Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rommel and two daughters, Janet and Ruth of lat Grange, 111., were guests of Mr. Rom. mel's mother, Mrs. J. Rommel on Deerfield road. Thuradqy, May 15,1930 The Ender family. Mrs. L. A. Don. dnnville and two children spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Bingham " Irving Park. Mr. Arthur F, Cashmore of Sunset court underwent an operation " the Augustana hospital on Saturday. Mrs. Ernsberzer of Toledo, Ohio on Thursday. Mrs. Ernberger was a former resident at Dgeriltthi Ind visited other friends in the vicinity on Friday. . Mrs. J, McArthur is slowly recover- ing in the Highland Park hospital {allowing miserlous illness. Mrs. Me. Arthur has been ill for eight weeks and it she continues to improve she will be sble to return to her home within a few weeks. HMS}; Maxine Kareh underwent In op-eration I the August“: hospital, Chicago, on Suturtjny. - h The Deerfield chapter o, E. S. will sponsor tb Bakery Sale Friday, May 16, in the vacant store on the corner ot'Wauketrtsn and Deerfield roads. Mrs. Ernsberger of Toledo, Ohio was a guest of Airs. William Place Mr. and Mrs. George D. Richdel have returned to their home on Fair- ouks avenue after spending the win. ter in Clearwater, Fla. Mr. J. W.AStrong returned to " home on Orchard street Friday eve- ning. Mrs. Strong and son remained with relatives in New Rochelle, N. Y. Mrs, R. E. Pettis Ind infant son have returned to their home on Chest- nut street from the Highland Park hospital. The George and, Frank chobs fum- ilies spent the week-end at Lake Wandawego. - _ _ Jack Willmnn, son af Mr. and Mrs, Ethan William fell and broke his Irm in two plus: at his home in Mil- waukee, Wilcomln. Mrs.' Harry Wing and daughter Shirley, who have spent the put two months in California with relatives are expected home the latter part of the week. The Mutual club will be entertained by Misses Irene and Viola Rocken- bach on Tuesday evening, May go " their home on Grand avenue. The Ladies Get Together club will be entertained at the home of Mrs. J. Rommel on Deerfield avenue on Tuesdny uftérnoon, May 20 " 2 o'eloek. - ituth Tennermarr, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Tennermm in ill with a throat infection. ___ Lincoln Ave., Deerfield, Ill. DEERFIELD News AND PERSONAL ITEMS Deerfield Locals Send contribution to local oomupondont More M doy noon. Help In: tomb this notion intamrttrte. MRS. LORETTA WILLMAN, Local Editor DEERFIELD NEWS-FLASHES Through the splendid cooperation of its members, the DeertUld Parent Teacher association brought to aclose a year of achievements to be proud of at the annual meeting held in" the school auditorium Friday afternoon. The reports given by the varioul committee chairmen Ihowed that the numerous project: given throughout the year were most successful. The asssoeiatiott voted to appropri- ate £100 for shldel for the windows' in the auditorium Also to purchase cunning for window ttttd oil cloth tor tlbles in the lunch room. Mr, C. E. Bates, principal wu given a token of apprtreintion from the ttrmoeiation for invnlulble unint- ance and eo-operation rendered during the year. I Mrs. C. W, Getty, delegate to the annual convention of Illinois Congress of Parents and Telchers held at Ev. anston in April gave I splendid u- count of it. V . , Marjorie turrity Vonrltter hu been elected on chairmen of the Recep- tion committee for the B?tni-rortna1 dnnce which will be given by the Fleur de Lis club, Wednesday eve- ning, May 28, It i) o'clock st Odd Fel- lows hall, 1211 Wilmette "can. Wil- mette, Illinois. The mule for the for Ge occuion will be conducted by Joe Sneider and his famou- orcha- tn. The following oMeers elected for the ensuing year included president, Mrs. C. E. Piper; vice president. Mm. C. W. Getty, Iecretnry, Mrs. Alex Willmen; and treuurer, Mm. Lewis Aahmen. Deerfield P. T. A. Closes Successful Year May 9 Refreshments and} loci-l hour con- eluded . very interesting afternoon. Health Program In Observed All Week The Wilmot Ichool observed the following health progrum Inst week under the direction of Mrs, D. W. Meyer. The nttendmce prize was swarded to Miss Irene Claphsn's room 1A. Monday Dr. V. W. Frtgertt enm- ined I" ehildrens' teeth and report: were sent homo. Wednesday, children were weighed and measured. Tuesday health questionnaires were sent to purents. Thursday, Miss Theda Waterman of Lake County Titbereuloais society gave mi illustrated talk. Heads Committee Tel. Deerfield 168-R for Dance May 28 Til PIIII Detrtie1d Garden Club Guest Day Meeting to Be Held on May 21st The Annual Grunt dny meeting of the Guden club of Durand will be Mny 21 " Burrwood, the home ot Mrs, Funk Burroughs Brierhiil. Mr, Sehantl in funilnr with the Great Smoky Mountain- Nudeâ€! Park in North Cur-ohm. and Tom having made new“! journey: through them and has written Ind hctured about their nutuul nttraetlona. Mrs. Carleton Scribner the club- president and Mrs. Wnlter Inuit. Pronnm chairmnn will not» In. Burroughs. The club in fortunate in huh); Mr. Orpheus Schultz of the Audubon Io- ciety. lino a member of the Geom- hie Society of Chicago, bot-um. Illd autumn-t u it: spake! for this oc- cuion. Attend Ceremonies at _ Veteran’s lie-pit“ A number from Deerfield Attended the ceremonies and festivitiel held at Veterans hospital North China: on Sand-y, May ll. One of the aunt-wading {autumn of the afternoon Wu the Army and vay bind concert, and tournament Jn which eight drum and bugle corp- pnrtieipated. . All club members I" liked to bring, client. making this cm of the out- Iunding meetings of this yen. _ The Indie: of the slum at both Lake and Cook counties served tefreshmettta And members of the Legion: dirstributed puck-gel of cigar- ettee to the patients. Mr. Wilson introduc'ed Queen ot state, county, And other calehritiu who [we Ihort talta. Mr. Chas. C. Knplchull of DeettUld w" IIIOII‘ the weaken. q There will be reports from the some convention held in 52va md the oiReerq for the put your will give their Annual report: at work done. Another feature ol inter. est will be the nnnuol exhibit at school work done by tho children. This should be ot speck] inland to All parents. who are invited to the meeting. ' Attend Null-3 Mines. Hurry Maw, Minnie Whit. comb, George Ind Frank Jacobi Ind A. Willman attended the quarterly meeting of Eighth district Amman Legion Auxiliary held " the Ratchet hotel, Wnukenn last Wednudny ovo- nlng. The next warmly looting which in In August will be bold In Deerfuid. l Willa: School P. T. A. The Wilmot school P. T. A. will meet a the school Friday evening. May " u 8 o'clock. _ This in the In: regular and" for the yen. The Eighth District American u. gion in planning junior hub“ in... "A eight iumn m to in or.“ under the direction of Edward Jacob- son and Carl E. Bale. I “on will be organised in Deer-Gold and nut mastic. will be held on Jew! Gold Sunni-y afternoon In IT, at ' o'clock. All boys between an of " “d " are eligible and thou desiring to min. the um are requested to co.- municlu with either Mr. Miles or Mr. leoblon at a very early duh. 8th District Sponsor J r. Baseball Tuna Tho mun for thin m. how- ever. will not otrmt More the clue of when! Ind that cm is null“ between new.†and Walling“ Juno u. Fourteen [men will be played dur- ing the anon. for the champion-Mp and it is planned to “uni I cup to the winning can: who will amt the Eighth dish-let in the It“. and“ to be played at the clone of mason. A li-inninz - between Niles Center and Durham but." tum wu played on the Juan Cold Bun- dny afternoon from which D-tuid emerged victoriou with a Icon of ll to T. _ any Bob Lyons, c; Pete Battier. Pl Gee. don Seton. 1b; Willlun Quint... 2b; Alfred Johnson, ab; Gaol-u but. u: Edward Bleimehl. If; WAN" Smith. ef; Baker, K. Btrtmtirrta., Knot. Sunny and Smith. Ian-(er. Richard Thompson. Jane Amman of Deerfuld, a stu- dent It Cal-Mon college, in I mm of the out of the can“! May Pee to be [>an at the coll... an Saturday afternoon, lay W. mu Admin will take the put of Kaila, the III-(Iain. Deerfield Wins 8-7 Deerlleld in I member of the la.- ng: compoled of six tum. Sunday. May til, ther will play Northbrook It Deeraeld. TU line up foe Daniela on Bul- In May Fete Cut . . at Carleton College The Hay Fete .unlu as the out- standing uncle event of "I no"... your at Carleton. The 1030. Fate, tho tnrenty-third “and version. in entitled “The Oak of King Am.†The leery Ina been "raw by I and“ "eultr commit“: from m- thetttie Arthurian MIMI. and tho Action will twelve mad he“ III we life' of Bull-III“ W hero-king. About two hundred ' tan co-edl will have mm In the pro- duction. An MM In Lynn KO.- oriul him on the campus will on. for u unique outdoor ma. vi“ ur- rounding hill-Ide- providing a an!!! ottphitheater for the "all! Oh.- und visitor- oxpochd. -- _ Over Niles Center