Thursday, April 10, 1980 Eh: Eighlanh Bark Press hum-a - by TI. Uh“ I’d-“ll Co. u [â€3th Put. [an County. lllhola. Entered " Second Clu- Imuer Much l, 1911, It the pout one. It Highland Perk. Chicago nice: ' N. lithium: Arw. Sun 6826 SUBSCRIPTION FDIC! It... PER "AB All eorntttututtatiorts mum. in tutoompanied by the name Ind Iddreu of the writer. Article for publication mun tench the editor by Wednesday noon to imun “mean“ In current time. 7 _ _ _ _ . . Ruolutlona ot condolence. card- of mania, obituaries, notion of etttertatrtat.ttt. or other Afr-(n where an admittance than ll Dub- !bhed._wul In changed " roman advertis- THURSDAY Miss Dorothy Harrison entertained at tea on Sunday evening at her home, 451 Bronson avenue, in compliment to her week-end guests the Misses Adelaide and Marion Salmon of Be- loit, Wis. Among the guests pres- ent were Dorothy Clark, Kay John- son, Betty Brown ttttd Priscilla Le Pelley. On Tuesday Miss Dorothy and Miss Priscilla Le Pelly returned to their studies at Frances Shimer school in Mount Carol, 1llittois,udter spending the past ten days with their respective parents. _ Lake County Clinic for Crippled Children will be held at the Wanke- gan Public Library on Thursday, April 10, " 2 p.m. Mrs. Gregory Sheahen entertained the Lady Foresters last Thursday evening. There was a iroodly attend- ance an the oMeers were installed. Mrs, Charles P. Hunter entertained the members of her bridge club yes- terday Afternoon. Mr. Harry Sellery who attends Wil- liams college is spending his spring vacation with his parents, Mi. and Mrs. H. H. Sellery._ Mrs. F, L. Misthnt/re entertained the members of her bridge club last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Pearl re- turned yesterday from a three months trip to Florida, California and Cuba. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheahen and Mrs C. St. John spent the week-end in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Mrs. Joseph Neild of Pullman, Ill., who recently underwent an operation is convalescinz at the home of her mother Mrs. M. C. Lundgren. Mae Bliss entertained the senior class of Roycemore at luncheon and bridge Saturday at her home. Mrs. L. L. Winters has returned from New York where she has been Mrs. L. L. Winters has returned from New York where she has beer visiting her Bon, Mr. John Winters The Tuesday evenitt600 club 'met at the home of Mrs. Edmund Lehm- kuhl of North avenue. The prize win. ners were Phyllis Jacobs, Zita Fair- enback and Irenemose. George Osborn Bliss, a Junior at Dartmouth who has been spending the spring vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. George Edison Bliss, re- turned to Hanover,. Mass, on Sunday. Mrs. R, C. Cameron of N. Central avenue, Highwood underwent a. ton- ail operatin Tuesday at the Alice Home hospital. She is getting along very nicely. mum 1'31!"ng " EACH WEEK Till WELL “fix-nun COMPANY it. Cum-II Ann-o. Blunt-d Put. " Tokulou mum-ad Park nun-an News has just been received of the Highland Park Local and Personal April tir, 1930 hi Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kuhlmann of Sheridan avenue celebrated their twenty-tifth weddfng anniversary Sun- day with about sixty guests present. marriage ot Miss Marjorie Louck to Mr. Richard Easton of Deerfleid, the marriage taking plies Much 12. Min Louck is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Louck of N. Second street. . The Womens Christian Temperance unions of Highland Park, Lake For- est and Deerfield, will hold an insti- tute on Tuesday, April 22 It the Highland Park Presbyterian church on Laurel avenue. The public is cor- dially invited to attend. V Mrs Bart Mom} and children have returned from Lamar, Missouri, where they have been visiting the Wake. field family. 7 Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Van Steender- deen have moved to 222 S. Green Bay road where they will make their per- manent home. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hastings and Miss Ada M. Moore have returned after spending several weeks It Edgewater Park, Mississippi. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Stacey left Monday for a motor trip to State College, Pa., where they will visit Mr. Stacey's father and brother. Mrs. Lawrence O'Neill underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Alice Home hospital lat Saturdny. She is getting along very nicely. Mrs. Paul W. Blanchard of Walker avenue had as her Sunday dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mecoramek and daughter, Emma, of Aurora, Ill. "Hobby Night" tomorrow at the Men's Fellowship club dinner It the Presbyterian parish house It 6:30. Phone H. P. 1025 for reservations. week, Miss Munz, Jr., I of Fairbury Miss Veh avenue cute avenue I Tuesday served. Caroline Encell, soloisb in one of the Highland Park churches, (First Church of Christ, Scientist) will up- pear " soloist with the thcngo Peo. ple's Symphony orchestra Sunday ut. ernoon, April 20 " 2:46 p. m. " the Steven', Eighth Street theatre. The' Italian garden, designed by Charles Flori, and being shown this week at the Central States Flower and Garden Show, at the Chicago Stadium, won special mention and the silver loving cup, second prize, which in reality is 'equivalent, or beter than the first prize. which went to a New York gardener. - Mr. Fiori's garden is well planned. and altho the space allotted is not very large, the arrangement is not crowded nor overdone. Highland Park should feel proud of their local car- donors. Mr. Udell Mr and Mrs. Frank Siljestrom have returned from Florida where they spent the winter months. Fiori Awarded Prize for Italian Garden JRarlrg brhunlnf must: mm. 14111110? MARLEY, Dimm- 32t Faust Park Avenue PIANO - VIOLIN - THEORY ’honu Hind-ml Plrk I)" . Wtanetkn 301! ne H. P. 102, r. and Mrs. ll building ht k, Miss Lydi , and Mr Dav ry, Illinois. elma Bridges tertained her venimr. Refre Lydia and M had 5 for reae William I as their Mum, y, of W. Sewing ashments THE PRESS d the a this tonnd Park circle we re nil Mr. Ind Mrs. Georg. E. Milli ot Biwabik, Minn., why were just "turn- ing from Cdifpmin when they - several months, visited their brother Mr. Letter B. Olson ot Vino "can, a few days Inst week. me infant non of Mr. and In. Maurice Dunn Wu chriuuued by his great grandfather. tho Rev. Cage of Hubbard Woods, on Tueuhy, April 18 It their home, 752 Ridgewood drive. Only the immediate temily Wu pm- ent. _ North Shore Trust Company BANK RUN THROUGH SCREEN, . SATISFACTION GUARANTEED YOU certainly would not plan to plunge your wife into business. You would rather have her free to guide the education and, future of your children than burdened with the management of your estate. You would give your wife more leisurennd freedom as she grows older. . If this is the way you feel, you will want to talk to our trust officer-for through the services of this institu- tion you on plan for the future of your loved ones. You can give the maximum of protection with the minimum of expense and responsibility on their part. Landscape Gardening and General Contracting Phone Glencoe 951 . 372 Huel Ave., Glencoe W m t E v , 1% g A a M 7 [g 2iil w an 1/ Ln. “r a h If You Could Look Into the Future . $2.50 per yard _ 6 yards or more-ti." per yard Cash or by Weekly Payment Black Soil MATT CARETTA In. John Sullivan of Shell: ave- nue. entertained I few friends It ends lut Tttttmd" afternoon. In. Uhler'u many am will be plated to know that the in. moved buck to her own home after upend- ing the winter months In Chicago. Min Eva Sikh-om will entertain the number- of her bridge club to. morrom evening. Mr. and In. H. E. Olson and chil- dren ot Arlington Heights wen the week-end - of Mr. and In heater th Ohon.