Twenty-seven speeifie recommenda- tions for changes in the tax laws of Illinois, as well as proposals for the complete revision of the revenue ar- ticle of the state constitution, are contained in the tenth annual report of-the Illinois State Tax Commission, released today by Chairman William H. Malone. 'The report is a depart- ure from the earlier reports ot the commission in that it contains an ex- tended discussion of Illinois tax prob- lems and recommendations for rev- enue legislation. The statistical part of the report covers the assessment year 1928. Reeommettdatiom, Amongrthe outstanding recommen- dations emphasized by Chairman Ma. lone in the commission's report to SUGGI'BTS CHANGES IN STATE TAX LAW 2. Thai the township assessor sys- tem to be replaced by a county assess- ment system, with a. full-time super- visor in charge in each county, work. ing with the advice of five district supervisors appointed by the Tax Commission. 3. That the commission by given broader powers of equalization, which would enable it to raise or lower the assessed valuations in any tax- ing district of any class of property or of any taxpayer. the governor and general assembly are-the following: ' I, That property assessments 'to be placed on an actual basis of full. value by J931. 4, That state tax administration in Illinois be consolidated in a single department. 5. That the 'eommisusion be em- powered to substitute its own appoin- Thursday, April 17, 1930 Illinois, Tax Commission in Its Report Recvommends Bev. eral Alterations HENS MOTOR SALES HEN S MOTOR SALES DE SOTO and PLYMOUTH SALES and SERVICE DEPARTMENT announces the opening of their new Cars at 22-24 North Sheridan Road Visit Us . f Phone 423 for Aim to Modernlse Commenting upon the recommen- dations embodied in the report, Chair- man Malone said: “Our purpose is to overhaul and modernize the an- tique taxing machinery of Illinois, place the assessment of property on a seientifie and equitable basis, and wipe out tax fixing, favoritism. dis- honesty, and inequalities wherever they may exist in the Mate. "The commission has done much during re- cent years to give relief to those who carried more than their just share of the tax burden. It has not hesi- tated to order retMmettrtttettttt when the facts justified such aggressive action. tees for local aneuors in making to- assessmehts. when it judge. neces- nry; and that it hue the further power to compel Iced governments to adjust their tax noes to dance: in valuations resulting from tenuou- ments, in order that the revtthmtiorm will not affect the amount of rev- enue collected. 6. That the general property tax in its present form, "has outlived its usefulness in Illinois," and that I complete revision of the revenue pro- visions of the constitution mult be effected at once. Broad discretion " to tax policies should be lodged in the general assembly, the commis- sion recommends. _ "By the assessment of property at full value we will eliminate confusion, and attending opportunities (or tax evasion. Tax rates will be reduced so the levies will remain nt their present amounts. They will nie- guard the property owner against higher tlxes. . _ "Now we propose to get at the bot- tom of the assessment evil and root out the causes for' inequalities. I am convinced we cm do this only by strengthening the taxing system all along the line. "Pew people ing a fair tax. complain about pay- They do bitterly op- THE PRESS munlca'nou t"n't.cB PUBLIC NOTICE In hemb [Ivan that the Subscriber John B. Km. Elven!“ ot the Estate of Wink-I Kno. a! INCH-M Purk meg-ed. will mom the new. Conn a 14k. County, at . term than! to he hold": at the Court "an: in WIIIKTII. In all County, on the am loud-i 0 July am. 1080. when and vim-c nll venom hull. pone paying more than their the" of the burden, and e1tatq lo paying more then it. quote., It mint In" relief. Uniformity in attenuate In the flrat step in the right direction. . Too 1upauaaed _ A "Our present methods of obtain. ing neeumente Ire too hep-build. Luce property owner: inverhbly 'protlt under such a system been». they know how to obtain end on pay for privilegel and low um!- menu. But the little canâ€: gets the worst of it. He must ply to the hilt end in addition Item! part of his tax-dodging neighbor's load. The recommendation: outlined in the com- mission': report will so fer towel-d the correbtion of evil! which hove ex- isted too long." . Hams-Wilson Certified, Armour Star 'ii';'r"liiii Leg of Lamb Iround Boneless Veal Roast eumt Fancy Long Island Ducks Prime Rib Roast gland Fresh Dressed Broilers - Direct from the Fun pound gourd mum! MM pound Shankless Picnic Hams Rib Lamb Chops Fidel! Stewing Chickens Young Pig Pork Roast MEATS for Easter 'tnt-a-tmt-d-tate-ttet." MbmthM-HG aunt-u... Jon I. no" Pub“. Inna. I“... O m Am u B. non-br- u. on Wonk-cu. m., u-a iPtttt 27c 32c 35c 39c 32c 35c Ith: Ith: 3th: