Thursitty, May 29, 1980 SUMMER HOMES (h? C RAVINIA hlmsm (Continued" from pugs 8) north shore this year Wu Mme. Lu. crezin Bari. This sopranor In: lived at Lake Forest for several summers post, and will again make her nbode in this suburb during the coming leu- sun. Mme. Elisabeth Rubber: , equally partieulsr about "ranging for a house well in adv-nee, and all: will live in Winnetka in a beautiful home situated neu- the lake when she can enjoy daily swims. Mme. Rethberg is now in Europe. Word comes that Mme, Yvonne Gall, who is in Parirwhere she Ipent the winter singing " the Paris 0p- era. will sail for New York June'3. She will go immediately to Ravinia to occupy the house she has leased m Highland Park. Mill Flotsam Macbeth has engaged a place in Ra- vinis within easy walking distance‘ of the opera house. Mme. Julia Claus- een will live in Highland Park and Mme. lna Bourakaya will hive a house in Glencoe. Giovanni Martinelli, who is mak- ing a brief stay in italy where he hrs a home of his own, has engaged It house at Winnetka which has been his summer hume for the past lev- vrul Seasons. Mr. Martineili finds that the realities of home life make the best antidote fur the unrealities of the world of make believe, and , pends much of his leisure time work- 11:3mean DIRECT .-oooG-aiaaaua-t/ on†on. ugh! from Chicalo Rocky Mountain Limited Every travel luxury Daily from La Salle Street Station (on the Elevated loop) and En lewood Union Station $'s"dl St.) Dgllioxtrher l Colorado l, Springs Bonk Inland Vandal: Tgrd Service Bureau . nit,t."ggtu'tt,"8ller, - "'t-. h"a.".h"oTaaiarariaTuk- _ Add, M "30S, homo mud-Mimi “about; via 3.21.233» I ad F ttttMS ing in his garden. Edward Johnson' has long been I neighbor of the lar. tinellis in Winnetkn and expects to live there again thin summer. Mr. Johnson will he mwmmniod by his daughter who is his comtlnt comp-n- ion during the summer months. Mu- ia Ch-mlee will locate with bin tarte ily in Highland Park, where they will not only enjoy the comfort: of I commodiou house, but of a large garage " well, for Mr. Chlmlee in " enthusiastic motorist who liken to work on his own car. Armlnd Taint- yan will occupy a house at Ravinin. Jin, money ii u........r...,.~..... Go seedhil cur! Inspect in tine Duco finish-iU “andâ€: upholstery-its e xc e le n t tires and complete equip- ment.' Compare its un- equalled low price'. Act iquicklg; t,tioid'"'", it's too ate. rice " 3 days only at,,, _ $265 Provides nmple spice for 5 pusengers. Motor h" been t h o r o ughly reconditioned. Not a scrunch on the body. Sold "with an OK that counts." Special sale price .rrqr' .. V. $395 1928 Model A Ford Sport Coupe in buying Used Ca"? It: your themtlet Mien 1928 Chevrolet Coach 120 North First Street WM. RUEHL & CO. THE PRES! Other. Ueatad Giuseppe Dania, who went to Europe shortly after the clone of hi: New York lea-on. will live in Glen. coe during the coming Ilium. Mule Buick will live in Highland Park. This Inburb will lulu be the home of Virgilio Lnnri. At pru- ent Mr. and Mrs. Lauri are in " lili, Italy, which in the tormer's birthplace. Leon Rothier, of the balsa contingent, hu engaged a house in Winnetkn for the lummcr. Min Ruth Pile, premiere dan. seuse' at Ravinin Opera, recently re- PONTIAC DELIVERY m _ $115 1928 ESSEX COACH win etc- cellent tsupe--tires like new, only mull down payment. Bal- ance any terms. Fully equipped -uunk and spare tire. 1930 license plnteu tas SPllllerA6ml,Jhllt Illia]!!]]]'? And lily 'ttire an an be bought for ply-em and any terms. 3days tMM " 'Uhif"1 turned from Honour when III. M an ruminant. Ordinarily atte “VII in I home of her own in Chicago. but she has [and I plum " BIviIlI tor the summer. GennIro Perri, op of the principal conductorI. In: pur- chased his own home " Ohm. III Louis Huulmm. likewiu I ttein- cile conductor, will live It High- tami Park, Wilfrid Pelletier In taken I house It Glencoe, while Gh- mvmu Spaduni ttss lacunae I permu- ent. resident of the north shore, Inv- ine established him-elf in I home of his own in Ravinia. t OAKLAND COUPE - PACKARD W26 SEDAN. G CBr cur tor, taxi or depot PONTIAC COUPE 1921 Won- derful cunditiun. Many extras $4TS Phone 1110 I u-III do"! $125 $275