" " M. SHIIIDAN ROAD 4g ir:s'-riiilliill tht. pi-tir'" it now "njoryt. EEGREENO' TEE POT Inna-In on Sn PINTO}: AVENUE MURPHY G: SCHWALL HEATING CONTRACTORS " ll um mun. Wart l’nyur. High ur I Save on tubes, too. Free mounting PASQU ESI ' BROTHERS GARAGE of individuality, that exelusive- and ulw You’ll lightt‘ul smart from the comrn9nplacc' tt t kailmad Avenue . Phone 227 This, with the hotably de.. this charming Tea Room Low Premrare Steam 36:11:48 - Work a 8min!" M! CLIFTON AVE ays CUISINE that always have HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. will distinguish the make little touches A. sCHWAUt "uthusncl I'ur has given to $14.25 29x5.50 SUI-3 THE PRESS 1 MILLION SPENT IN AMERICA CUP RACE Five milliun dollars for a cup with an intrinsic value of only about 32.500. The huge amount of money will be poured into the America cup-3he world's most famous yaethipe iro'phy History of Famous International Contest for Greatest I . Sea Trophy -ud,. year. It will in: theStost ex- pensive spun-ting event the world has ever known. Sir Thomas Lipton desires it so much that he is smilingly spending between $800,000 and $1,000,000 in Haw Had " Races Including this year's race, there have been 14 matches fur the Amer- iua cup. and they represent an ex- penditure of mun: that $15,000,000 of which Sir Thomas Liptun's shun: is about. $5,000,000 . . . .This gives you some iduu of tre sentimental value sittaehed to the cup, originally a Royal Yacht Squadron tuphy, 0ng to all yachts, and tied W.un when the schéonpr "America" crossed the Atlantic in the summer of 18.31. and butt the'"Auvoru," in that nmnurublv race around the Isle of Wight. 'hwidentally, only nm- of the four m-w American slumps will race the challenger, "Shamrock 'V,†" 'New. punk R. l., in September. which means BLACK SOIL . and ROTTED MANURE ARMOUKS The above is especially prepared under seientific treatment tor make' jt rich, in growing properties. Just what is needed to make your lawn and garden "successful. Commercial Fertilizers IRS . MILORGANITE FRANK SILJESTROM Phone Highland Park 66 that the owners of the three that are elmiriated in the trial race: to determine the cup defender, will be lucky if they get back from sale of the boat, fifteen cents for Each dollar spent on them. They realize this, of course, and there you have a wealth of evidence that sport for sport's sake still survives, at least in the yin-Ming game. Sails Cost 860,000 Best the astonishing figures as to the cost d these boats may seem in. credible tn you. and you may lie, say- ing to yourself, "the keel must tte, math; " platinum instead of lead to nuke them so costly," consider ts.sin- glc item of expense, given by'L. ancis IIerreshofr, designer of one at them. "A full suit ot. sails for cauh,one of these boats may cast as much as $60,000," he declared. Mina A. Mihills, Highland Park-- Will udmittéd to probate. .Estate of 820,000 personal property given to daughters, Léttcrs Testamentary. ls- sued to Mildred M. Mihills. Hoirship proved. .. _ _ Richard C. Shannon, Antioeh--Let- ters of Administration issued to Archi- bald E. Shannon. Bond of $200. Heir- ship proved. ‘ T _ Recent Proceedings in the Probate Court Recent proceedings in Probate Court of interest in this part of the county are reported as follows: VAnna F. Matthews, Hiithwood--Fi. nal report approved, estate closed. John Bemee Crostty, Lake Blue-'. Final report. approved, estate. cloned. Desperate assets filed. -leliam II. Thomas, Highland Park 7- Final report, approved. .Estate 1.losed -Fred 1). Clavey, Highland Park-- lnventury and appraisement bill filed and Marina conginucd to May 19. 'Alfrml Marwede, Lake Forest -.. Final rvpurt approved. Estate closed. Miltun Body Tillman, at al minors, Highland Park-Inventory approved. Willi Report proved. A In n Tillman, Highland Park-- of partial distribution ap- Thursday, May M, 1930