Men 's Apparel Shop 786 Elm sum Phones 13 s. M. John’s Ave. Saturday Only-Way 10th Winnetka tion ot' colored coll EiijEEA& All Hum Shirts INN Nl‘h'l'h’d from mu rryrllur stork for this special um clay selling. close out at 100 SHIRTS OTHER SHIRTS $t.6G AND UP Wort h 307 ch ar att at "sit hed Highland Park $1.35 Sgt. and Mrs. Maloney and Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Edwards motored to Belvidere, Ill., last Thursday, May 1, to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry M. Butler of the Belvidere hotel. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Craig, Jr., are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, born Monday, May 5, It Kenosha, Wis. The Ruvinia Garden club will hold an all-day meeting on May 29 on the village green with' u basket luncheon at noon. Mrs. Frank Wicks is chair- man of the arrangements. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pettiiut Deer- held are the proud parents of a baby buy, born Friday, May 2, at the High, land Park hospital. Miss Grace Johnston entertained her 500 club Tuesday evening " her home on North avenue. The prizes were won by Mrs. Larry Annen, Mrs. Edmund Lehmkuhl and Zita Fehren- back. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sherden of Waukegan road are being congratu- lated on the birth of a sun, burn Sat- duy, May 3, at the Highland Park hospital. The Woman's Foreign Missionary society " the Methodist churchwill give Ah pot-luck luncheon at the home of Mrs. Sarah Laegeler, corner of Nurth avenue and Logan street, on 'luesduy, May 13, at l2:30 p. m. All members are curdially invited' to at- tend. The Mother and Daughter banquet of the Bethany Evangelical church will be held next Tuesday evening It the Bethany church. All mothers and daughters are urged to attend. Mrs. Ferdinand F. Wiegand who spent the past three months in Aug- usta, Ga., returned Monday. Dr. Sheldon, who accompanied Mrs. Wie- gund and her party south, returned home Monday ult‘o. The Lake Cuunt:, clinic for crippled children will be held Thursday. May a, at the Waukegan public. library from 1:30 to 4 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hagensick of Sn. St. Johns averiue'are being con- urutuluted on the birth of a non. burn Sunday, May 4, at the Highland Park hlmpital. . st'i'?"ir"t"P"'i"e't""'1'r'r""t"'iiq iJAttention, Flower Lovers , ill N W, Local and Personal The following will be sold at 15c each Phlox, Iris, Hardy Asters, Pyretuem, Physotegia, Sweet Williams, Yellow Daisies, Shasta Daisies, RockyPlants, Butter Cups, Canterbury Bells, Columbine, and others. Petunias. now in bloom, 3 dozen for _ "s-"-""--'"""'"'"" s,,.,,.,', $1 Snapdragon, 3 dozen " Giant Pansies, dozen ,‘50c 1 Block West of Tracks, % Block North ot.Rotrer Williams Ave. . 1409 Pleasant Avenue - Phone 3612 5,, THE ORBICQ. .GARDENrli) THESE Pl FROM MAY lst TO JUNE lst Special Sale of Pm‘rnnials and Bedding Plants ANTS GUARANTEED To BK FIRST CLASS Ravinia, Illinois Don't forget the bakery sale to be held Saturday at Sobey's market, sponsored by the Junior Star club. Dr. and Mrs. P. M. Inc-ll: were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Keller at their cottage at Powers lake last Sunday. Mrs Ed. Ther‘rien is entertaining her five hundred club this afternoon at her home on Green Bay road. Mrs. Lucius Hine returned last Friday from Washington, D. C., where she attended the D. A. R. con- gress as a delegate from the Kuku- kin chapter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Newcomb of Gray avenue are the proud parents of a son, born April 20, at the High- land Park hospital, Mr. and Mrs. John Caspers of So. St. Johns avenue, announce the birth at a baby buy, born Sunday, May 4, at the Highland Park hospital, Miss Paula Mueller of Ravinia has left for an extended trip in Europe, visiting Switzerland, France, Ger- many and Italy. Miss Helen Nuvak of Laurel ave- nue returned Monday from a ten days' visit in Ripon and Green Lake, Wis. A surprise party is being given Buster Olson this afternoon by twem ty-tnur of his young friends at his home on Vine avenue. About fourteen members of the Young Woman's club will spend the week end at Miss Edith Walker’s cottage near Benton Harbor, Mich. Harold Bloutttfield won a silver cup in the International Collegiate Out. Board Motor Races at Toledo, Sun. day. Harold was accompanied by his father. Mr, Andrew Bloomfield, and Tom Jordan. Joy Fritsch of Orchard lane, who has been on the sick list for the past two weeks, is very much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greenslade are enjoying a Ghing trip at Winneeome, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Addiimn Hills Me- Kay of Charlpltesville, Va,, announce the marriage of their sister, Besse Conklin Snendfto Mr. Lloyd Vander- verc Bergen, son of Mrs. Lloyd M. Bergen, formerly of Highland Park, on Thursday, April 17. Mr. and Mrs. Bergen will reside at "Refuge," Scottsville, Va. Thursday, May, 8, 1930