The district passed for the lost week is all mining and inhabited by prospeetorai etc. who are doing their prospecting during winter and work- ing th claims during summer. At Miami only about five people are living here as during the gold rush the population was several thousand. Saw remains of the old town where willows ore now growing, streets were . numerous, but can not be found now. In this city there are about thirty houses left but quite a lot of gold is still being removed. Am here in time to see the whole town being moved at a mining company is going to dredge the property on which the town we! located and the houses have to be . moved about a quarter of 1 mile away. A After leaving Ophir had to cross the Kushkowim Mountains, it was very interesting traveling above the timberline with nothing ahead and around but mountains, taking two days to cross. staying overnight in a former reindeer herder's cabin. It was about the same as sleeping out in the open as the wind howled through the cracks and the roof was caving in. When dawn came I could see the light through dozens of cracks. The' weath. er was about 38 below and a bit chilly as the stove did not do any good un- less you were on top of it. Passed a reindeer herd a few miles past the cabin, but it was too early in the rimming to take any pictures. F ' The natives here are a bit different from the type I've seen 5 far, they are beginning to be 'l,','lrAil,'l,' Eski- mos and will be purely Eskimos when I hit the Kushkokwim river towards Bethel. Am told that I will have to sleep in igloo: in that district, trees are not found there as it is all tun. dras, everything is barren. "Highland Park Press: Will have time to go to Poor Man, at which plus the stampede is head- ed for, there is " present about 400 people already. It is believed that a greater amount will arrive u soon as the boats will navigate on the rivers, many people Ire engaged in trapping nnd Will not leave until the aeuon is over. While " Tnkotna Martin Victor, Jr. Here is another letter from Martin Victor, Jr. ct Victor Bros, who is traveling in Alaska: . 7 Thursday, April If, liB0 In Alaskan Grab Ophir had to cross Mountains, it was traveling above the nothing ahead and lntains, taking two lying overnight in a erder's cabin. It was Flat, Alaska March 8, 1930 This letter will take about three to four weeks before reachink the rail- road " it will go by relay of dog teams, each team taking the mail 150 milescand it may be wet and unread. able as there are a quantity of over- flows on the rivers, creeks and glac- iers. Sometimes the water is eighteen met three men bound for Poor Man. While in that town wan shown some gold nuggets and told dust, it was enough to hold in one hand, amount- ing to nearly $400. TM â€Cold Coo-ml“ Here's a ltiifi2 new way to keep your vegetables Downtown Dinky Room 151 N. Mlchlgln Ave. STOV Randolph 4951 HIGHLAND PARK-ala Cantu] Ave. HUBBARD woODB-890 Linda- Ave. THE PRESS FRIGIDAIRE with the HYDRATOR f.'" STOVER co.s"ai'iii'iiitiiitot. ace-322:: tv,t/,i"pgtiiil,'u'M"t=A'tu. to thirty inches deep, wUm A gluin- break- and the water when over the cmk: Bttd the ettntettta of not! thoroughly drenehed. Towards Spring it will be quite vet and one has to wen- native-tttue teal skin boots, wnerproofed with all oil. Sincerely, Bunkers ndviu u: to pay by chock. But it's sometimes In!" to receive in cuh. ' FRESH and FU LL-FLAVORED Mum: Victor, " Now Frigidaire engineers Inve de. veloped I special compartment for freshening vegetables-the Hydntot. And undmemlly see it in oper- uion, you cen't imegine whet to muting diference it nukes. Celery comes out of the Hydntot crisp end brittle. Lettuce takes on a dew-drenched freshness. Tomuoee become firmer. Pushy. crest and other punishes seem limos: to grow again! -See n complete demonstration todly. In. lay has Christina M o! 05 N. County “not. Wain-(on. died at unit. “one. hospital iollawiu a stroke of par-Ink but wank. She wan born Inch 26, 1850, new Hom- ville, Avon, township. Prisoner: like music. upechlly that of the opening but. Itisltmt-eateto-tutit I: an manna we to you that in out. ‘II "