Seeding and Propagation 'rnpuxnllun by "mam of cuttings otuilar In Inrnlunuatiun tn that of Home Beautifying and Lar, 2 Suggestions art! rstt 1- is required wuuld thrive whelm it be- " " up ,1- of the y, of 2122guut Iihrary 're sown Me ml the mil "E h-ct inn th the minus " ystem might man with lir part lvnty rain rent with with ttht the the an! the at to nt up nerminatiun the soil itself to take care L‘nually there is enough muisture in m helping to n In tont, that ruflvr tterminati -nlire crop can be gmwn and har- cvsted without the aid of a single bower of rain " any gsrtificial Ivat- winz. However, this requires con- Prtt “Huge in order. that the water n the natural reservoir, the sub- Achillea (The Pearl). White: for ruttine' .\rhillu Mil. "menu" Aertmtrmma Coronaria, Rich crimson Ant-nuns Italic-I. Henlinnlhlue. June-Sept. Anthemi,, Tincluril (Marguerite). Golden yellow Aquilrria Alpinn. Dark blue Arabin Alpine. lledding roekeriess, white Artrmerit l.aetirotia. Elegant spike sprays. white Aster ttardy, None Angline. Lavender-blue lhplisu Ausuralis lurk blue; for wild border lhollnnia Antererides. White. lam-Sept. Pink. Fur background. Aux-Sept. ('anlerhur)‘ Hells lllue humble. Biennial t'antvrhury "elk "luv Single. Biennial Carnation Grrnadin. Mixed. June-Sept. (‘ampanulm Biennial: blue. lilac. pink and mixed (him-w l'lanls Phroli, Frartrhetti. Lantern plan! Otrystnthemunt Lrurathemum it. pl. 1'hrysartthemums Daisy-like; white King Pklward. Whit}. dtu'mrlike ftosery Cent-ra. Mortuna, "he. JulySepl. ('nrmpsiu. Armor. All summer lklphininm lkllldtmna. Sky-blur. June-Oct. (him-w "Inc. "has. June-0d. Harder ("Mum-r Alba. White. June-(kl. Border Hyhrids Aunrlrd. Dark shades lN-lphinium. F'ormosum. Dark trlue lk-lphinium. Summer ('Inud. White Dianna“ lhrhalm tSweet Williams) nixed Mnnlhuu ("mm (Cheddar Pink). PinV lli-nlhm llrddewixii. Ihruhle mixed. red "innum- l’lumaris. "unable mixed, hardy pink nt ttrow tw Phone for Appointment Landscape Service Cash and Carry the alt-d orishmvnt in the seed suction oil with the moisture con utilized hy the growing I. They aid materially nourish the small ten. t develops inaediateiy im. 1'yusally there is uhov, r three le take gate of Proper a mutter of (an. of the country. an 50,000 PERENNIALS Blooming Size - Strong, Field Grown Plant Sixty Varieties from which to Select h-rtilizn-r FRANKEN BROS... Inc. First Street West of Railroad Ind then South to the end of the Street ave 3 as ONE VARIETY " soc May a, 4 and 5 have Phone Deanne“! 241 age. It is when that supply has been; exhausted that the plant is at his must. critical statte. lt is in this stage that most failures occur. PER YARD PHONE GLENCOE 1244 No De Black Dirt Delivered Prompt Service Height 2 I" tg" 24" In" w H" l l" M" N40" L. Brown “n M" M" 72" 72" 2 I" M" 12" as" m" t t" In" an" gt" It" as" Ci" M" as" Mi" M" 12.. I2" $3 I iveries woods 7 . ' Phlox Subulata Pink. Lilac Ind white; creeping Phlox-Mrs. Jenkins. Purest white ,, _ Phkrx-Watudiy. Lilac blue with reddish violet eye Polemonium Coeruleum. chnb's 1, Latina“. (tioldert.Glow). Yellow Sodum Album ('lumps Sedum Stall“ Clumps Sodum (Acre). Yellow Ind red; creeping Sedum Spwlihile. Light rose; July-Sept. Trillium Erectum. Excellent for woods Tunira. Fine hair-like foliage. Pink or white veronica Amethyntinl Veronica Fdettann _ ttttt ., ___ T-te 7 Viola Cor. Perfection Pr" e I WaMower, Golden-yellow: blooms all summer Digitalis Shirley. White to deep row. June-July Mt" Futtkia Coerulea (Plantain Lily). Blue. Border M" llaillardin; llrowninh-red. All summer 24" (iypwphilia Ptutieulattt (Ruby‘s Breath) 24" (:ypmphilin llepans. Double white i t" llrlenium Autumnale Ruhrum lil" llollyhock Double Mixed . 72" Matrix t8" Linum Perene' White . _ It'.' Linum l'erene (Flax). Blue; all summer; Hickory IS" Mertensia. Virginia Blue Hells. Excellent for . Poppy Princess Vie. Louise Per. Bright salmon Poppy l'ndituale I'yrethrum Rom-um Itaminunueulu_ Repeny, ti. pl. Double hutterrups lludberki: Newmnnii Yellow _daisy-like Bower at fair prices. Our Bedding Plants are be- ginning to bloom and shall be, ready for your order. _ it will pay you to call t FOR MOTHER'S DAY May 11th We offer a wonderful assort- ment of No Phone Orders scape DEERFIELD NURSERIES ROMASCH BROS. POTTED PLANTS' Phone Deerfield 5 Rand-cad, Frruliud Seeded Ind Rolled. Mie per la. " ' Tel. DEERFIELD 84t The Lawn Height mu 12" 24" 10" 30" 36': 60" 12" I?." I i" l?" In" I ti" 12"