" SAYS LIFE’S BEST ‘3‘ ME IS THE PRESENT j', Today Best the 'Good Old Times' in Opinion of Well-Known Phy.ieian PM†2048 s'WlF'T"s' PREMIUM SI.I('EI) BACON Pot NI) I'OI'ND POUND FANCY ROASTING CHICKENS BEST I'OI'N" FRESH MEATY SPARE FINEST RIB LAMB CHOPS' Ptu'?ilt SHORT LFlf I'OI'NI) SHORT I.“ Pot hit FANCY YE POI'NI) Shop here and you will get 16 ounces to every pound. and the very highest quality of meats and poultry Lincoln Market a 519 Central Avenue Phone Highland Park 3140 NATIVE SIRI.()IN ' PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNING uh u, CHOPtl of the Finest Milk Fed Veal of the Finest Spring Lamb Work Guaranteed, Estimates Free LII hiltlh 530 South Linden Awhile. Highland Puk, m. ha and m " " your: experiencq h an: HI F. PAHNKE The an TI STEAK RIBS pk Iivul th: typt tls himself. man u! twertty-five, with math and the dawning of f aehievoment, that is the ive-who and rape“: r' mature Ivlulthuod m 'ttr wi for the mlvnts hither _ tht would exchange ities for achieve- enjoyment which , for the narrow of the prepuber- he turbulent and a of tuirlescenee. -childhnud nor winhlt- period of (N the best age". my man or wn- "l the full sta- liunul and men. , ago at which mliv'nlual as he mph lex, In Its tie. in human per- 376 45c 19c 39c 39c 35c 32c hum THE PRESS its ideal atte-the time of embarcation noon the sea of his productive life. The substantial and "eyrnintr" citi- m.n of 40, who has tamed his gros- ner passims tu a reasonable degree, luv-nod lessons from his mistakes, and prrived his mettle as a player rd the "great game." finds that the snnse of his ability to do worthy thines and, in large measure, to con- tiol his destiny, makes that the ideal At three score, the capablo‘adult hrs made a place for himself in his Community, provided for: his deelin. it " years, reurhed the pinnacle of his Irtrllw'lual powers, and sees his chil- d-on tentatively grasping the thrut. tlt if the great engine which We call modern civilization, and his grand- vlrairen cumin: on to perpetuate his mnn- and the World's progress. With .i‘l thvse things in view, is he not Jus- t'd'urrl in calling the late summer of life the richest and finest of times'.' And tho oetogenarian, who has lived sanvly and fully, so that his Let Us Help You with Your Landscape Problems! F. D. Clavey Ravinia Nurseries, Inc. An e Exceptional Opportunity Now Office and Nurseries While most persons usually have excellent ideas in a general way, they often do not have sufficient familiarity with the various types of planh to he enabled fo-select and arrange them to the best advantage. Our experienced and trained representatives are at your service . . . always. We are jun clearing seventy-tive acres of our nursery land and are offering a 'large assort- ment of the very finest T Let us quote you on your requirements. We cordially invite you to visit our nurseries, or a phone call will bring representative. 'rk-phunc Trees, Etcrgrccns and Shrubs at Very The Lake Short I)cvtfiold A ttttmtitter Prices l or 36 - 'llizhland Park 36 livcs' among sharp and hitrhduahintt emotions; but is full of uncertainty and luck of purpose. He lot the mid- tue years has gained gowér upon the huur and a perception of his goal; Eat is burdened by cares and respon- sibilities. The old man sees the great picture whole and smiles, with a tear in his eye; but his physiéal powers have waned and his vehiele'of mun- dane many-station is ready to break up. _ (In y; path wate ages. us it A beautiful painted dome which once hung from the center of the ceiling in one of the halls of a Llama temple of Tibet is on exhibition at Field Museum of, Natural History. It is extremely colorful, and the wooden pieces are cleverly iltter together without the use of a nail. In the ten. ter of the dome is a circle with a ma- gical sitoifieanee. DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS Llama Temple Dome Shown in Museum Largest Nurseries Every ago has its own Bowers of 'y, and its own thorns among the 051-5. Every age is the best age. for 2m who has lived eagerly, freely, :ppiiy, unseltishly, one gnnd day at 1ppiiy time. That Chat is the great secryt! Each of has but one day to 1ive--tcday,' we do this huur's job as well as are able, each hour will be the l of our lives; each day the best J; and each milestone along the l of life will indicate the high- wttttark-the best of all possible Thursday, April 10, 1930