of LINOLEUM CONGOLEUM CARPETING MUST BE SOLD BY MAY lst. lNLAlD LINOLEUM REMNANTS 1007 Davis M. FLOOROLEUM STORES 57500-00 STOCK 27" We are going out of this business and only have a few days to dispose of all this merehodise--ut cost or less. These am but a few of the marvelous bum on which savings of from 30 to 60% can he made. ' 6x9 ART SQUARES ONLY 31-87 EACH ONLY 31-47 YARD WOOL CARPETING W NILE QI' A NTtTY LASTS W IIIIJ-l Ql'ANTlTY LASTS I TO 20 tat. TI). LENGTHS ALI. $2.50 & $3.00 GRADE 97e FUR.“ ERLY $21.95 sq. yd. Evanston THE PRESS The Ladies Aid society of the Once M. E. chureewill hold a sale of Eas- ter runes and other Easter plants in connection with a bakery sale, April 19 in the vscnnt shop on Waukegan avenue, Highwood. ' THE new Peril-styled Selby Arch Preserver Shoes are lovely and gag with the hues of Ipringtime. ut beneath the brilliant 't'itoy,l'"tq in the exclusive construction t at gives happy f9ot freedom and tttty mo- ton to the entire y. RELIABLE LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANING COMPANY To Sell Easter Lillies Phone T ttl 509 I f. P. b' "V Centn 456 _ JV Ate. 2/57fm\9 Housg Furnishings, Drapes, Curtains, Retrs and Blankets beautifully dry cleaned at PR ts [RV ER 810 " The Oldest Business Concern in Highland Park SHOE PHONE 178 OLORS THE CORRECT FOR SPRING Announcing an Easter Flower Mar- ket at the De Forest school, 122 N. Sheridan road, Thursday, April tr) 2 Enter Flower Market Thursday, April 10, 1930 509 antral