Thursday, May 29, 1980 DeeriUld, Ill. Rough Dry-Wet th-Flnt Work In“. ' M It. John A". Screen. “All Donn Bop-Ind Sharpening Tool- Any Outside Work Highllnd Park, m. 158 N. Second St. Tel. M. P. 451 EONOMICAL YET INCOIPMLY Exibe CARPENTER AND ' BUILDER Aarleg fbthoolof may: SEWING MACHINES E11131. “11130? HARLEY, Dim“) 321 East Park Avenue PIANO . VIOLIN - THEORY "hm Hhhl-nd Park mu . Winnetka so): Blip Coven, Now Ti, Curt-III Ban! Plan or Celluloid Windows. Floor Bun. Alto Trim-Incl J. M. BILHARZ BATTERIES B E C K E R Battery Service DISTRIBUTORS North Room Luna-'- Guru. " S. “at Strut DR. B. A. HAMILNN DR. A. J. WUR’I'H BOLD AND REPAIRED A. H. MUHLKE I5 North M. Johns Avenue PHONE HIGHLAND PARK N Skokie Valley Laundry Phone Highwood 3310 A. MENONI Telephone 498 DBNYmN I. P. luau But Illa- ‘I‘Ilcphlu '" KW Put Phone $68 the floor and smoked while the squaw, although tired, cut the wood, went out in the cache after feeding the dogs, 1nd brought forth lame Caribou meat, From this she curved sume steaks and we had I tough, but welcome supper. They had a few good beaded moo-l cassins finished. I traded them some Culieu, some tuvihlitrhu and my Arc- tie Zipper boots, which I bought in Highland Park a year'ago. Port. unately I had them on the sled and they were stuck on them. They did not have In abundancy of fur, but were glad I came us it saved them te make a trip into the village. The following morning they had break. fast consisting of pancakes which reminded me of chewing a piece of tire tubing, but had to give the cook it few compliments and express the desire of having all the other m- tives made as good pancakes as hers, A great big smile covered her face tind immediately filled my plate with n big stack of More Pancakes! 1 could not show my regrets, but tin- ished them and after I good smoke departed back to the Tammi river for alum. 11 miles and cut heron country at a place more convenient for short-cutting. This is only one of my experlencu and will tell you all about them when I see yuu. I have just received a wire from the firm saying business is very rushing and I have now been in Neu. nna, disposed my dog! for 26 Hulk- rat skins, but was umble to sell them. They are undesired at this time of your. I will be leaving Fairbanks to marrow on the train and will depart for Seattle on Saturday on S. 8. At. aura, Regards to all, Correct Census Figures For North Chicago, New Report Showing 8,495 First census futures giving North Chicago only 6,666 residents and CI“!- ing a furore among the civic leaders in that community, were corrected list Thursday by'Mrn. M. K. Northnm, supervisor for the 3111 Illinois district to give Nurth Chicago a population of H.495. Mrs. Northam also announced the census for Lake Forest as 6.137, Ccunty residents have been wait- ing oxpeetatttly for the Lake Forest figures and their announcement giv- ing Lake Forest's 68 per cent gain was received with interest. Mrs. Northam said that the census map! made .out in Washington for North Chicago were read incorrectly and that the 6,666 thture was that purt of North Chicago lying north of Eighteenth street in Wnukegln town- ship and did not include the part to the south in Shields township. The new fieure gives North Chicazo a gain of 2,656 for the 10 year period since the last census. Juneau, Almtu.--Americuut Legion- nnircs have asked that the name Cop- per Mountain in Mekintrly Nutionni Park be. changed to Mount Eielson in honor of the late Carl Ben Eiellon, I Leirionnaire, who first landed an dir. plane in the park. Eielson met dent}! in Russia while on a flitrht of mercy. Would Honor Eielson'n Name Sincerely, Mnrtin Victor TEE Pl!!! LAWN MOWER SHARPENING The Lawn Mower Shop 700 Central Ave. PHONE 3090 tttt We Call for and Deliver ANY SIZE . llixlnvood. lllilolu Highland Park, Ill.