ttttwry ry.rittiuT COLLEGES tltr', SENIOR Ptty.yratF.NCF'..q t "'IM' di. "MM ysliprs, 32-95 . Chunk". 82.95 - "net-"es. $2.95 "trsiery, II to $2.50 . White 31994". â€.95 Bhite I'plummrn. 79c . Vents. 79e . White t5rretrs, " to $3.95 llixhlund I'Irk Deerfie ttot "‘4an r, Vapor, High or Law I'rvunurv Slum! alum-tuba ' Ind Rounding Wall ' - Uni u I'll-I†.HNFUH AVENUE Mt (‘I.|I"TON AVENUE Graduation Accessories th MURPHY as SCHWALI. HEATING CONTRACTORS “I FLAG SETS FOR AUTOMOBILES " -.-.----------------rtt-==r=-it==..=-.=T-=, ield Sheilds' Graduating Class of 1930 Pi,iflssrtssigillis " the most -n. North. twelve, the , with eittht, this y Ml being Smith 's l UN aw": STATIONEII ert Larsdn IIAVI. " AI Ms including orstume jeWe hitron hamlkerehiets, and (-nlh'ln stituW m ulh t h A r (“h business xchouls next with six. plan In attend art schools, one miv school, and two dramatic an h Inlllk, "this Irvunl. Ruth Juckn, LII-yen. Juckx. lnrnnt Jetrrirs, Viminl. Jrnkinn. Henriett- mumm- Arthur 'ii,TiG0iiii/i Julian, Melvin I REASONABLE PRICES" Phone Hitrhlod Park 185 plan Ur five B tw he ,n to take a post-gruduatu w in. going to I private: m t, junior euileites, and u take up nursing. , Chieaito, and Grinnell will three. De KI") tuar, Wis. luit. and Massachusetts Jn- Teehrtolotty two, and Dart. luuhmw Mix A. M‘HWALI jewvlry and and pursrn. THE PRESS Illinois Mele. Juan): Meirer, Ruth Mitnnvr. Wilda Milani. Dante Miller, Wn|lrrd Moeller. F'lorenc Mwn. Melvin Moore. Tum Moran, Aunt-I Mums, [land Mryer. "egg New. ttiehnrd Nielsen, Gordon Nit-may". “with! UTnnnur Jtichterit l‘nrahull. Viclurla ParduUl, Vi l'nul. Rutter I'm mm. Cm Perkins, HI Pan-run. th Pitt. Willlnl Pullruh. Cu “willy. Jill" Putnam. Curl Perkins, f r-nk Pt.tvreren. Cari Pitt. William Pot malt. L'tusmms “willy. Jim»: "rm. Anthony bthir"4ttset. Nuy I‘m-m. Carl ttitersthaler. Bdrm Ruin-rut. Rand-ll Itulprbum. Dorothy tb n-kenlllch. Lydia “mkwell. Mary Rum m. Willlnm and. Kiith ,lph, Htsruhl Carlin, Loyola, Lewis Institute, Par- sons, Boston School of Physical Edu- mum, Archfurd. Deep Springs, An- nupqlis, Wheaton, Boston Tech, Duke, Harvard. Notre lhme, Curtis Aero. nautical school, Maser, and Mt, Ver- mm Seminary. _ RABBI MANN SPEAKER MI C0lniffiMlfihEltf auditorium on Thursday evening. June 12, at 8:15 u'eloek. He will speak an “Education and Lite." hr. Mann is frum the Chicago Sinai unxreguliun, and w, also a professor at the University yt Chicagoybesidea being a prominent tttture in countless other orttartimtions. His home is in Chicago. 7 Reverend Dr. Louis L. Mann, Ph.D., will be tho speaker lit-the 1930 Com. nwneement, which will be. held in the auditorium on Thursday evening, June 12, at 3:15 u'clock. He will speak Two.Student Speakers Wilda Miessner, the highest in scholarship in the senior class. has chosen as her speech '?The Hard of Mantua," while William Ellis, second highest in the senior class, will speak on "The Prcgrtutt of Peace." First on the prugram the orches- tru, under the direction of Mrs. Man- nings, will play two numbers, '"Bo. heminn Girl" by W, Bulk, and the "Burcarolo Waltz," from Tales of Hoffman, by oftenueh, The invocation and the benediction will be given by Reverend Alan Bill. mum pastor of the Methcdist chur'ch of Lake Forest. The Buys Glee club, under the di. rectinn of Mr, Dinkeloo. will sing "By the Sea" by Penis. Virginia Engels will play a piano solo, "Sonnet 104 from Petrarea," by Liszt. Honors Ind Diplmnlx Mr. Sandwick will present honors u, different momma†of the class, while Mr. (lenrgv J. McBride, presi- di-nt of the Board of Education, will present the diplomas. The pruuram will be closed by the singing of "America" by both the audience and the class. Silo, Irm- suui. Therm Scharlr, Dorothy Scrotum". Edn- Schm-lder. Hutu-re Scott. Beale Neyrnrth. Hugh Shun. Ethyl 53mm". Lydia Smith. Lillian Smith. Linn thrite, John tiornter. Buion ttouthertom Lennie Sta-helm. erlnneuv Sw-nun. Burton V Taylor. Bonn! Thom-n, Jack Thuman. chPheraon 'rruux, Ellen Tucker. Robert Wade. Thom" Wanner. Funk Warren, may June wcueuberttrr, Marion erch. Elwin) We'hlge, lauh Whyte. Jamie Willi-ms. Hernia: Willlum». Jetttt Wink. Marian ' Wolterditut, Marguerite Wright. lmlilu Wymnn. Ada knack-r, Vemnin scholarships are to be awarded to many students who are grlduating l'nm Deergeid-Shields this year. The list of awards include the two year scholarship to the University of (‘hicugo, the scholarship to levu'd, the one fur a Lake Forest girl for Lake Forest college, the fund donated by the Highland Park Ossoli club, which is the woman’s branch of the Highland Park club, and the Deerfield- Shields Scholarship fund. John Horn, of Ravinia, was chosen for the Chicago "U" scholarship. which was wan by Tom Lester last year. Richard Neff received the Harvard alumni scholarship. This provides $500 a your. _ Girls Receive Scholarship: Dorothy Maiman and Henrietta Jenkins were the girls to receive scholarships. Dorothy is going to Luke Furest, and Henrietta, who re- waived the Os.wli award, is going to Nurthwcstern. Seven,buys were chosen to receive help trum the' Deertleld-shields Schol- arship fund, which was donated, to quote the curriculum handbook, “through the generosity of friends ot' the school who wish to remain in- cugnitu." The boys are Earl Goss- willer, Clarence Huetton, Dan Mal. tmehr, Fred Drakeman, James Cufty, Richard Nerf, and Arthur Magnum. The fund is not suffieient to pay all expenses, but it will help a grant. deal. Mednlu Awardid . Two gold medals have been don. ated by the Dumaresq Spencer post of the American Legion. One of the medals, the' “Valedictorian Medal," will ir, to the student who has the highest average in grades in the graduating class. Wilda Mieasner will receive it this year. The other medal presented by the American Legion is for the buy who is the school's best athlete. In ad- dition to being a good athlete, the buy has to be of good character. ' Tom Moore is planning to go to the Yale Dramatics school. Tom, you will remember, was in the cuts of "The Poor Little Rich Girl" and "Seven Keys to Bal,dpate." He has nlso “ken part in several of the Garric kplays. Faith F'uyer is planning to go to I dramatic school. too. In addition to these medals, the class of 1907 annually presents a medal to the student who is voted by the toaehers to be the best all around student in the graduating class. To be taken into consideration when judging is accuracy. scholarship, character, application, perserverance. schnol spirit, and fidelity. In t:rder to be eligible for this award, the student must have an av- (wage of at least 80 during his or her fourth year and must complete the regular tour year course in four years. The medal is known “the "Medal of Honor." . Alumni Give Medal Thursday, My 29, 1930