TRACK TEAM BEATEN TWICE BY PROVISO; ' BLASIUS COPS MEET Senior Hurdlers and Sprinters Unable to Compete with May- wood; Lose 74 to 45 Thursday, April l7, 1930 Three {seven on Proviso's senior traiek team ere the factors in the defeat of Deerfield-Shields lust Sat- urday, " to 45, at Proviso. The jun- iors also lost, 50 W36. Blasius, Mar hurdler and high jumper for the May- wood team, gathered three firsts and a second, while Peterson and Schuly won all the sprints, so that these three men alone won 42 points, enough to win the meet several times. Liske New Hurdler Liske and Douglas both stood up well in the two hurdle events, both getting seconds. Liske, who took on a new role when he assumed hurdler capacities, also ran a good race in the 440, as did Rubly, a lad who shoWs exceptional possibilities. Rub.. ly’s time, 52.9, was even better than that of '"dup" Weasling who won so many races for Deerfield last year. Our milers and half milers quite made up for our lack of ability along other lines, winning both races easily. Tucker and Carr tied for first in the Had "Sheik" Worthington not been confined to the dentist's chair Sutur- day morning with a jaw swollen like a rubber balloon, the score might have turned out differently.- As it was, Deerfield was in dire need of a hurdler to compete against this ver- satile fellow Erasing, who soars over hurdles like an eagle skims over mountains. She innocently masquaraded in another id e n t i t y-and found herself tr 3 p p e d in danger th at threatened her life, and in rom an C e that glorified it-- Read ot a girl's adventure in the heights of human emo- tion-- HMEYHE'JI M E S CHICAGO! mcruu"ra'w'sirii"i; The Girl with Red Hair By Rob Eden N o W I in the 2c Benvenuti threw the discus to Chi. cago and back, or nearly that far (106 feet, eight inches) and Won without a murmur from Proviso. Blasius was soccnd and "Mae" Lbwe was third. Peterson Wins Broad Jump Douglas and Daugherty were un- able to beat out Peterson in the broad jump event but were jumpy enough to acquire socrnd and third. Daugh- half, while Ericson and Miller came in together in the mile, with Fell and "Whit" Lcwe following. V KEEP CLEAN THIS f SUMMER Sligblly no" the “(Juli by BMW“; IF YOUR HOME WASHINGS ARE SMALL For a limited time only we will allow 310 for your old washer on the purchase of a combination washer (Fedelco Special or Thor) and ironcr . . . Both of these combinations wi wash: tubful of clothes spot- lessly clean in from 5 ft minutes do better ironing with much less eifo . Tubs are finished in porcelain enamel inside and out . . . The Thor is $99.75 cash-- the Fedelco Special is $99.50-- and the Power ltoner 849.50. Either waser may also be purchased with. out ironet and without SW ' oo allowance . . . . . . A Only 2- Denme "air'ts, ACT NOW AND SAVE $10 . . . Trade In Your Old Washer THE PRESS with the Federal suction-type elec. tric cleaner. No bother to go over the entire,house quickly and thor. oughly. '34'2 cash arty was tho second in the shot put. Ray jumped tive feet tive inches in the high jump to tie for second place. In the relay, Regan and Bog-n. Liske, and Rubly all ran good rnceu. The older Rogan, incidentally, VIII the only Deerfield sprinter to plm in the 50 and too, so fast were the heats. Sprinter' are tteeded--it there are any Paddock: in this school, now is the tin'fe for them to show' it. Pole “when have on: by their absence This small but efficient electric washer is only " incha high. It fills from the sink faucet through rubber hose Ind is idully suited foe babies' things, " Iihgen'e, for table linen, for my ceasioml [madly work. my be put- chased the "Uttle by Little" my. -SELECT THE WHIRLDRY AN EGG-COOKER FOR EASTER PUBLIC Same: COMPANY 51 South St. Johns Avenue Only $492 been oomph:- too, ever since OF NORTH!“ ILLINOIS MORE POWER to the Home Laundry Cook your eggs at the able quickly and ncmntely. You regulate the cooking in: by the amount .of wer.tou. pot tc? tttr, . 022%“! . in ni c an col porcehin . . . . ‘52 Wttbt-dfbttr--qtsa. Inlet My Need Chrt A: for the Juniors, Roy Worthing- ton, Heine, Fell. and Roger- ell ten good no". while Vlnoechl. Ray, and Alteridge pieced high in their tuid events. Tie relay um, compo-ed of Znhnle, Getty, Heine, and Worthing- ton, was mud out by inches at the thtish. Dudley Ouderdonk quit this Institu- tion for Illinois. Potent broad Jump- ern, pole srnulterr, and sprinter' in era. pole Wuhan needed badly. m "