' Fine Program A n'mst enjoyable program of dane, ine, given by pupils of Mildred Haes. slvr, followed 'th'e business meeting. Mrs. Iinessler has been program chair- man for the year, and'this program was one arranged especially for this occasion. __ GRIFFIN BUILDING ' I DAMAGED BY FIRE RAVINIA WOMAN’S " CLUB MMM, MEET tween partitions and was hard to get at, The fireitwn deserve much credit for preventing the flames from cover- ing a greater area, . The building which is the property (if Mr, Griffin of Oak Park, is badly damaged. the loss thereon being es~ timated at somewhere around '30,000, covorr-d by insurance. Several Buffer Losses According to the fire chief the dam- age done in the Briggs upholstery shop. 366 Central, may reach $3,000, with $2,000 of insurance.. M. Xe? ier’n shoe repairing shop, 364 Cent a] was practically ruined With an estim- ated ty of around $200 and no in, szuran e. B. K. Martin, 821 Ridgewood drive, who ccnducted a shop in the rear of 364 Central, suffered a loss to equip- ment and stuck in the neighborhood of $2,000, it is estimated, and it is underttm d that he has irisnrance suf- furient tn cover the loss. if adjust- mtnts are satisfactory. the fire chief reported, officers were elected: 1st vice presi- dent, Mrs. Howard Bede; treasurer, Mrs. Frank Venning; recording secre- tary, Mrs, Mason Armstrong; direc- tor, Mrs. Lyle Gourley. Mrs Alan Wolf! will Continup her two-yin term as president, Mrs, Cla. burn ' ones as second vice president; Mrs. FranglGault as corresponding werotary. a d Mrs, Arthur Ratt as direetcr. A group of three original aneds constructed by Mrs. Haessler and put tn usie by Miss Berenice. Bent. ley, ‘a ember of the club, was par- ticulariy interesting. _ Sale Follow; Pryrrtyt Atterhhe program, the Arts com- mittee through Mrs. John Warming- ton prtd Mrs. Raft, offered for make some of the textiles, hand woven rugs and baskets which had been part of the Industrial Arts Exhibit at the Better "0an Home. f The workshop of the Alden, in the rear of the flrst ftoor, was gutted and the loss on the contents is roughly es- timated at more than 81,000. Many inquiries have been received by Mr. Harris, manager of the Alden, regard- ing the loss, and he appreciates the interest of the public in the matter. ", Vault Proves Effective Victor Bros., furriera, 368 Central, h ve an estimated loss of about $2,. 0, With 85,000 insurance. Portun. aftly most of their stock was in I fire and swim proof vault. Their Thursday, May 22, 1930 (Continued from page 5) (Continued from page 3) Griffin Building damage to exposed contents is largely from water and smoke. Dr. and Mrst. C. Gordon who oc- r-upiod one of the tour upstairs apart- ments have an estimated lost, of $500 on contents from water and smoke, the chief reported. and this is covered by insurance. Mrs. Gordon’s hem- stitching business in the building wu covered by insurance. She in moving upstairs in the building formerly oc- cupiod by the Community Shop and will be ready for business in I few days. The three other apartments upstairs were vacant. ' Damage to Building Ir Tho damage to the building in- ciudos the destruction of the entin rrarpvrch which was of wood. Bee. oral partitions and much of the lower fluur were burned through in places and the file, swirling up the partitions reached the attic and besidel the tire damage there is much smoke und waterplarnaire to the upper purt of the building, The fire watt prevented from reaching the front portion of the structure by the efficient work of the firemen. Adjusters were busy Tuesday en- deavnring to estimate definitely the various losses, which may be more or loss than these unofficial tUures when a complete inspection and settlement is oWeeted. The loss on the content: of the Marguerite candy shop, operated by S. T. Jacobson of Chicago, was el- timated by Chief Hoskin, " Ibont $500, but he had not learned what in. surance was carried, he tudd. During the strawberry IQIIOII we usually like “little vnriety in the way we serve this delicious fruit. Ind for that reason I am suggesting Stav- When we cook spaghetti.) think most of us like it quite well seasoned and I find that the following recipe for Savgry Spaghetti is very well liked. It may he prepared early, if wished, then baked for half an hour before you are ready to servo it. Brown the ground meat in the oil, chop the vegetables fine or put them through a meat grinder, add them to the math the pan and, when they begin to brown, add tomata and au- swings. run cold water through it surplus starch. grains of cayenne T 1/. cup fitle bread crumbs '4 cup grated Parmesan cheese Cook the spaghetti in g quarts of boiling water, to which has been added 1% teaspoons salt. drain and Place half of the spaghetti in ca:- sorole with half the meat sauce over it, then the other hllf of etch. Mix the crumbs and cheeie and sprinkle ow-r top. Pllce in I 450 oven for about one-half hour to brown, Savory Sputum bun spaghetti cup oil or other tu pound round steak ground green pepper onion " medium size carrot, stalks celery cup strained tomato pulp Salt Pepper . teaspoon sun" _ Few drops cabana) alum or few Things To Cook THE PRESS has been drain and to remove This is another variation of the baking minder biacuit foundation re- ripe, which may be varied in ac many ways. for deaierta as well " and: breads. I have found that red rup- berries may also be used for than turnovers and are equally as (land. ous as strawberries. _ Strawberry Turnover- 1% cups flour 3 teaspoon: baking powder "éhteaapoon “it 6 tablespoona butter . ':'u cup milk or a little more g cups fresh strawberries out in halves or quarters hi cup sugar 1 egg yolk 1 tablespoon milk ' 1 tablespoon sugar Sift flour, baking powder and Illt together. mix in butter and add milk. Divide into six or eight portion and roll each into a round about Ak. inch thick. berry Turnovers, to be served with a strawberry sauce. 2 tablespoon! butter Cook bowie: until soft with I In- tle water, put through a sieve and add enough water to mike two cup: In all. lieu and mid flair. In." and salt mixed together. cook until thick- oiled. Add butter, let cool Jun I tit. tle Ind nerve. Howard-[Men Cafeteria? Call up your frirmlu and "we! them than. ‘A cup ihmr t cup - . 1% cup- strawberrie- Water 16 tipoon ult W hy not Strawberry In†dine tonight at the Adv "