32 W A?qNOUNCING Oxygen the Life-Giver 3014 NORTH TRIPP AVENUE IS OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION diet of every man. lmman and child. and purr eondition. THE WIELAND DAIRY CO., Inc. New Milk Bottling Plant . You lure it to yourself and family to see the care. and scientific steps taken to insure your milk being delivered to your home in a safe EVER Y DA Y IS VISITING DA YA r THIS WORLD 'S FINEST PLANT ho m In ul yt .\l.l) Located at uh h man m W hen pum " t " that 888. ' nitruxcn; to bully burning, the danger ' Hus-tight ml in sumo THE PRESS from If t he V ml w' , " ot" an 0 ablp the cost lh' of Baruch ringed de. tr,rtubly th: large hospitals, at a cost of many thousands of dollars, into which the patient'y, bed was placed and oxygen added to the air inside, in any pro- portion he seemed to need; or the gas has been "ted" to him through a paper funnel, wasting a, large per- ccn'tuu'u of it and doing him little or u" an oxygen room at a fraction of the cast. T'his'is known as the Roth. Ilaruwh oxygen tent, and is so ar- rmgud that the patient, lying com- ful'tuhly in his bed, has his hand sur- rounded by a gas-tight tent with win. 'luws m that the nurse can watch him ull the time, intmwhich any de- {red petwentutte of oxygen can be pumpml regularly. The mixture "d union he is has be aper fum m'tuge of " qood. eently an apparatus, the best of ind now avgilable, has been de- whim gives all the advantages a fraction of lair and oxygen is dried and purified ‘in a chamber filled with soda lime, [ and, cooled in another chamber Blied l with ice, so that he has all of the ad- vantages of the out-door treatment which was so popular I. few years ago, without any of its disadvantages. Through the thoughtfulness and generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Uhlmunn, of Highland Park, our own Highland Park hospital is now equip- ped with one of thesis machines, as a memorial to Mary Ann Benjamin, of Glencoe, whose life was prolonged by this moans‘. , _ _ As the head only, of the patient, is within the tent, he can be treated continuously for days or, if neces- sary, even for weeks (usually a few diys are enough), for all necessary intention can be given him by the Junior and thtnurse without disturb. ing the apparatus, except to feed him, give him medicine or wash his face. The cost of the oxygen /about $5 for twenty-four hours of treatment) is negligible. when we consider that it may, and frequently does, save a life. One who has seen.the prompt and surprising improvement in a des- perately ill pneumonia patient, liter being supplied with this life-giving gas, would never give a thought to the matter of its trifline cost, The benefits of this modern treat- ment of a serious and all-too-fre- qucntly fatal disease are now avail- able to the residents of Highland Park and the territory near by; and this fact gives us another reason to he proud of our hospital and to be eager to enter its kindly and helpful atmosphere whenever we are at all seriously ill. This oxygen tent is a very inter. csting piece of machinery, and those who have a yearning to see it will ho cottrteously received and “com. modated by the hospital authorities, who are more than glad to have peo- ple become thoroukhly familiar with the active and up-to-date little insti- tuticn over which they preside and which all our pcimle should under- stand and appreciate. Frigidaire Production. Breaks 3 Months Record take care of a normal increase in business without additions to the per- vionnel during the first quarter," he will. "This "company the largest in the field, expects to again break all records in 1930. "Present manufacturing activity is centered upon the household electric refrigerator. The moist " compart- ment, or hydrator, recently added to the line, has proved to be a very pop- ular improvement and indications point to a still greater demand when the public becomes acquainted with the advantages it affords." There are more Fridgidaires than all other makes of electric refrieertw tors combined, a factory announce- ment says. Thursday, April 10, 1930 he