ICANADA DRY GINGER ALE the dozen $1.89 STRICTLY FRESH EGGS (limit 2 doa.), doz.. LARGE SELECTED EGGS, the doz. . ' . . . . . . . BONELESS ROLLED VEAL ROAST, lb.. . . . . [DOID’S or WILSON RAMS, whole [the pound......... ARMOUR'S STAR HAMS, whole the pound................- SWIFT’S PREMIUM HAMS, whole SWEETHEART Golden Bantam CORN SWIFT’S PREMIUM HAMS, whole, smallsize,the pound ............r.. ‘CALIFORNIA HAMS Til, pound-.........-....... SUGAR CURED BACON SQUARES the pound.....,...."......--. HAM SHANKS, 37e to 4 lbs. each the pound .','_'i'_C"_'1L1'_L'_'l1,'.""' large size, the pound . . . the pound ................. FRESH LITTLE PIG HAMS the pound-...........-. FRESH HAMS (whole or half) the pound.......-.......-. PORK CHOPS, large cuts thrpp1miL.i, -_--_'_'_- . . .'. . . .. SMOKED BUTTS, BONELESS the pound.-..-.., PORK SAUSAGE, home-made the pound........-, "lf1gktleltrg, Sausage Joo eat, . 35c; ' pou' links, lb. ........39¢ links FRESH SPARE RIBS DERLOIN SIDE the pound . . . . . . SIDE the pound . . . . . . Legs Lamb Thursday, May l, 1930. ' PHONES HIGHLAND PARK I 1676 - 1677 - 1678 - 1679 $1.95 6 can: for $1 Me value 12 can: for Jones Sans pound 40c; links, lb. ... Sausage Meat BEST COMB HONEY $1.00 each 28e trot 25ic 27le 32le 29le 18le 14lc 19le 38le 18le .275†.,25c 18c 18c 45c 25e 33e Me THE PRESS QUAKER OATS CO. BULK OATMEAL JELLO,aI|Flavors,3pkgs.for ................25c CHEESE, MILD AMERICAN, the pound . . .29l/zc CHEESE, AGED YELLOW AMERICAN, 3 lbs. $1 LAMB STEAKS the pound...... LAMB STEW SHORT LEG VEAL 2119,9994 _. l LLL' TOP- LEG LAMB thgmyndL- L- Enemy! f ll RUM? ROAST, VEAL th_e_pplp_tC., l Lf . . . . BREAST VEAL the pound Tr.................. SHOULDER VEAL, (5-lb. cuts) the pound .................... VEAL,STEW, BONELESS the pound .....t............'. LETTUCE, FANCY ICEBERG 2heads..... SPINACH, FRESH, FANCY thepeck v.................... PEAS, FRESH GREEN 2 lbs. for.................... CELERY, FANCY FLORIDA large truIk..,............... ORANGES. JUICY FLORIDA 3 doz. for... RHUBARB, FANCY 3 ptt1m_thfpr_., . .. 6poundsfor..... nity ONIONS 1929 Spring Me 6 Ibl. far lb. 29c $1.50 CALO DOG FOOD the bun and: 1tbe "he 23le ..4Se “35c _.32c ..28c __32c ..1th: 24le ..3Se .. Ith: ,_29c .. Ith: ..r. 90 $1.19 ..2Se 25c "