FOLDING CARD TABLES AND COVERS BANQUET TABLES CHILDREN’S TABLE AND CHAIRS FOLDING CHAIRS Patronize the Press Advertisers 7 North Sheridan Road LIQUID GLASS CLEANER For Rent for Parties and Gatherings Stolen: Aun- Supply Co., Brand Rn... Highland Park Purmarr, T. S. Duly Furniture Co., Meierlml Hard. ware Co.. C. C. Nichuhr. R.†Bro-n Highland Park; "wont!" 1urdwarr. Chan. Ruelloldt Market, Ravinia; Webster’s 'Iire "Id Buttery Shop. llighwood; J. R. No“ ll-rdwnn Co., "eerBeld; A. Bernhardt lhrdwlre Ce.. Northbrook. - Deli SPARKLE MMH'ZS WINDOW WASHING A PLEASURE and and culled for Is sold and recommended by the Successor to M. M. PRIOR co. Funeral Director H. F. KELLEY following dealers: I‘m-um. than", my?" Jobbinl . Spa-Icy wh .utrts " the buildilr and gives it I hnisherl, artistic ppearance. _We make out repair cornices. lay roots, attach gutters. leaders, drains. etc. Vvntilatnrs and skylights built. to Telephone. Shop H. B. 1404 Rel. H. P. 00-1“! 0n request trlete tl tfi ll Henry G. Winter Moran Brothers Raul vary rcuonublo Madam Planking 09d Hm MODERN "EATING SYSTEM request, our horne-hentintt Ape. ists will gladly recommend a com- m, new heating system that will especially adapted to your partie. r renurrprnentrc We also attend to tlvtoils If inntallat'u n. All systems ch we endorse are modern in every m! of “Fill". turnstruetion and A HAN M4OM E (“KNIFE mm»: aunwmo Mo CENTRAL AVENUE Telephone H. P. 4260 " North First Street Phone 635 mung" CHAIR COVERS THE PRESS Another Interesting Paper from the Writings of the Late W. C. Egan Reprinted ttion. PERENNIAL PLANTS OF THE NORTH SHORE Follnwing is mother mreerpt trom' the writings of the late w. C. Egan of Highland Nrk, entitled "Peren- nial Pints of the North Shore Re. AU, more typicll representation of the meeting of the prairies and the woods can be found than in that tract known as the north shore, where forked tongues of high prlirie lipid in. vade the preempt: of the (crept. The Prairie Lily and its l"t,t,,r.1tt',T, sister. the Turk's Cap Lily, od in friendly companionship to their syl- vnn neighbor, the Wood Lily,'lnd the Shooting Star and the Hepatiett " most sit in the same pew. 7 . One of the most charming, and at the same time satisfactory, plants I knuw of for massing Ind nntunlizing on the borders of our ravines, in open wondhmi, guides, or even under large groups of shrubs Var 1ow-brattehed trees. is the spring blooming Vir- giniln Blue-hell (Mortensie pulmon- arinidos, syr. M. Virttiniea) which should ho planted any time between August and November. This plant loses its foliage soon attorvhlooming, hut reappears the following spring. lf planted under trees or old shrubs whose rmts seem to be Almost at the surface, it is well to place five or six inches of good soil on the undue be. fore planting. Plant 10 to 12 inches apart. The rains have carried the seed of my plents down the ravine bank and created new colonies. As this plant blooms before the foliage Blast are they who possess a heav- ily wooded ravine, for in its deep re- cesses are found a host of early bloomers which revel while they can in the sunshine that fliters through the Ieai1etm branches overhead, and then sink into slumber under the shadowy blanket of a summer's Ver- due; but ere the memory of their charms has faded they appear attain, forerunners of our summer. tressures. This cnmmlmrlimt by nature of the flora of the fields and woods says to us', "Go thou and do likewise." In the planting of our grounds there are two mahods to be eonaidered,--otre, the wild planting, in which Idditions are made to the plants allydy existing, either " the same kin or other m- twes, or even exotics. provided they are robust enough to maintain their part in the battle of life, and are of such character that they look as it they belonged there. The other method is that of cur Mwer borders and formal beds. of the branches overhead are out, their delicate blue bells and pink buds are readily seen. , Where "vine banks or open woods are absent. a planting under the broadly up Mine pendant branches of the Col en Bell (Forsythil inter- media) has a pretty effect for the beauty of the robin's-eee blue of the Mertenain is enhnnced when seen through the veil of the Foraythin'l yellow bells. and the fresh foliage of the shrubs ofterwarde hides the lad- ing (“mental of the Miu‘Mertensln. t have a group planted in thin way which hne been there some eight years and is still happy. The next "wild plant" in the chain of my "ectioru, whose charms are in harmony with the surroundings we have to offer them, in the biennial Thinleaved Cottefiower (Rudbeckit triloba) a native of Northern Illinois and generally found in dry open WOCdS. While it is a true biennial, dying after it has bloomed, it repro- duces itself so freely when once es- tablished that it remains forevermore. If plants should come up where not wanted, they are readily transplanted. It. in not found in our clay loam, " it likes an open, free soil. Where seedlings appear in our unworked soil, they have a stunted dwarf growth and then resemble somewhat our native "Blaek-eyed Susan," (Rud- heckia hirta), but. if given the or- ‘dinnry cultvated garden. soil, they iheerrme stately plants to some three ‘ feet in height and sometimes as broad -in fact, a trlorified "Blaek-eye Bu. HIGHLAND PARK Hematltching - Covered Buttons - Quick Service Tel. 854 120 N. Green Bay Rd. Windes & Marsh 861 Central Ave., Highland Park Maintained by Pimt cum of Chit; Scientist of nighlnnd Park " an In“ Anne. CHURCH SERVICES Sunday School 9:80 urn. Between Age- 4-10 Morning Sonic. MP." In. Wain-d†Inning Servin- I.“ You are cordially invited to visit the Reading Room, when the Bible. and all “unwind Chrluinn Selma “mum" my be road. borrowed. or Dun-bud. IOU": week dun. ' mm. to O um Wain-d†null! Tr80 FM. Inâ€: r." to "it Inn. tor radiu- only. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM Phones Highland Park 650 Winnetka 222 DR. I W. SHEDD DENTIST Illinois Competent Surveyors Municipal Engineers MRS. ZAHNLE Tolophm B. P. I" " It. Jain- Av." Thursday, May 16, 1980 Planting Pinking ILLINOII