list of undid-m seeking eleétion: On the Citizens Ticket: For prai- dent, Peter Duffy; for village clerk. Mia: Loretta Hem-n; for trustees, Douglas Human, Funk "eobs Jr., Earl Vuner. Independent Ticket: For villnee clerk, Chi-once Kuhn. People's Ticket: For president, "mes Hood; for villus clerk. Chew. ter Walling; for humâ€, William Barrett, Ira Role, Christ Willnun. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Muhlke have returned to their honie on Darth“ avenue, after having spent the win- ter with their dnughcer and Ion-in- law, Dr. and Mrs. H. S. kitsch It Jucksonville, Florida. Mrs. Rnlph W. Zeglin and son Pat, who hnve been visiting Mm. Zellin'n sister, Mm. R. Knuk on Wnukmn road, for the put month, returned to their home in Minna-pony Minn., on Sunday. Mrs. W. W. Geary, chlirmnn-of the ueation Ind literature committee of e Garden Club of Illinois, will have tharire of . living room exhibit at the Central sum Garden Ind Flow- er shop, to begin Snturdly, April 6, in the Chicngo Stadium, continuing until Apr-ills. Mrs. L. Schroeder Ind infant daughter of Merrill, Wim, were - of Mrs. Hnmld Younn. Todd Court, last week. Mrs. Grace Cottrell will be but.“ to her luncheon hrldge club It her home on Todd court, Thursday. Mrs. Hurry Clavey severely injured her arm when she fell in her home one day last week. On account of the million being held in the Holy Cross Catholic church the regular meeting of the altar and Rosary society scheduled for Friday evening. April 4, has been postponed until Wednesday evening. April 9, following the Lenten service. Mrs. Sol Shlpim and three chil- dren have returned from Miami Beach, Floridn. when they spent the winter month. Mr. Blunk of Fox Lake, who wu I recent propritor of u most market in Deerfield, visited the villa: Int week. F Mrs. How-rd Din-hum und “in J ulia Deming of Kenilworth were the guests of Mn. R. E. Penis, loudly ntternoon. Mr, ind Mrs. Clarette. Bunch»: and family of Northbrook villa It the J, R. Not: home in Briu'woodl, Suturdny. Mr. and Mrs. Guunwnnn of Apple- ton, Wirt., are staying a the G. A. Willem home while their daughter, Mrs. Willen ll In the Highland Purl! hospiul. Mis- Mary Burns of Wilmette vio- ited at the home of her brother, C T. Burns of Todd court. on Sunday. Deerfield Local: Mrs. Hawk. who in “le at the Bert Eaton home lu- mttted her bungalow on Chuuun. stud. In. S. B. new. who has but uny- in: at the J. I. Not: home for the an tttme wuh has returned a her me. _ Included 1mm . group from Deerfield, who have been attending the Women's Gymnutic bugle. which has been meeting Monday eve- nlqge u the high school ell winter In: Imus. W. huge. R. A. New. R. Miller, and F, Guackd, ll..- Ruby Lend“. Ethel and lee Time. Leone Eun- Ind Dorothy Lids-r- wood. The clue. which was recently closed with a delightful party in the gymnulum. will mum utlvitiu in the fall. All members who so thor- oughly enjoyed it are met-1y looking forward to the opening dew. During the you for the odi&atitm and entertainment of member- of Deerfteid Plum-Teacher ntmtei.tioo speaker: wete obtuinod and wolf-mu arranged through “tiring do": of the progrlm commune. Tables will be turned, however, It the meeting to be held on Friday ufumoon. April ll, when the parent- will he the an- amino". Mrs, John A. Stryker, . {armor president ml for my years a very active member, will give " Internal discus-lion on, "What the Mother Expect: from the School and Touch- er Mr and In. B, P. Hutchinon. It und In. Ralph Pet/arson and and» ter Doris Jean and In. Julia Petu- Ion upon! Sunni-y with â€have: [I Wnukenn. Punt: Entertain at P. T. A. Meeting Mr. C. W. Getty, I member of tho Deertuldahiehu high when! burl. will give a talk on. “The mu D-field will 3min from I Junk» High School." ' During the Ian-inu- nulon. candl- d-m for Maiden, vice â€with“. meretary and tun-um to be than! " the lay mud" will be ml- mud. Delegates to Illinois Conclu- of Puma and Touch." to be held in Evuutnn April It, " and " VIII be chosen. Ir. and In. Chou. Wheeled: ot Tavern City, Michigan, In. Tome. und Ind Mn. Hellman of Walling†Were guests of In. Julia Parr-m. Hominy. During and by f, Attend [null-th- the well! how m will it boom.