Sudden Death of Two Highwood Residents Th MI the "I Mr. Aloysius M. Inhale died last min: " his home, I38 High street, the result of heart tumble. "e hnd "I ill since the tirsst " the yen. Mr. Zahnln um: born in DeerReld, t had lived most " his life in Hith- "M. "e wa., thirty-eitrht yum old. "a leave, to survive him, hit, wife "I two Mulls. Ilsa three sisters, In. Inmas Mooney,, Mrs.. John Klemp, r24. William Glad". and four broth- w. Fred, William, and Gene, of mhlaml Park. ttrd Funk of Guys Mr Th mVour-QH Snot" rhrw-ymr-n'ds in the Admiralty mm, south of the Phillippines, like " smohintr, Dr. Marinret Mead, th" American Museum of Natural RECEIVED “AWARD or' MERIT" FOR PERFECT SOUND Pbue 2 '00 SATI'RIIAY. MAY " SI'NIMY. MAY NOW SHOWING MONDAY. TI'I-ZSDAY. WEDNESDAY. MAY 26-27-28 Til t' “SIM Y. FRIDAY ft 'ral service will he hold tut. m,rrtintt It nirw-thirty o'riork James church, "itthwond. In. Lilli.- linden". rhilrlren to survive Mia Viva Eu. [insulin label. Dorothy. Shirley Jettn,Unhn and Robert. Lillian "granule. wife of "nrdeaktie of 229 Washington llighwmul. died last evening liuhland Park hospital follow. w day ilhtos of bloodpoiaon- w w“ thirty-novon yum old. vs her husband she Ietwes “THE GREEN GODDESS†titte ttrr “THE LOVE PARADE" HAROLD LLOYD ’ I “WELCOME DANGER" have been eomplrted "ANNA CHRISTIE†press no funeral " GRETA GARBO ALCYON “H o N E ar" MAURICE CHEYAMER NANCY CARROLL GEORGE ARLISS Highland PHI: TALKS IN . Myron A'. Ryholt, scout executive for the North Shore Ares council. Boy Scouts of Ameriu, reports that every. mail brings in several regir tratirm for the wmmer comp. 150 scouts can he aveommodated tor four different periods, a toUl of 600 res- ervations. Euctly 300 paid reserva- tions wore in at noon Wedneldly: for thr. first peritd starting June 28, 69 resprvtstions; tor the second period startintt July N, 133 reservations, for tho third period starting July M, 80 n-servations. and for the fourth pe- nml starting August 5, IR reserVI- Many Scouts Register for Camp this Summer the the in rm in: is 1 thing t nickel-1 printed with on 0an: Brit!" Party Tho npc-ning bridge party and but. fet. supm-r win he held at the Brier- xato Gulf club. Thursday, May 22. Alt members are assured of In en- jnyuhlr evening. In thw ot 'the weakness“ orativertis- a is that it's an diMeult to say uny- ung about a M cent cigar that the l'koI-(‘illilr man hasn't. a! r e I d y lt will he soon by the Ibove that , second session in tttrout full. At . rate the registrations are coming it awn-um that all plums will he ml within twr, or throo weeks., Troop 30 of Highland Park, John lull, scrutmaster. heads the list th 24 scouts registered for the sec- ssion TODAY AND FRIDAY Bug-in Matinee 2:140 Continuum Shows 2.ll Sol Strauss. Mer. MAY 29, to TED P1338 Adults Only I High School Orchestra Shows Great Progress _ During the School Year Much interest has been shown in the work of the high school orchestra timing the school year because of the excellent work of its student mem- bers under the direction of Mrs. Helen Mayer Mannings, their director, who has been appointed to be in charge of tho orchestra and stringed music department of the school for the com. ine year, as in the present session. The prottresss,rd the orchestra his been notable, starting with eight stu- tlents list fall, and the present an- I‘ollml-nt is 34. Mrs. Manning: hopes to see this number doubled in another The urchostra has appeared tre nuently this, year at the different grade schuols. School plays gave a splendid demnnstration of their ihttt Wnrk this your at the spring concert. special mention should be made of the “Don Juan" overture by Mozart. yvar They take part in Student Stunts, playing, Old Kine Cole "Fantasia" airwill furnish the music for com- mencement. The oetet, a smaller group of play- pry from the orchestra , have also played many times this winter. They am tn appear at the June meeting of the Highland Park. Music club. A pi~nu trio has been recently organ- tred and they tn will play for the club. Members of the orchestra and the instruments played by them are as pi~nu trio has been recently organ- tred and they to will play for the club. Members of the orchestra and the instrunwnts,plN'ed by them are as follows: Violins-Oswald" Saielll, Edward Acomh. Rotter Paul, Robert Brown, Margaret Esmiz, Loretta Rafferty, Henry Fieheskie, Louise Gehr, Ruth Purdue. Donald Merilahti, Isabel Bur. ris. Mabel Clark, Karl Hansen, Carl Johnson, Gevrtte Meyer, Betty Udell, l'.0ith Rnsoluml. Viola -Bett.v Ann Shepherd. Cell, s-John llnrn, Barbara, Balke. Basses-damn Guidzik, Jean Eric- s-un. Helen Verwee. F'lutrt-,-Willard F,rieson, , . CHrirwts - t'larerteo, Manningq, Mary Huffman, Robert Jordan, How. ard Knaak. _ Collection of general taxes for the entire county on. Tuesday reached $3e 216,000 according to le B. Morse, crunty trensurer, who finds that ply- ments, while a triae'suow, are time“ normal. F F Roaster. Taxes Paid So Far in Cinmty Over 3 Millions In addition 'tn this sum payments in excess of 8150.000 have been made on special assessments bringing the total collection to $3,366,000, The entire collection will tun close to $84r00,000. The delinquent “is will he hold the latter part of July. Allais. Werner Wieboldt, Tho Howard-Udell Cafeteria pleasant place to eat and meet friends. Cnrrwtw--sture Llohnsnm, Margaret French "rum-Eva May Hal Tromhnne-trank Knllmt-r. Tympani--Brent Wrenn. Drums-Carl Kinley. Pitnr--Viririnia Engels, Betty Ann Shepherd Jnhn llnrn, Barbara -,ranet Guidzik, Jan! Hardeaistle, Leonard your Adv. l Northbrook to Open t _ New Baseball Diamond Next Sunday, May M, St. James will Journey to Northbrook to take part in the grand opening of North. brnnk's new baseball diamond. The nwyur of Northbrook will throw the "fivst hall. The Boy Scouts will par- ado in honor of the Occasion of the (inching of the new field. mwidentally the boys intend to Como home with the long end of the some in the hall game that is to be played between Northbrook and St. James. Tho game scheduled for list Sun. day between Des Plaines and St. James was called offlon account of the cold weather. Santi Bros. Market Wins Indoor Game Santi Bros. 'meat market defeated tho Highwnnd firemen by a score of 6-0. in a fast and exciting indoor game early this week. Santi Bros. wuuld like to book twi. light games with neighboring teams. Kindly call H. P. 117. Several Activities On'Friday, May 16 last, Misy Ethel Goddard crmluctcd a play festival on dw meoln School campus from 7 to 8 p. m. " my: well attended inn everything, including 'the weather, conspirml to make it a delightful "pray-timc" for the pupils and their Ann'unm-mont is made that this cumin): Friday, May 23, will be Field Day for Ravinla school. An interest- ing program from 3 to 7 p. m. will lu- given under, the managment of Mr. Howard Crrpp, physical director. Mrs. Walter Metealf, vice-president of the Ravinia P, T. A, is chairman of the committee having.refreshments in charm. All ink-rested p'ersons are "pray-Lime parents. The following evening, an enjoyable performance nf the Operetta "Pied Piper" was given at the Ridge school umlvr the direction of Miss Inns J. Nixon. "urine 19:30. the highway divlllon will spend a"total of approximately $2,000,000 for separating highway and milrnad grades throughout the state. The railrnmls' share of the costs of .theso projects will be another $2,000e oou In the Chicago metropolitan area. the crimhinod expenditures of the Mate and the railroads for grade sep- oration prospects will total about 82,- 500,000, while the work downstate will cost approximately $1,458,000. in charm. All int invited tn attend. Matt to Spend Large Sum in 1930 for Grade Separation, Report Says Director Harry H. Cleaveland of the department of public orks and buildings. and Chief Highiéy Entries eer. Frank T. Sheets h e handed Governor Louis L. Emmerson I de- failed report of the grade separation program planned forrthe year. rests on a refusal to expose them. selves to ttlest. . Sirme penple's sense of superiority Thursday, May 2.2, 1930 in Lincoln District