ANOTHER EXCERP'I‘ FROM EGAN PAPERS Thursday, May 29, 1930 Says Cardinal Flbwer of Swamp Takes Kind! to Culti- vation; Lat; Following is another selection from) the writings of the lite William C. Egan of Highland Park. The topic of this paper is "The Cardinal Flower": "The Cardinal flower (Lobelia Car- dinalis) of our swamps takes kindly in cultivation and may grace the borders or enjoy the more damp open situations in the wilder parts of our grounds. If one wants to see an unusually fine display in the border certain conditions must be adhered to. Many of my plants this season were four to five feet tall, possess- ing from 20 to 30 side blooming branehes--one plant had 38. "H We study a plant in its native haunts, considering its surroundings, und the conditions under which it thrives,-we may obtain hints " to what course to pursue when it is brought in to our borders. Acting upon the information trained often assures success. _ Shallow-Rooted "The Cardinal flower in shallow rooted. and like all plants of similar character. does not like to have the sun beating down upon its roots. It even endeavors to protect itself by a growth of rosetted leaves at its base; but, in addition to this, in its natural habitat, the foliage of the adjoining grasses shades it. "l Crow the plants as bienniala, hecnuse they do not always winter well. It often happens that plants which look fairly well when tirat un- covered in the spring die when ex- posed to the sun and winds. If cut, almw the melting, snow and rains to enter and often causes a rot at the root that extends to the young plentu clustered at its base. Place some leaves over the roots and hold them in place by perennial tops cut from the flower border. In the swamps their tops are never cut unless men with a scythe is after slough grass. l scw the seed in February in the) greenhouse. planting the seedlings in May on the north side of a solid board fence, giving them the ordinary wa- tering any plant would have in dry times. Here they have the required 'ua, and by fall they have made fine plants. They are then placed in a rold frame and transferred in the spring to their blooming guitars. "About the middle of June I place over their roots, and for about six inches beyond them, a three inch mulch of well rotted manure. If the manure is 'Utrawy" Ind looks un- tidy, an inch of soil is added. The ordinary watering that all my bed: gel. in dry times is all they uk." At un evening party the truesU were naked to take I part in a game in which everybody J"? to muko I lice. the one who made the worst Nee to win the prize, It seemed " if all did their worst. Then the judge went up to one woman who was sitting oft in one corner. "Madam," said he, “I think you have won the prize. Allow me to--." “Excuse me," she said, haughtily. "Excuse me," i, "I wasn't tMyinttt' {n Increase in Waukegan V Population Permits . omcial Salary Raise Memberrof Wsukeun'l next city council. to be elected next yen, will be eligible to I raise of $t,000 apiece in their salariee u a result of the recent census. it we! learned today. The provisions for the salaries of the mayor and the eorttmitusionem no incorporated in the stnte statutes governing municipal corporntione. These statutes provide that Lolly of 15,000 population Ind not over 20,000 may pay its miyor not over $2,000 and its commissioners not over $1,700. That won the salary rate re- ceived by Wyrketput's council until tour years ago. when the eity comm showed that Waukexln wu well over the 20,000 mark. At that time, the scale provided for cities of om 20,000 and not over 30,000 wu IdOpE- ed, Ind this scale is still current. It gives the mnyor I maximum of $2e 500 und the council members a muti- mum of $2,000. The statutes provide, however, that when a city a 30,000 and not over 40,000, the salaries may be 83,500 for the mayor and $8,000 for the commis- sioners. These figures do not include salaries received by the council mem- bers as members of the board of lo. cal improvements, which would bring the total salary for the mayor and commissioners under the new census flttures to $4,700 and $4,200. The salaries do not apply auto. matically. and they are not I set scale in the Illinois statutes. The statute merely provides that the raise may be voted, and provides that it shall not exceed . set figure. It does not make that Mure a munda- tory one. Report Plans Under Way for New Theatre at Libertyville, Ill. While plans are still in the forma- tive Matte entirely, it is reported that there ii, possibility of the.ereetityt of a $200,000 theater arcade 1nd " More building on the site of the old Heath residence on the west side of Milwaukee avenue in the hem of the business district in Libertyville. Reports at Libertyville state that J. Meyer, Waukegan tobacco mer- chant. Nathan Slepyan, manager of the LaVilia theatre. at Libertyville' and his brother, who manages the Sheridan theater in North Chicago, are the backers of the plan, according to a Waukegan newspaper. . Reports Mate that the tentative plans call for a $g00,000 building of the arcade type which will include a theater of modern design with seats for 800 patrons, while the front of the building would include six stores as well as the theater foyer. n The old Heath residence is consid- ered an ideal location for the build- ing and as the property Inn bttlt m, ...." .... ...- râ€, m, a run down condition for I number of years, would Md ttretrtiy to the appelnnce of the down town section of Libertyville. Willium B. Smith, father of sum Attorney A. V. Smith, died at " home, 410 Hickory Inset, Wuh- gun recently. Mr. Smith Wu " yours old. . . _ l THE PRESS HIGHWOOD ICE CO. Highwood lee Cn. will sell ttt Mr per 100 "mutt" for cub payments. This hats BLACK SOIL and ROTTED MANURE ARMOURS Phone Highland Park 65 " 1.r 1H 'e.4F Wm." The above is especially prepared under seientifie treatment to make it rich in growing prerties. Just whet is needed to mute your lawn and garden successful. Commercial Fertilizers FRANK SILJESTROM ANGELO FARINO, Prop PHONE 4214 Call Highwood 4214 ice in Highllnd Park And Highway! moo lb. Molt- with 2lie dllcount for how our unlu- ttrier for I you". MILORGANITE ll