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Highland Park Press, 1 May 1930, p. 45

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DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN SEWING-N. Mrs. Smith " 1ruchwoo0 2790. 5-9pd CALL MITCHELL & MARKEY tor Four DECORATING or HOUSE CLEANING. Wt SCREENS AND STORM WINDOWS rep-Ind or made to out“ ulna minor earpertterlntrt repair Human Iiven. Addrese Box 227. Highland Pttrk. thpd SITUATION WANTED-M." whheI to re. p“: nemm. take down norm which“; or care for vegetable Ind ttower uni-den; Tel. H. P. 1021, 8tf CALL H. P. was or am about your cad job. Icrecn or norm windows Ind paintinl. E " REENS HELP WANTED Maid ror gong"! houn- HELP WANTED- ATTENTION. LIFE INSURANCE MEN OLD COWNY LIFE INSURANCE COM. PAINTING. DECORATING AND PAPEIUNG stood wurk: mica rettsoruthle. John Chrh- lumen. Tul. H. P. 890-Y-l. " SITUATION WANTED Thursday, May l, 1930 SITUATION WANTED _ PAULiNE't4 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 746 ELM STREET WiNNETKA, ILLINOIS SITUATION WANTED Reliable per-Ion de. uirms washing and ironing or any kind ot general work hy the of. Tel. H. P. 42Th'. 9 SITUATION wANTE0---)reneh, Splniih. German; rmwnuhle: um take a few pupils In illuhlnnd Park". Monday and Thursdays. Mme. “unravels. Wrfte or rttll at [52» Cnpital hldm. If)? N. State sts, Tumdayl. Wt-Inexduyas or Saturdays. 99d SITUATION WANTED-N cook in privtite family: not 'ortterrel position. Tel. H. P. 219x. Mrs. Brown. 9 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANT ',D-4aler, Indy for purine de, partment; us! he expo-drum. A t r Tan Co, 5 2 Crnlrnl ave. Tel. H. 1’ HELP WANTED Maid tor wurk: emu-l Invention. Tel. HELP WANTED "lurse for 11 months old Imhy: uni“, with "mum work: only "hpe. rieneed need _ Igply z" Ngrlh - Show you"; SITUATION WANTEDr Laundry work to do lit home. TEL H. P. 29kt _ 9 SITUATION WANTED-Girl with I't'fprenu-I wnnhs ueneml housework or day work. Tel. H. P. 1564 ulwr 5:30. 994! SITUATION WANTED Man SR yearn ol wants position Ill houneman; mush!» work at any kind: can drive ear; wife in able to do housework or llundry. Tel. Lake Bluft 2M. _ 9nd SITUATION WANTED HELP WANTED --e Solicitor: rxpe'rietterd In ale-Mm: hullnm pretrrred. John hinder. Int. gr, N. Sheridnn rd. Tel. H. P. tMU. 9 SITUATION WANTED _ Exwriemml mun ttround the house; Klrden work; fhrwrrs, Tel. H. P. 1449. SITUATION WANTED Mun wixheu m rep-Ir screens: tnke down nturm windows nr an for vesrrtablt, and Mwer Hunk-nu. Trl. JT: iiCiji"UUik- sGtaWirtrto' 'p'n'i'rici'izf' Ind deeomtintr, mpcrh-nuin: and wnll work; Illa Apgint Ind repair screens. Tel. Sign; or ”made animus Park or nte work: no hone niuhu; Tel PANY'nl Chientro, ni., offers mrertta I wad. rr field and inert-Md opportunity by writ. inu man. womln mnd child from date of birth In no 60 rm the Annual. netttimnttunl, "r quarterly premium plan, tor amount; Bo- ing up to $5,000 In regards- children, white for “lulu the limit in 330.000. The Com- pany will Rive . very liberal wmmiuion eotttrttet'fdireet with the Home GEM) to I zoo-1 personal producer. il." day Pusitiunh "pen: t" nuraemniO; 4 [than] maids; 2' plain cooks; , ("my cook: a to and»: with ttenerttl; Above must turnkh A-l reterenevg. ' at home by Deerfield 204, will , work P, work trrsrether, or HELP WANTED' required to order AND STORM WINDOWS reptired Tel, bun rd VANTED Laundry work an experienced ltsundress, " ',n ClnanlnR per hour. T ; llm minor nruonli’rlni: Addreu Box 227 Rikki-ml sehool Rirl Tel. H. l'. i H. P. m 8660, t Couple wlahs _ singly: manor-I mun] references h, P. me. a H 24M1 will." by the H. P. 4399. , to work for mull houn- , P. 1889. 9 IV10pd work ; house. hundy knows todo Btlpd 993 99d 99d 99d bit HELP WANTBD-Extterieneed white at rock and hauleman: experienced omen. Tel. K. P. “M. HELP WANTED- White WANTED TO TRADE For vac-rut: mun-old 'ytceutl.built brick. "em, heated, no". with HELP WANTED th HELP WAN. TED HELP WANTED Couple; middle-aired; to live Oper detached air-wed and the are ot Innu- ylrd Ind baseman: drive car and do laundry; Rood wanna: no mam for chil- dren; that .tw'tb, erperienev. lull rrter. entt-s for both when Iddrml Max M. D. HELP LOST Pulia- dog; male: wearing human Ind cull-r; "irrhwood licenle No. 61: Inward to the name u! "Nero." Tel. H. P. “It. I LOST Girl's bum mnuininl Mir tr1toara; lost helm-ch Sheridan rd. ftmytvyv, on Central, Hand-y . NOW SERVING A DANDY CHICKEN DINNER " 31.25-31.50 Ind £2.00. GREEN TREE INN an Wnukrnn rd., Went Luke Forest. Tel. H. P. 10IV1. M MEL! HELP WANTED customers: Male 'lrtma Hor 8-159! HELP WANTED- Maid HELP have HELP HELP WANTED, Maid tor LOST frinh Terrier; male: reward. Tei. " P. an“. I LOST Green enameled rist wat tween Fun-It Iva. um Christ rhurrh. Sunday. Finder phase 3:105 or call at h29 Forest Ave LOST Prom Martindale (um. April 27. u young tux hound (inn: white, him-k and In": lnxworn to the nlmc of "te-er." Tel H. P. L5M. ' LOST~SmIII white poodle dug with Un Incl on back and tan earl: either tuned In, or wu- pieked an: wu chlld‘l pet; reward. 'NI, H, P. 1406. 0 WANTED TO RENT LAY FILL ml, be had for the haullnl from new lump! on corner of Wurinmn Ind Mutant rrir., In BrinrwooO. Doom“. Tel. Deerfield 681. 3-994 In. Mor work; one who like: to cook Ind knows how to cook everything l new H. P. home where 2nd maid in I A-l reference: required: WIEI‘S 320 week; give It". experience and Men number when nddrauilll H. B. Press of s" mill "iiidrt-ritGi Gd-var- Vii‘rii; It jiG transportation corn", In ”1:00le San-re dintrkv. Chitin; will, eon-Her north shore “anti any ildé ',Ateruir.ooriiiieriir. vim: 12-1 Prat once. 'I-lovd ELP WANTED We nminliu- in high qrnde dummlic holy of I" kinds; I" ntttiotuuitiem; we persona”)! investigate all referencel.'Tel. Winnetka 2662. l‘AULlNE'S EMPLOY- MENT AGENCY. 746 ELI BT., WINNIN- do ELP WANTED -Yrutnq Ameriettn w fur [rural housework: rr6nrd; mum! “and cook mu] like children; "lil is u try plan. wtwt ot lehllnd Punk: hone and best ire-(mom Ilium right for arm-rd! noun-work , must op need not Apply: $22 per w my l-undryn Trl. H. P. Mtg, baby bath 'ANTED TO RENT Connie tar furnish-d or unlurniuhed rum mer mnnthu; close to lulu. 'l 5260. house: furnished laundry MISCELLANEOUS WANTED (‘nnuuni-l mild gunk Ind do everything. 1 H LOST and FOUND WANTED WANTED "ttle Moe omerr ME ulry: pleas-m h; 81tx Rnvine drive Wanted to Rent mull house P durum! , Shvridnn rd H H -Yrrttrtg mu 1 experience h Pren- "Met Ineaperleneed llrl f, mun like children: 566 DeTnn-I'blc In 80mm! Ina-M Min to Jed variul wllch: lust be, '. In Christian seien'ex Ping" [dau- c-Il H. P Experience]! white Iigl ”all! with loner-I housework 5 room man or June 1 to Ort. I. Wlill windows Ind ry morninu. Crtil THE I; our (hut G. Kellner. “and it? Ind Mn 48tr' 4etrhi rd gsook ndulus ', rouplc refer. kept 3-99.! ehil, good Ad 9pd 99d Apt] P WANTED TO BUY-- FottDa--t_vrt0LETT' Lula Model- Will pay cull or Belt on 5% com-ml NATIONAL NONI. COIPOIIA1 1298-10 Sherman it. North Chit "The movement for Better Homes in America was inspired and devel- oped under the personal leadership of President Hoover, who still .scrven as its honorary chairman. The contri- butions which the thousands of local committees are making to civic wel- fare through their contests for home improvement, their demonstrltions of the better types of home design and Turnishings. and their comp-inns for neighborhood protection and develop- ment are the product of much thought. ful planning and disinterested Ind umwltUh civic service on the part of community leaders. the professions ond the educational groups through- out the country. WANTED " BUY- ".-AUTOM0BtIatb--t" Nmr--tad " --qu" Witt an uh or all a In n at tttttlt"'" 0’. undu- ",,t,mhr,rl,'ttu OOI-POIA’I'ION In"! "tm-ati. in“. m cm and Kiln-Ike. Plum. N. chi-co In H. crab-u “I I!“ land: Ila-4b- land Noni chin-I. m Home In Syn.“ "The home should be the symbol oi our national ideals. Its standbrds and qualities should refleet all thet is best in our nntional life. There is no home in which it is not possible to make some improvements for cu. venienee, comfort, beauty or whole- sameness. The local Better Homes committees have dedicated themselvet to this tsitrnifiesnt tank so that every Ameriean family may have oppor- tunity to learn of the next steps which may be taken in the improvement of their own homes Ind to contribute through their own efforts to health- ful, happy childhood, thoughtful pur- vnthood and ereative citizenship." Bureau Attrreeintimt The following expression of "illn- ciation of the effort: of those who aided in the movement here is issued by Mrs. Kornblith, the local choir- We, of the local Better Homers com- mittee, wish to express our gratitude this week to the following men for their willing co-operation: Mayor Lewis, Mr. J. W. Simona, Mr. John Van Bergen, Mr. Hurry Bentley, Mr. Paul Udell, and the Highland Park Press, as well " all the loci] firms which have psrtieipated in this cum- paitrn, to Mr. Knox of the Tel-phone comp-ny, and to Mr. Heeket-eiUr BETTER HOMES WEEK BIG MISS HERE neighborhoods and upon the cuitivn- tinn of high stand-Ms of design, equipment. furnishing and landscap- ing, and high standards of fumily life and activities it is possible to min- Lain the best of our American tradi- (ions and to help the home to keep in step with the progress of the ins and sciences. WANTED TO BUY mm Dried!!! "., “human Tel. W-ukenn “on Open evening: Ind tgtmd.ys (Continued from pm " eotipoRATtoN North Chicago demon. The second cl» cu rat man tabla edge Angelo Patri say: of girl new“: "Now there are Girl Scouts and thing: are diiterent. A girl is no longer handicapped by the idea that "te must hide the truth about herself. She is itee to keep step and stride with her m blinders and know. it for what it in, a mixture of smile! and tears, of bit. wrnens and honeydew. of hourly wint- ful living: Thus "med. body mind and spirit, the Girl Scout gm out blithely to hive I hlnd in the mm. Home n cd, rum washed, one in when eyes shines the light of I disciplinod and ripened conuiouomm; one who [ooh straight out on the world without blinders and known it for wut it in. can and the (incl! Drug Cm, for their u- nintunce with the photograph. We also wish to thank the following wo- men for acting as banana gt the High School Built Home and the house and garden on Linden avenue: Mend-mes V e n n i n C, Wilmington Carr, Wall, Muller. Ric-er, cure, Rem. Gehr, Beach, Kelley. Lee Frank. K. C. Jones, Clnburn Jitter, Ubolt, L. malt and taste power. more honor to her. She is the heart's blood of America." The Girl Scout is the symbol of the cumin; Intention. free, strung. com. petent and clean. We, of the older day, “lute her. May her number- me with wind-swept cheeks. unukiu The albumen - of troop 3. Jacob: whoa! Girl Scouts, will have m investitttre of ftrtst and second In; new“ " their rennin math! m Thursday at Lincoln Ichaol. The lu in sehtttt The evening group of troop Inns, Evelyn atderfrots are and first aid work. It is most val for them to acquire this knowl with trueh detittitmteat, Ind " Bssbette s 'Grittsiith, Chairman “My without Sh: Gnulully your- 30k Ind beautiful girl of lat Mt sire Ire working diligently It him WI who Rm grow in to the [all it in whom If Ligette Mary Can OI“ of losing INTI! ttr my An in

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