Thur Chicago Lighting Institute Now Open to 'ublie-ln this model city, built on the stage of the new Chicago Lighting stitute's auditorium, many varied types and uses of electric lighting and fl ndlightng and the fundamentals of electri- adveltising can he demonstrated. . Attendance Record at Field Museum Broken During 1929; Features A new attendance record was es- tablished at Field Museum of Natural History during 1929,.the total num- ber of visitors received being 1.168,- 430, it was revealed today by Stephen C. Simm, director of the institution. This was the third successive year in which attendance exceeded one million persons, and the largest figure reached in any year of the museum's history, dating from its opening in 1894. Supplementary educational activi- ties conducted in the schools and in the museum itself by the James Nel- son and Anna Louise Raymond Pub- lie School and Children's Lecture " vision of the museum were partici- pated in hy 250,951 school children, Director Simms further reported. In addition, the N. W. Harris Public and 124,884 over 1927, the previous record year. The increase was 144,803 over 1928, sday, M " FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES Also Operating Highland Park Transfer and Storage Company PHONE Moving, Packing and Shipping PHONE l 8 l of Household Goods 1 8 l School Extension department of the museum, circulating more than 1,100 traveling exhibition cases illustrating natural history and economic subjects among all the Chicago public school: and many other institutions. reached over and over again practically all of the city's 500,000 school children with two such cases installed in each school, and changed every two weeks. For adults, 28 freecillustrated lec- tures on science and travel were given at the museum. the total at- tendancc at these being 33,583. An additional 8,800 Adults participated in lecture-tours of the museum ex- hibits conducted by members of the staff. ' . The number of new members en- rolled by the museum wu 1.363, bringing the total membership to li,- 684. The crt,ientiticr monographs, popular seientifie leaflets, and other publica- tions coming from Field Museum Press in 1929 numbered 30 titles printed in editiuns aggregating 193,- 479 copies Plum 2048 Whom lithium Park an Patronize the Press Advertisers Mot Water. Vapor. am- or Low Pun-In It“. mics-No'udmwut . â€Vii-m 733 GLENCOE AVENUE " GLENN AVENUE M..Pey k1,," q . D. IUIPIY , PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNING MURPHY & SCHWALL HEATING CONRAmns Work Guaranteed. Batman. Pm no South Ulla Ava-t. mghiand Park, Ill. " â€an “pct-lam H. F. PAHNKE Tu-er-dp) I. A. mm