Phone 2100 NOW I'l SYN NIHV. “AV fll “mun. TI mun W _ .Il'NE ALEXANDER GREY _ BERNICE CLAIRE WEDNESDA Y. T" l' REDAY. FRIDA y “THE GREEN GODDESS" IIINII' Mammal Monday Ntttt, .II'VI “The Vagabond 7 King†1an "NO, NO, NANltilX0Nil" “Tl“ DEVIL’S PIT†HIV; F'Rtn,ty--itriCoA'ttoN my GEORGE ARLISS 7 _ um nu: F'r'..tTI RF. rmmmn EDWARD E. HORTON in “WIDE OPEN" “FREE AND EASY" Sea Scouts To Sail Lakes DUSTER KEATON Filmed "Him-[y in mutual color! so “WASH-Z IN ADMISSION PRICES! the SHIJ’N'TI-ZID TALK INC, ALCYON thr DENNIS KING In thr All-Talking Cumrdy ttit h Iremn Tel in attend. " mu fin“! In the, Sluniral Comedy l'hlln llizhlnnd Pnrk and " paper. pu'TrilEh' yum-rings me time Continuous Show: g. mg MI nrgain Matinee .(zmo . Table Ila-nrllions wentative of books. "ntertainintt prngram mp‘ and toasts were 'tft, the unnthnr column in Sal Shaun. Mgr. evening. This f the most inter- th" vlusac-s have Syn-rial Matinee THE PRESS JUNE t, 2.11230 ' Members of Highland Park lodge‘ No, 445 will make their annual trip In Moaseheart an Sunday. June 8. All members will meet " West Central awnue in {rant " the old city hall building not later than ten-thirty. Those members driving their own cars and having room to carry one or, more nassemzers beside their own more passengers beside their own families will kindly notify J. O'Brien telephone H. P. 2233 or H. A. Hansen, H. P. 1014, in order that all those wishing to make the trip and not having transportation may he fur- ni~hod with same. Those wishing to 5:1. to Mooseheart and not httvitttt transportation will plume call either nm of these brothers in order that it "ts'purtubinrt may be arranged for. This invitation is nut only extended it" members and their families of Highland Park lodge but also to frionds of the Moose as well. The annual Memorial service forl t!eeoa.cvrl momhers of the local lodge was hula rrst Monday owning and was largely attended, over sixty mem- hers heine present. The ritualistic work was put on by the officers in a must pleasing and impressive ttttttV nor assisted by M. Kasper at the piano, Mr. Glover as hueler and vocal sa.leetirrns by Mr. Hollands of'LIke Forest and Past Dictator H. A. Han- Local Moose Will Tho noxt regular meeting will be held on Monday evening, June 9 at which time another large class of can- :ildatos will be initiated. John A. Schreurs Former Resident Dies The tic-nth of John A. Sehrours,ne-l eurrpd nt‘his home 610 Lake street, Evanston, Monday, May M, after a lingering illness. Mr. Schreurs was a photographer and lived in Highland Park at R07 Lincoln avenue for elev- on wars. The family moved to Evan. ston ton years ago: He lravon his widow, Anna E., and two sons, War. rm n., of 20m Colfax snort. Evan. 'rton, and Vincent C., of Museatirur, lawn. Private funeral son-im- were hvlrl " the home, Dr. Tittle of the Firs-t M. E. Chureh of Evanston, of- fieintine. Interment was in Memorial l Park. Highwnod Child Is Run Down by Truck Running from behind a earmarked nut to the curb, Robert Cnsnlnri. {our year old son of J. Pusnlnri. of 120 Hirhwood avenue. Highwnod. ran into the path of n truck. Saturday afternrnn.‘ The youth was knocked tfowtt and the truck passed over him. Although it was at first thought that the child had been seriously in. inn-d. an examination made by a physician in his home where he was married after the accident. disclosed that he was only bruised ind was “marina from shock. The incident occurred ih front of the horn» of the boy. He had intend- d to crass the street to Join some playmates when the accident occur- red. The driver. who is employed by the Central Tire Repair company of High- land Park, was not held. Visit Mooseheart HIGH SCHOOL STUNT PROGRAM B SUCCESS Before a packed house more than 300 students of Deerfield-Shields high school on Friday evening presented their third annual Student Stunts pro- gram in the high school auditorium. The prngram included three sections. entitled. Americana "Fantasity" and entitled. Amerir "-Iazzmania." Since this foaturv was started three years up it has grown each your in both elahnratottess at produc- tiun and popularity with the public. and the notable success of,Fridny night's presentation augurs well for still greater oftorts in this line next. year. The program was given undér the auspice-s of the P. T. A. for the bent" fit " the Richard F. Sindwiek me- mm-inl scholarship fund. The P. T. A. committee in charge consisted of Miss Bredin, chairman. Miss t'nnnell.v. Mrs, Peers, Miss Cumor, Mr, Peers, Mrs. Herbert Smith, Mrs. Jenkissnn, Mrs. Danley. Mr. Kendiz. Miss Lane, and Mrs. Jerome. teked House Sees Third nual Presentation Friday Night; Features Band Opens l'rognm Mr. "olle's hand opened the pro- gram If the waning by playing in hunt of the auditorium. As last year thvy marched up to the stage, play- ing Snusa's Washington Post March, one part marching down the lteft They also phyod the "Maine Stein Song" and Sousn’s "Stars ind Stripes" march. niglexrnm- part down the right and tho drum-major dawn the center: The drum-ma} Wrenn. Military Funeral for Lake Forest Pilot Who Was Killed Last Week The funeral of Harold Mayer, Lake Forest airplane pilot, killed May 23 while making a landing willuntwo Clarence Cable was victim of a. crash on the Paeifle coast a year ago and Ray Rowe was killed about a month [an in Texas. q pisscngers in Indiana, was held Mon- day at the Lake Forest Presbyterian n‘iurch. It was a military funeral, arm tho pallbearers were senior of- fiysrs of the aviation department at Croat. Lakes Naval Training station. Burial was in Lake Forest cemetery. Mayer, who Wis 24, was 1 found: aimlvnt at Lake Fortst college. He was emplnyed by the Curtiss flyhttt sowico and was regarded as an ex- n-llont pilot, efficient atd careful. His plane struck an unlighted tree on the landing field, causing the heel: dent. He is survived by his wife, who was formerly Miss Elizabeth Halten- hoff of Lake Forest. Both passen- gers in the plane were injured but not severrl.v. Mayer is the third for- mer Lake Forest student who has been killed in airplane accidents. The soc: ml part of the program. merieami, was devoted to "Saturday (Continued on page 24) Thursday, May 29, 1930 uni-by the way, was Brent An.