Thursday, April 10, 1930 REGULAR MEEMNC 0F 3 COMMERCE CHAMBER ', Interesting Illustrated Talk by J. T. Pirie, Jr., Feature; Business Session The feature of the regular monthly meeting of the Highland Park Chum- ber of Commerce, Tuesday evening, was an interesting, illustrated lee- ture by John T. Pirie, Jr., of Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co., on Mr. Pirie's hunting trip in Africa. Dinner at the Green Tea Pot It 6:30 preceded the business session. ' Illustrated Lecture Mr, Pirle's address and the fine moving pictures which illustrated it, tsken " himself while on the expedi- ticn, were greatly enjoyed by the members present. The pictures show- ed clearly many phases of nttive cus- toms, animal life, scenery and other interesting features of the interior of Africa, and Mr. Pirie's descriptions and explanations were entertaining, instructive and greatly appreciated by his hearers. Bills were read, approved and voted paid after proper audit. Ravlnin Open Fund . On motion of Emmett Duffy, regu- larly seconded and carried, the High- land Park Chamber of Commerce is to pledge §200 to the Ravinia. Opera guarantee fund for the 1930 season. .In the absence of the committee appointed to investigate the Sheridan road rerouting plan, the report was deferred until the April meeting. The report of the Highland Park Advertising committee was also held over until the next meeting in the ab- sence of Chairman Udell. Chairman 'ini0ir of the Credit Bureau commitee, thoroughly explain- ed the progress being made and of its' future plans. Mr. h'irtehsir's report wan received with a great deal of ap- predation. President} Simons announced the death orMrs. C. P. Sullivan, wife of a farmer member, and upon motion duly seconded and carried. I letter of condolence is tn he sent to the Sulli- van family. The trausrer's report was read and accepted. P. T. A. Meets April 16 at Elm Place School Elm Place and Green Bay road schools Parent Teacher Issociation will hold its regular April meeting in the Elm Place Kindergarten room Wednesday, April 16 " 3 o'clock. Troop 30 of Boy Scouts of America in charge of Mr. John Udell will give a short introduction. The candidates for the P. T. A, board members of 1930-33, will be announced by the Nominating committee. In the absence of Mrs. Mann, Mrs. Belfield will serve the refreshments assisted by the Eourth grade moth- ers. _ Tonight between the hours of 5:30 Ind 7:80, I chop suey supper is being given it the Green Bay fond school. This is a community "air and the public is invited to attend. T Express Sympltlly Chop Suey Supper Mrs. C. P. Sulliv'an Dies: Suddenly at Her Home; Funeral Friday, 9 A.M. n 00 She was born in Cedarsburg, Wis., was sixty-nine yesrs of use, and had been a resident of Highland Park for fifty-one years. Her husband, C. P. Sullivan, who survives, is one of Highland Park's best known business men and has been in business here for thirty-two yesrs. Their son, George C. Sullivan, lives in Evanston, mind there are three daughters. Catharine M. sud Mar- guerite Sullivan,' at home, and Mrs. Helen M. Burns, whose home is in Minneapolis, Minn. Precinct No. 1 Mrs. Sullivan was a faithful mem- her of the Immaculate Conception church and a woman of aterllng qual- ities and fine personality‘ who won hosts of warm friends during her long residence in' Highland Park, and whose death is deeply mourned by all who knew her. The entire commu- nity unites in extending sympathy to the bereaved relatives at this time. 'Parts of one precinct missing. The funeral service will be held at 9 o’clock Friday morning, from the Church of the Immaculate Coneep- tion, in this city. and interment will be in St. Mary's cemetery. Lake For. est. The annual election for members) "l'fl"' of the high school board of educn-l mittee, tion will be held on Saturday, April A. 'rutl 12, from noon to T p. m. Two mem- their ttl bers of the board on candidates for reelection. Funk W. Read of Lake Parent Ind Mrs. Raymond W. Flinn N. S. of Highland Park. "il"'iinifi,uneed lust week, school elections are held In the other local districts Ilsa on April 12. Annual High School Election April 12th Card Pm, .Asrrtt'tt A card and Bunco party will be given by the Sherldun Rebecc- lodge, No MI " Odd Fellows hall, Monday, April 21 " 8:30. Refreshments will be served. Deerfield Township Vote in Primary 'No. 4 No. 2 No. , No. 5 158 144 E; -ii-iirrri iri TiirCiTi tog No. 8 -iiir-ii Tir,. 9 TO -ii" 178 83 242 126 109 420 224 806 ru, THE PRESS 179 156 144 130 194 129 121 99 Mt 38 887 107 69 89 41 202 210 195 127 230 Presbyterian Church Will Present Easter Pageant, "Resurrection" On Euler Sundny It 7:30 o'clock in the church, the Young People of the Presbyterian church will present an Elam pageant depicting the rel- urrection in tour menu. "The Res. urreetion" is n play composed of the Biblical quotation: concerning this [rut historical in". Mid selections from Rich's Passion Music. Mrs. Florence Campbell-Stewart and Mr. René Lund will hive charge of the music. _ . Ravinia Garden Club , Members Win Ribbons in Big Flower Show After week: of pllnninz Ind prep- arntion the Central Sink-s Garden and Flower Show. being held It the Chit-n30 Stadium. opened Int. "tur. day in all its glory. Never before hats there been such A gorgeous nor-l Ipectncle. Glrdens of every type Ind deseripUon are on dixplly. including I has garden, forest preserve exhibit, lap-none gunk-n, and mlny rocker- A naturalistic waterfall, complete in every detail is attracting I great deal cf attention "Id admiration, while rare plants and Bowers from all over the countty tin! one mother in beauty. The numerous competitive exhibits. steged by the Garden Clubs of Illi- noia. ere more extensive than .they hlve ever been. The Ravinia Garden club entered five of theme exhibits and has been ewerded two' "hononble mention" ribhzns. Ont went to Mrs. Dudley Crafts Witsun end her mm- mittee, Mrs. E. A. ihrrington. Mrs. A. Ratt, Ind Mrs. C. Ven Deueen for their attractive "special occasion" ta. (Continued on page 8) The North Shore Wellesley circle will have its next meeting at the home of Mid. William Sherman Ray, 645 Sheridan road, Winnetka, Tues. day liternoon, April. 16, at 2:80 o'clock. Mnrion Mann Peter now of Lake Forest and formerly of High- land Park, a member of the clan: of 1908, will give a program of songs. M 62 61 87 67 IR!) 59 50 an 66 40 68 11 Wellesley Circle l Meets in iiiinnetkal alumni“ Exhibit: M 24 " 80 24 11 60 " M TI 231 20 31 " IM 235 148 178 128 90 184 16 20 to 870 196 213 130 205 154 64 292 103 156 60 39 M FR ONT D R I " Highland Park Auburn Company and streamlined body beauty motor car safety rOadability 505 Elm Place HIGHLAND PARK For demonstration Phone The Ultimate IL P. 2830 m