Thursday, May L5, 1930 The annual spring concert given by the music organisations of the Deer- field-Shields high school in the audi- torium of the school was the loveliest and most perfect of any concert ever given by the music department. The orchestra has 35 members; the Girls Glee club, 45 members', Boys Glee club, 18 menbers and the band, 73 Deerfield Students Take Part in Concert members. A Mrs. Helen Mayer Mnnninn il di- rector of the orchestra, Mr. Gerard J. Dinkeluo of the boys and girl: glee clubs and chorus, and Harry E. Bulls of the band. Deerfield students who took part in the concert were: May Holman and Robert Jordan in both orchestn and bond; Arlene and Lois Fehr, Ver- ene Gunckle, Mnry Hood, Harriet Qtryker Ind Marian Taylor in Girll’ Gl club and chorus; Robert Free- ‘man. Jesse and Edgeley Todd in the Boys' Glee club (Edgeley as accom- panist) and chords. In the band in addition to those' two before men- tioned were Edward Cue], Leslie Christiansen, James Getty, Robert llamner; William Desmond, Wilfrid Miesaner, Helmuth Piepenbrok. Don- ald Clark, Davis Ginter, Orval Fred- ericks, and Edmund Koeblln. , , On Friday evening, May 23 a card and bunco party .will be given under the auspicis of the Altar and Rosary society in the Holy Cross parish hall at 8 o'c4oek. Mrs. W. J. Desmond is chairman of theurrantrements a Card Party May 23 _ Will Close Series It will be a progressive party " many lovely prizes will be awarded at bridge, flve hundred and bunco also a handsome table runner made by Mrs. S. Engdahl and a door prize. Refreshments will be served. The party promises to be an affair one can uut.tsfrurd to miss and it will close the series which have been most pcpular and ,successful. Entertain Glencoe Men's Club May 27 The Men's club of North Shore Thumb: Israel will have as its guests the members of the Glencoe Men's club and their wives at the annual meeting d the former to he held Tuesday evening, May 27. The speaker will be the Hon. Samuel In- sull, utilities magnet, world traveler, and authority of International Fi. nance and general world affairs who has just returned from a trip to Europe. Mr, Insull rose from private secretary to Thomas A, Edison to the head of nearly cne.third of all the electric utilities of Americe. The program will open at the Tem- ple auditorium, Lincoln and Vernon vvenues,tGleneoe, Ill., promptly " 8:15 p. m. There will be no ticket: nor reservations necessary and Ill north shoreites are invited to puttici- pate. There will be a musical pro- gram and refreshments will be served at the reception following the meet- ing. , This is the first annual get-together meeting of the two Glencoe men's clubs the membership of which is among the largest of the men's clubs of the entire west. WOMEN ON JUNE FAVORED BY LEAGUE franchisement of women by unend- ment to our constitution. the attor- ney general of the state gave it as his opinion that a legislative onset- ment would be required to mske wu- men eligible to fulfill this duty of cit- izenship, and the state legislnture re- fused to pass such sets until more than eight years had elapsed. Dut- ing these years Illinois citizens were denied the beneflU incident to boving the combined viewpoints of men and women expressed in the jury box. In both our state and nation it he: been recognised that the ballot box should give opportunity for the expression of the viewpoints of all of our citisens‘ of mature use, and it can scarcely be less desirable that the judicial system should recognize such difterintt view. points and take hdvmtage of them. Bell Need "There are many cases in which young girls and women must sppear before grand juries and in our crim. inal courts. young girls snd women many times wholly without any re- sponsibility for the situation in which they find themselves. They hre entitled to the consideration of other Women, and the very reel aid which may be afforded'to them by the presence of women in the Jury box. "Women ore now called to ‘jury service in 21 states, umong them all ot the states touching Illinois boun- daries except Missouri; also in AL asku. England at once required such service from her women when lhe had extended to them the right of suffrage. Women.who have seryed upon juries in some of then states express the opinion that the experi- ence will be an edueatiorud force of great value to the community. It is also an interesting comment made by several judges in other states that once having experienced the advant- ages of mixed Juries, neither Judges, lawyers or litigants would care to go back to Juries of just men." The delinquent tax lists in Lake county this year will numb†W 91,660 different parcels, by far the greatest figure 'ever recorded here, County Treasurer Marne reports. Last year taxes became delinquent on 77.590 pieces of real estate. Since May 1, the date on which Ill taxes became delinduent. the sstaif of the treasurer's oMee he been work. ing day and night and Sundays to get up the lists in order to comply with the law which renulre'l all land tax delinquencies to be published. Delinduent Tax List Exceeds All Records Each description in Aw lubject to a fine equal to the Advertising cont plus " per cent of the tax. An nddi- tlonal 1 per cent will be added to the fine on taxes that remain unpaid after this month Ind until July M, when delinquent tax will start, Mr. Morse stated. The ndvertininz colt for land de. scriptions is M cents each, and on lot deswriptiums 16 cents etch. (Continued from pig: b) THE PRESS Plan Card Party for Saturday May " The DeerfUld R. N. A. In planning a public card party to be held " the home of Mrs. George Sunta- on the County Line road on Baturday eve- nine May 24 at tt o'clock. Mrs. John Hui: is chill-mun of Arrangements Ind will be when! by Mmm. George Pectin, Ed. Houn- berger nnd Albert Hui. It will be . promulve may and bridge, flee hundred and bum wlll be ~pllyed and prises awarded. " fresshtnenta will be served nnd I good time in atuntred, plan to attend, Included Imong those who partici- pate in the program of “my, mad. ingn and muslcll uelectlom were: In. F. H. Meyer, Ron Soefker, Forest Htpririe, Mrs. George Pettis, Ruth Huttttutn, Lorrnyne Plane, Ruth Sul- ker, Hilda "ether, Violet Bugle, Vex-em, Betty and June Gunckel. In. A. Haul and Mrs. A. J. Johnson. Mother's, Day Program ls Enjoyed by R. N. A. A most delightful and lmpreuive Mothers' day progrlm â€â€˜er by Mrs. Althea 8.1:!er was thoroughly enjoied by members of the DeerfUld R. N, A. hut Thursday evening in the Masonic temple. Delicious rehuhmentl were new by the houtuu following the pro. gram. t TOM THUMB GOLF MINIATURE COURSE Located in the heart of Deerfield', business sec- tion, it is ideally situated for Highland Park peo- ple. Five minutes ride out Deerfield Road will bring them to this fascinating game. Men, Women, and Children can all play and enjoy Tom' Thumb Golf Dayrnarinr-------,-2se NightPlIying............................35c 18 Tricky and Beautiful Holes Waulegun Road - just THEJQMCO. DEERFIELD NOW OPEN PrlEPj,flylreit, ', IIhsil000llMmMI south a! Batik“ Atria: tie t Paeiile Tea Co, were deteemd until the June muting. In the dam of the member-Mp commune. Several communication of intent! tothett-tttem-em.dnador. dared placed on au, Bills were mad, approved and voted paid after proper adult. Milan lead loath. Chairman Udell of the Cieie goal- mittee made a report " to pm! made ‘on the Sheridan road Ive-mu" plan. This report included a Utter from-the State Highway department informing then that WIMI av- enue north of Hkhwood and adja- cent to the North Shore line and the Fort Sheridan guard home, la lulu repaired and will be in good shape shortly. General Conrad has a plan to otter other than the re-rolltll‘ plan and which will be brought up at the June meeting, it was explained. The trenunr'l report showing the excellent condition of the Chamber's! tinanciea wu read And mm. Upon motion of Gerri! Thom. duly seconded and carted. the new City Hall in to be accepted with the dunk- of the Chamber of Commerce. To loll W Chaim-n Kelley “noun-d (by death of In. Fritz an". Ind on mo- tion of W. W. ReichIMt. ptopu'ly “waded and curried. . letter of co.- dulence is to be Bent the Bahr family. f Continued trom pad 8) 66