" rm Fultthurtltriek SWIFT‘S PREMIUM SLICK!) BACON OI'R “EST SMOKED HAMS CMICh' NATIVE POT ROAST POUN" LEGS of the FINEST SPRING LAMB (JOHN-IN WEST "ENS POUN" I'OIYND I'OI'ND SWIFTS I’REMII'M FRANKF'URTERS' I'OI'ND I'OI'ND MN NO, FRESH MEATY SPARE RIBS Shop here and you will get 16 ounces to every pound, and the very highest quality of meats and poultry 'atronize the Press Advertisers F'ANCY RIB LAMB (‘HOI'S H_I_______1YDR{2 UNI} p,ryt"rh'tt--P0UN" Lincoln Market 519 Central Avenue Phone Highland Park 9140 ORANGE BISQUE AND BANANA ICE CREAM Thc‘ls a Hrdrott Agency Near Your Home 39c. 35c 3ik 37c 30c 39c 18c 30c THE It)" "The Ellyn» Logidn pust sold Lick- l'ln lln' $1 each guaranteeing four ‘lmmh' gamu- and cleared $100 after ,mylnu all I-xpvnses." said Adams in .iulirilinLr the increased interest in tln- pmimuu throughout the state. _ “by c’npwuting with the Boy tl: uts, the schools, playground asso- ciutitrns, and other bodies, Illinois will prubuisly have 2,000 teams in the play- 1m.r this season. Charles D. F. Mer. till, nf Hinsdale, 4i'partment athletic llil""'tâ€l' reports. , Wind. Virginia expecta to have 200 teams play aver the number that took 5mm lvst sexism, Mus; M. Durst, of Mungaiuimwu, tlvpattmertt athletic di- lu‘l I', vcp,rtetl. Buys teams travel {mm .30 to mu miles'in South Dakota in (whim-ha said T. C. Kasper, ot "trurkintc, "epartrmmt athletic direc- tun“: play over purl last suns“ Mumantuwn, (ll nrl r, rcirn'tet min. an to um hi (vnnlmlr, a: hum an 1 to' ('nnlpi Blanking tor, T Th Judm nut-m untry I'lil- dll‘m h" Huxkt uutvly yg mm." WI All gion Baseball Entries Show a Big Increase SN rv .r tlu. " ite hacking the move- ul :nlirmly and will have a splendid “r, In. S. R. Cohen, of Wausau, ull'tmvn'. athletic director reports. " [nu-gram i4 well underway in van. writ, ll. W. Bartlett, of Waeu. mtnwnt “thch director. Arizona t-Ainrs " m'uat doal of interest and l' hurt, mo hays or more playing. duo I'. I'. Fain-s, of qube. depart- mt thll‘tll‘ directur reports. The st'n'l .f (‘ulumhia his more boys mung t, play than it has yet found munizntiuns tu sponsor teams. laid in“! steward, department athletic in. Ben Witner, department ath- iv tllticttir of Ohio, reports that u Huh-y.» .s.t-tte will have approx- ulrly :um tennis mining. The Idahol mun will haw approximately 1,00tr, l' in the game. Max Gibbons, or 1w. dvtrai'tment athletic director rly, TI "It rh an . “in Emu- 400 teams in this “mam. tlu- metropolitan dis. I'Eriu uunty alone hns entered mm. ' f buys. We will have com- n gluing on between 16 leagues," tusiam in all sections of the y indicate that a goal of 500.- vs playing in the American Le- mim- baseball program for this may be exceeded, answers to tinnnaire sent to post and de- .nt athletic officers by the Nib. Amerionirm Commission of glut! indicates. ot the boys that played on the has-chm wurld champion team Buffalo last season are now we but are enthusiastically u: to kvep the trophy in the I' Eric county, Ray Burke, of " dvpurttrtent athletic. director uxhluul th u of tinarMne games within . ,imilur tu that used by the u of the Legion will be tried 'ut Utah, Roy Adams, of dupurtmrnt athletic director tcistney walked by a movie saw an usher and took him hc- major general of 1 the In troops. - Florida. mel- in m has 200 l the cuumry the move- “in: rapidly. Legion ot- posts in all sec- the move- a splendid Fur the first time in the history " railroad travel the offieial flower, most and colors of a state are mlde tho basis for the design and furnish. ings of a train. When the Colum- bine, Chicago to Denver tyain of the Chicago &,North Western railway, named for the state Rower of Col- orado, made its first run with entire new equipment Thursday, May M, it caused a special Colorado Club car with exterior fittished in blue and all- ver, otfieial Colorado state colors, and beurirurthe 'off1oigl crest of that state on each side. Colorado Crest and . Colors in N. W. Train The train carries equipment with decoratitnq and furnishings suggested by the Columbine. The figure of the blue columbino is woven into carpets, curtains and upholstery in the can. and appears in the frescoes’ along the tops of the ear walls, on the china and glassware of the dining, car, on psrehment lamp shades, and is etched mto the glass partitions of the cars. Culumbine' blue is the dominating color in all cars of this train. Judd Heads Financial Dept. of State Chamber On April 14 Frank Judd, formerly with the Chicago Journal of Corn. merce, assumed the duties of secre- tary of the newly created tinarteitrl de. psrtment of the Illinois Chamber of Cummerce. The department's efforts will be bent toward advertising the tremend- ous financial wealth and position of the state and providing articles, bul- letins, em, on various fittaneUl mat- ters. Harvey T. Hill is chairman of the new Finance committee. _ 2050 West Ram-Md Ave., Barman Thursday, May 22, 1930